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Everything posted by CouesWhitetail

  1. CouesWhitetail

    Happy Birhday Standman

    Have a good one Standman. Amanda
  2. CouesWhitetail

    Unit 21

    WOW! Great catfish! I always wanted to catch a huge one like that! Thanks for sharing the pic. Amanda
  3. I got to score a monster WT the other day for Bob Beeman. It's not a Coues deer, it's a northern WT. Bob took this buck in Wyoming the year after he had seen it. He and his family were travelling on vacation to Yellowstone when they drove through this part of Wyoming. It was evening and Bob told his family to look for deer in the fields as they were driving. Suddenly Bob swerved off the road and pulled over. He had seen a monster buck! He got out and hiked down into the river bottom and got some video of the buck. The following year he put in for that unit and got drawn!! He got permission to hunt the area from the landowners and setup a tree stand to use his crossbow on this buck (WY is one of the few states that allow a crossbow). On the second morning he saw this buck walk below his stand. He had his video camera setup next to him to video his shot. However, as the buck was walking below, the camera slipped and made a noise. The buck looked right up into the tree but amazingly didn't see Bobby. The buck went back to feeding and Bob made a perfect shot on the buck. What an amazing buck. I scored it at 264 2/8. It has about 100 inches of non-typical points. What a brute! He killed the buck in Sept 1998, but had to get some more measurers to score it since it didn't get to the panel and it would be the state record buck for WY. This buck also is listed as the world record for SCI and the largest whitetail taken in the Western US in 75 years. Oh, and those of you that don't know Bob, he lives right here in AZ in Gold Canyon. (and as a side note, Bob had some replicas made of the buck's sheds from the year before he killed it. If anyone is interested in purchasing a replica, let me know and I will get you in touch with Bob. You can see a photo of the replica as the last photo in this list). This one is from King's Outdoor world calendar. They take big racks and computer generate what the buck would look like alive. This is the replica of the sheds. Congratulations to Bob. Amanda
  4. CouesWhitetail

    What a find!!

    LC had a bit of trouble getting the pics posted, so he sent them to me and I am posting them here and in the Coues shed photogallery. Don't forget he gave the measurements for this buck earlier in this discussion thread. Congrats on your great find Lyle!! Amanda
  5. CouesWhitetail

    BC Entry

    If you want to enter it, do it soon. B&C is going to up the entry fee from $25 to $40 starting July 1. It is the first time they have raised the fee in about 21 years. If your entry is postmarked before July 1 then you can pay the old fee. Afterwards it's 40 bucks. However, with the later you will get a one year subsciption to Fair Chase (B&C's quarterly magazine). If you need help getting your buck entered, just let me know. Or just contact the measurer who scored it. Amanda
  6. CouesWhitetail


    The only time I have found lion remains was from one that we had radio collared. We didn't get to it until it had decayed quite a bit, so not sure what caused it's death. But my guess would be another lion, although it could have been wounded by a hunter and not retrieved. Amanda
  7. CouesWhitetail

    odd places to see coues

    Here is one of my favority photos showing an odd place to see a coues deer buck. The photo was taken by Wade Sherbrooke when he was research director at the Southwest Research Station near Portal in the Chiricahuas. Of course it's not unusual to see a coues deer in the Chiricahuas, but I just love this one standing under the laundry line. Since there is no hunting at the research station, the deer have little fear of people and love to grass on the developed lawns. Amanda
  8. CouesWhitetail

    Whisker buiscut rest

    I have one on my bow. I got it after a friend of mine who shoots alot recommended it. I think it's great. Before I got this rest, I had several times where I was stalking something and the arrow slipped off and clinked against my bow. Although it didn't spook the animal, I was always worried it would. So I thought the whisker biscuit was worth a try. I know lots of guys won't use it because they don't want anything touching their arrow as they release it. However, I find that I can shoot accurately with it and it's not a problem. It definitely gives you the peace of mind of knowing your arrow will stay in place while you are stalking. Amanda
  9. CouesWhitetail

    New world record Coues non-typical?

    Here is the photo that Josh emailed me of the NWR non-typical coues.
  10. CouesWhitetail

    New world record Coues non-typical?

    I hope Kirk will come and confirm the info. I was at the AZ state recordbook luncheon yesterday and spoke with some people who said it scores 196 and some change. They also said it had been DNA tested. Hopefully Kirk will have more info on it. I think Josh has a photo of it, but maybe Kirk has some too. It's supposed to be a 6x6 with tons of trash on it. Amanda
  11. CouesWhitetail

    Unit 24A

    Yes, I have hunted 24A. It's an awesome unit. It is pretty popular though, so it's hard to draw. And it's a bit crowded, but not as bad as a Nov hunt in other units. Deer densities are decent, low in some areas, high in others. It's the unit I live in, so it works out great for me to hunt there. I think the name of the discussion topic where I wrote up last year's hunt in 24A was called "December Hunters". Try that in the search function in the discussion forum. Also remember to click on posts "older than 30 days" before you do the search or it won't find it. Also you can search for Unit 24A rather than just 24A. Amanda
  12. CouesWhitetail

    Finally they are dropping

    Nice photos and congrats on finding the sheds. It's always funny to find some that you know you have walked past several times! Amanda
  13. CouesWhitetail

    Last piece of Venison

    Man you must eat fast or have a lot of hungry mouths to feed! I still have lots left of my deer. Did you get it in Nov? If so, then I guess you got a couple months head start eating yours since mine is from Jan. What unit you gonna put in for? 33 again? Amanda
  14. CouesWhitetail

    Rattlesnakes in Coues Country

    Sorry to hear about the dogs getting bit. Is there any treatment for dogs once they get bit by a rattlesnake? Or do you just wait it out and hope for the best? Amanda
  15. I like Ernesto and Coues Addict's suggestions, but Chad it's up to you. If you guys just sign your name at the end of a message, then it's easy enough to see which 300 wsm we are talking to. Amanda
  16. This photo was taken by Steve Cheuvront who is an avid hunter and supporter of the AZ Deer Association. He showed me some of photos of deer the other day and I just love this one. I forgot exactly where he said he took the photo, but just happened to see the deer while driving down a road and he stopped and worked his way into them and clicked the photo.
  17. CouesWhitetail

    awesome Mule Deer photo

    Allen, I already added some of his Coues deer photos in the "live coues photos" section. Here is the link to the page with a couple of his photos. Live coues photos Amanda
  18. CouesWhitetail

    AZ. 2004-2005 REGS OUT!!

    Thanks, that's great news! Amanda
  19. CouesWhitetail

    No more Lion Hunt??

    I saw that ad and you are right that they are not asking for an end to lion hunting in that ad. However, I imagine that the ultimate wish of the Animal Defense league is to end hunting for lions and probably all animals. I scanned the ad that ran in yesterday's AZ Republic. Here it is for those of you who haven't seen it. I encourage all hunters who can to attend that meeting in Phx on Sat. APRIL 17TH COMMISSION MEETING ON SATURDAY at the FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE LODGE, 12851 N 19TH AVE. PHX, AT 9AM .
  20. CouesWhitetail

    Happy Easter Sunday Everyone!

    Happy Easter to everyone! Amanda
  21. Just wanted to let you know that I have been having some technical problems with my site for about a month now. Nobody seems to figure it out. But we are still working on it and apparently some of the work they are doing caused my site to be unavailable tonight. I hope it will be back soon. I haven't been able to update my site very often in the last month due to this issue. Please bear with me. I have lots of new pics to post, but am trying to wait until this technical issue is resolved. Thanks for your patience. Amanda
  22. CouesWhitetail

    Typical or Nontypical

    Here are the pics of Bob Horchler's two bucks from Mexico. These photos are scans of ones that appeared in the Spring 2004 issue of Trophy Hunter magazine. These photos are provided here with the permission of Rusty Hall, owner of the magazine.
  23. CouesWhitetail

    Got 2 digitals done

    Here are some pics that GMM wanted me to post for him. There are the cameras he has built.
  24. AFB, Thanks for your comments. And thank you for the sacrifice you are making to serve your country. I pray for all those who have to be separated from their families and serve in the armed forces. I hope you return safely. And I am very glad I can provide something that perhaps provides a pleasant break from your military work you have to do over in Iraq. At the moment I have been having technical difficulties that makes it hard to update the site frequently. I have lots of stuff to post that I haven't been able too. Hopefully they are going to resolve the issue soon and I can go back to posting new items everday or every few days. Thanks again for your comments and your service! Amanda
  25. CouesWhitetail


    Mark, I don't have any specific info about the wildlife management program at NAU. I assume they have it as a major since you have said you are already going to major in WM there. Since you have selected a major, they will advise you of all the classes you are required to take there to receive the major. Classes I would expect any WM major to take at any college include things like Intro to Wildlife Management, Population Dynamics, Zoology, Ornithology, Mammology, Icthyology, Ecology, Soils, lots of botany classes, several Statitics classes, and several forestry classes. I am sure there is more stuff I am not thinking of, but those are the basics. I suggest that if you have optional classes to select that you try and get some from other related fields like fisheries and forestry. If you get to be a wildlife biologist you will need to be able to understand a lot about those fields. Forestry classes will probably include classes on Fire Ecology and that would be a great one to take so you can understand the role of fire in the Southwest. Many of the classes will include a one hour lecture 3 times a week and probably a 3 hour lab once a week or something like that. Those labs can be held out in the field or in an actual lab where you deal with specimens of plants or animals. I highly recommend that you work on whatever wildlife projects you can while you are going to school. Many graduate students hire undergrads to work on their projects during the summer. That will give you great practical experience while you are still going to school. Work on whatever you can even during the semester and even if it isn't paid. The experience is golden when it comes time to compete for a job after you graduate. Also, some work experiences can be used as credit toward your degree. Loads of people drop out of Wildlife management majors during the first two years. Where I went to school they required WMs to take calculus and lots of stats classes and that made a lot of people drop the major. I would meet with your advisor and get them to give you a course list and tentative plan for what you will be taking throughout your four years. That should give you a good idea of what you have to take and what the options are. Good luck! Let us know how you are doing! And if you have any other questions, let me know. Amanda