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Please welcome StarrFlight FOBs as a sponsor of!

August 26, 2014 by CouesWhitetail in Site News with 0 Comments

Please welcome StarrFlight FOBs as a sponsor of! For those of you not familiar with FOBs, they are a product designed to stabilize your arrows in flight. They completely replace any need for fletching an arrow. There is a lot of science behind how and why these FOBs stabilize arrows so well. I will post some videos that demonstrate that.

StarrFlight® is a product line of Desert Dynamic Research Inc. (DDR) located in Tucson Arizona. DDR is a company that is comprised primarily of archery hunters that are engineers from the aerospace industry, more specifically, missile design and test engineers – mechanical, manufacturing and electrical.

Here is what owner Paul Morris said about his team, “Everyone on team DDR is an avid outdoorsman with a real love and passion for hunting and fishing. Being engineers, we are always analyzing and modifying our equipment in the pursuit of improved performance.”

The FOB is a simple, yet carefully designed piece of plastic that is installed easily without glue on the end of your arrow. When you have a pass through shot on an animal or a target, the FOB pops off to mark the spot and is completely reusable. The FOB is designed to work on carbon arrows and drop away rests.

FOB specs 1

how FOBs outperform in a crosswind:

here is a video showing the FOB going through a trophy taker drop away rest.

Why would you want to change from fletching to FOBs? Well, arrow stability is much improved with FOBs compared to fletching, especially in windy conditions. Check out these videos showing how a FOB can reduce deflection caused by a crosswind. FOBs are also easily replaced in the field. For those of you tired of fletching arrows, this is a perfect solution for saving time and improving flight of your arrow.

Here is another great reason to give FOBs a try……Starrflight is putting on a $5000 archery shoot off October 11 and 12th in Globe, AZ. Here is your chance to win some money and give FOBs a try. Your $65 entry fee to the tournament includes a free pack of FOBs. So you can find out for yourself how well your arrows fly with FOBs.
To register for this archery shoot, visit

2014 StarrFlight Shoot Off Poster

Here are a few customer testimonials:

I wanted to drop you a line on the fobs just started shooting them with my new rpm 360 from bowtech they fly like a dart the fob is the most simple fletching there is i had my archery shop set me up jon already has set up other bows for fobs he was skepticle at first but now he is getting into them just wanted to let you know how great the fob is thanks Kerry

Just wanted to say…. Wow these fobs are bad @ss…. Never shot better!!!!! I’m. looking for a 100 yard pin now.. 80 are grouping so nice why Have friends ordering some now… Never go back to fletching these things rock. Kevin

I just returned from Africa where i was able to take nine animals eight different species all with your fob. The professional Hunter loved the way the Fob came off to make the blood trail. However the blood trail was only need a couple of times. The other shots were so accurate that the animals fell within sight, including a big Cape Buffalo. The longest shot was 45 yards on a beautiful Sable Ram. I hope i have several good pictures to send you showing the Fob in my quiver.
Thanks for a great product
Kenny Cole


FOB tech

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