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Everything posted by BowNut

  1. BowNut

    Draw Results post here

    Me and my brother-inlaw's son will be chassin coues in 24A in Oct.
  2. Anyone know when the draw results will be out?? Sorry just wanted to be the first!!
  3. BowNut

    Minox Sale

    Minox CFL-1 Flashlights only $49.99, reduced from $69.99 You guys will love this flash light! I won one from Doug a while back and it works great. Super brite and small you don't even know it's in your pack.
  4. BowNut

    Draw results?

    You guys are nuts we still have 2 days of the recording saying draw results are being loaded into the data base. Thurs or friday LOL
  5. BowNut

    Walk-In Cooler

    Check Archery Talk they have a great thread on there with some cool ideas. http://www.archerytalk.com/vb/showthread.php?t=1317200&highlight=coolers
  6. BowNut

    Jaguarundi in AZ

    Brandon I think you may be date'in one! I hear they are small and mean!
  7. He needs to be hunted and shot!LOL!
  8. BowNut


    Great Stories!! Me and a buddy were deer hunting in 4B years ago and decided to sit and grab a bite to eat. We were sitting with both are backs up against a huge pine tree with a fallen tree in front of us. Just as we finished eating I looked up and had a couple cow elk walking right to us. I whispered to him not to move and see how close they would get. Little did I know they were going to walk right around the fallen tree and stand right next to my buddy! He could have touched one if he wanted to. Well one of them starts to walk around the tree we are sitting by and its hind legs are maybe 10 to 12IN from my buddies side then I hear what sounds like a fart! I look over an all I see is my buddy,an elks a$$ and crap falling and hitting the ground right next to my buddy!!! We could not take it! We both tried to hold in the laughter but there was NO WAY!! The elk took off like they got bit and we laughed for hours!! Good thing she didn't have the runs or he would have had a great cover sent.
  9. BowNut

    Tonto opens tomorrow

    Looks like the two areas in Tonto will open tomorrow. I can go check the cams!!! PHOENIX(July 11, 2011) – With increased moisture and monsoonal weather actitivities, Tonto National Forest officials are reducing some forest fire restrictions beginning Wednedsay, July 13 at 8 am. The two area closures around the Mogollon Rim and the Mt Ord, Four Peaks and Three Bar Wildlife area will be lifted effective Wednesday, July 13. These closures have been in effect since June 17. Building, maintaining, attending or using a fire, campfire or charcoal-burning device is prohibited. Restrictions also apply to smoking outside of a cleared area, operating internal combustion power tools, using welding equipment or torches with open flames, operating combustion engines without spark-arresting devices in effective working order, or discharging firearms except in taking game in accordance with Arizona hunting laws. Use of petroleum-fueled stoves, lanterns, and heating devices is allowed, and some developed campgrounds are also exempted from these restrictions. (Please see attached list). “We’re not completely out of wildfire danger yet, so these modified fire restrictions are needed to protect forest users, structures and natural resources from the potential ofdangerous wildland fires,” said Tonto National Forest Fire Staff Officer Clay Templin. “We will continue to monitor the situation and lift the remaining restrictions once the wildfire threat lessens.” “We continue to remind the public that all fireworks are prohibited on the forest at all times,” concluded Templin. Violation of these restrictions is punishable by a fine of up to $5,000 for individuals, $10,000 for organizations, and imprisonment for up to six months. For more information regarding forest recreation sites and fire restrictions, please contact the Tonto National Forest at (602) 225-5200, or check online at www.fs.usda.gov/Tonto
  10. BowNut

    arrow setup?

    Here is what I will be shooting this season! Hope ya like the video. So far we have had GREAT results with these arrows. They fly like darts. 100gr broadhead and a 30-40gr outsert puts 140gr on the front of a light weight arrow they fly awesome. I can tell you they "can" group very well out to 100 yards with even fixed blade broadheads.(Slick Tricks) With your set-up you would probably go with a 400 or 350 spine arrow in whatever companies arrow you go with. Good Luck on the hunt!
  11. BowNut

    arrow setup?

    What poundage is it set at?
  12. BowNut

    Santana Outdoors $200 "Winners Posted!"

    Did like 6! Looks like there are a few more I can do when I get some more time. Awesome website by the way!May be interested in some new Kenetrek soon also.
  13. BowNut

    3D In The Pines

    Lots of fun! Me and the family had a great time. Did not seem to be as many people as the last shoot. Thought everyone from the valley would be up there out of the heat this weekend!
  14. BowNut

    Beautiful Female AKC GSP

    I had your dog hooked up with a great and loving home and you just stopped correspondance? He would have gladly paid you whatever fee you wanted and the dog would've had a great home..................... She had posted it was sold to a good home not sure what happen to that post???
  15. BowNut

    Sunrise 3d Shoot

    It is happening.I heard you can call Sunrise there is camping in the area other then there camping as you enter. But as far as I know you will need to pay to camp at a site I don't think they will open the forest but I could be wrong. I heard $18 a night in the campsites.
  16. BowNut

    3D In The Pines

    Headed out in the AM tomorrow. See ya there
  17. BowNut

    I'd forgot how fast a compound is!

    There are a ton of good heads out there. You will hear good and bad about every one of them you post about. I have hunted with guys that shoot Rage (don't myself) but I would not think twice about it I would shoot them. They fly awesome and cut HUGE holes! IMO I think more times then not it was a poor shot then the broadhead. I here guys say all the time "It was a Perfect Shot". Well a perfect shot with a field tip will bring down an elk(Not Recommended! ). I just think to many blame there poor decisions and bad shots on equipment and not on themselves in most cases. And the more popular the head the more bad stories you hear about them funny how that works.
  18. BowNut

    Tonto Closures

    Very true! Just hope with the gate locked to the road that goes anywere near them that they are dishonest but to lazy to hike in.
  19. Wish I could have made it but I was busy at the Mormon Lake Shoot and came home to be here for Fathers Day. Hope you all had a great time.
  20. BowNut

    Kenetrek Desert Guide Boots

    Maybe some of you guys that buy more then one pair could buy some of us guys who can't afford them a pair??? Looks like an awesome boot may need to save my change for a while. Until then someone get there hands on some and let us know how they are!
  21. BowNut

    Tonto Closures

    I knew I should have checked or pulled my cameras last week! At least I know they are safe from getting stolen for a while.
  22. BowNut

    trailcams in 24b

    It was me... don't take them It's my first time putting any up and really just testing it out on location. Not a hard place to get too, but there was a ton of sign out there. Are you hunting that area? Just put a couple out myself Monday for the first time. Not sure how guys can not check them all the time it's only been a couple days and I want to go back!LOL! Good luck I hope we both have them when we go back.
  23. BowNut

    Left eye dominant right handed

    I got one kid left eye'd right handed and one kid right eye'd and left handed! A lot of people in my family are the same so it was something I checked on them right away. I had them shoot the same as what ever eye was dominant. I think thats the best thing to do but I know a lot of great shooters that shoot with there non dominant eye.
  24. If he would have just kept his mouth shut and did what the officer asked him to do that would never have turned into a yelling match and we would have never heard about it. Like the officer said he has no clue who this guy is. He could have just shot someone he has no idea. Not saying the cop was 100% right but they were in a public place just do what he says you don't get shot or yelled at that way! After that if he feels he was treated badly then take it up with them after the officer knows he is safe and is going home to his family.
  25. BowNut

    Scanoe for sale
