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Posts posted by youngbuck

  1. I got a call to help a guy in 5a tomorrow for a cow hunt. I haven't spent much time up there looking for critters. I'll be close to FR141. I normally don't ask for info, but this was a last minute deal. If you do have info you'd like to share, please PM me.


    Can you glass much there? I'd feel pretty bad if I couldn't find one cow, just wondering what to expect.

  2. The binos in that size I would consider are the Minox, Vortex Kaibabs, used Zeiss 15x60s, and Swarovski SLCs. It depends on how much you want to spend. I haven't spent much time with the Minox. The SLCs are the standard, some guys prefer the Zeiss. I think Swaros are a tine bit more clear and the Zeiss have better contrast for my eyes. The Kaibabs aren't too far behind for less money. The Minox are even less, but there are lots of guys who like them.

  3. i have real long arms. but most folks do that are 10 feet tall.


    So does that fella on the jerky commercials, maybe he's your twin :lol:


    Hope the scope works out for ya Lark. My dad has a no power red dot on an 8-3/8" .357 wheel gun. It is a lot of fun.

  4. I honestly don't think GearSnagger is too far off. One of these days a group of people is going to draw a line in the sand. A lot of guys have seen the whole wolf thing play out in Idaho and Montana. The video that Tony posted here a while back, Cry Wolf, did a really good job of shedding light on the economic impact of re-introduced wolves besides the impact on wildlife. There will come a point in time when people will take the matter into their own hands. I sure hope the "pro wolf" side realizes this before they spend a bunch of my tax dollars on a wolf that will end up shot. I don't think that is going to happen. I would bet they are going to spend all kinds of money to get wolves put into more areas, just to have people decide to get rid of them before they get out of hand.

  5. Forster called me back and want me to pay for the polishing and for them to ship it back. It had 30rds of brass run though it and they said it needed polishing and I had to pay for it. I told them to keep the sizing die. My Redding bushing die was smooth as silk. I'm running just under 2 thou neck tension. I loaded some of the 300gr Bergers up to 91.5gr of H1000. The primers are flat, but didn't seem too hot. I may creep up to 92gr and see how that changes my groups. My drop was spot on to 831yds with the Litz G1 tested BC in the Shooter app. I'm sure the Forster seating die contact was the source of my initial drop tests being low. I need to fine tune some loads for group size and ES, but I'm pretty darn close. It will definitely be ready for my Dec tag and maybe my buddies Oct WT tag. I've got the bedding supplies, so that is on the to-do list.


    Everything seems to be working out really well. Looks as though the 110 FCP is a less expensive way to going into the 338 LR game. This rifle is 1/3-1/2 the price of a comparable full custom rig. It may not shoot as good as some guy's customs or be as cool, but I can't tell the difference the way I shoot.

  6. Put some 230gr Berger OTM on the steel @ 400yds. They were probably 2850 MV. I didn't bring my chrony to test. The metal took the hits like a champ. There is a very small dimple in the metal the size of the bullet point. You can't see it, but you can feel it. I hade the 3/8" 12" square plate hanging from chain. Those 230gr-ers sure did smack that plate.

  7. Figured I'd another one to the Netflix list.


    The Baker boys is a 4 piece documentary on a platoon in Iraq. It is really well done. One of the better "war" documentaries I've seen. It is completely different than anything I've seen on Iraq. I've been watching it over the past week. It is definitely worth a look.

  8. We need to have you come play at some CouesWhitetail.com event!! Remind me next time you see us hosting an event! :)


    Okay, Or you can call us, If there is any musician's on here that would like to sit in with us, That's always fun, There has to be some musician's on here, Thank's


    I've play drums. I played a lot more in high school than I do now. I just got a cajon to play around a campfire with an acoustic guitar. I'm tryin to teach myself bass on an acoustic bass. I'm no good at the bass, but am havin fun learning.

  9. There are a butt load of cheap spotters on the market and they ain't worth squat.

    I would not buy a spotter unless you already have a great pair of binoculars.


    Spent a year looking on Ebay and craigslist before I finally found a new pair of 15x Swarovski's in the box and full warranty for $1600.


    Now I'm on the search for a top o' the line rangefinder.



    Buy once, cry once.


    I'm hoping to get a demo crf1600 demo from CamerlandNY, I think they are 650. If you are lookin tip-top I think Vextronix just came out with a PLRF5. It is aroung 2k, but less then their PLRF10.

  10. The only thing spotters do for me is to save my time and boots. When I haul a spotter I spend 10-15 minutes a day using it. That is just to get a better look at a deer, to see if I want to go chase him. You would be better off buying some good 15x binos and a tripod, IMO. The Vortex Kaibabs are a less expensive way to get into good 15x glass.

  11. You shouldnt have any problems bedding the HS stock. I have bedded many rifles wearing HS stocks, and they all came out great. What issues are you worried about.


    The devcon sticking to the aluminum. I'm planning on dimpling it a little with a dremel and roughing it up. I may go with the gray marine-tex. I can get it through my store, but not the devcon 10110.

  12. Update #2. I shot some more groups at 100 yds. One group was under 1/2, the other right at 5/8". I shot a plumb test to see how level it all was and to test the true value of .25MOA clicks on the scope. Everything was spot on. My dad shot a group at 300 around 4", with only vertical stringing. I'm having some issues with my dies though. I am using Forster FL dies and their micrometer bullet seating die. The seater stem was making contact with the bullet tip, slightly deforming the bullets, this may be the cause of my drops being off at 1k+. I drilled the seater out with no issues now. The sizing die expander ball is collecting brass. Even when I clean this up it is aggresively sizing the neck. Seating bullets is not easy afer the FL size. I have a Redding S bushing die on the way though. I emailed Forster about the issue with the seater stem. They promptly wrote me back. I didn't expect them to fix the seater for free, so I drilled it out. Those 300gr Berger are pretty darn long. I explained the issue with neck tension for their FL sizing die and I was told I would get a call. Bob from Forster called me the next day to see what the issue was. He asked me to send the sizing die back along with some once fired brass and some marred up brass that was once sized. Come to find out Bob is one of the owners at Forster. I was pretty impressed with their customer service. I'm going to bed the stock one of these days. From what I've read the aluminum bedding block is tough to work with, but can be done. Figured I give you guys an update. I think it gonna be a real shooter when I get a sizing die giving me consistent neck tension.

  13. I have had 2 little bitty geese (plural goose?) for the past 6 years with no issues. I keep one in my truck and one attached to the bow. I don't wanna be without one. I don't shoot a ton, but they seem to hold up. Both of mine are the velcro style. If I could do it over again I would go with the strap and belt style buckle, they are a lot quieter.

  14. I know this is an older post but Industrial Metal Supply had already cut 12 x 12 squares of armour plate they were selling for really cheap. I think they were around $30. You will have to drill the holes but I was able to do so it just took a little longer. They also have all kinds of precut mild steel square and round for cheap. The problem with the mild steel is the big guns go through it like it isnt there. I had the 300RUM out and even at 725 yds with a 190 Berger HVLD it put a perfect hole right through the mild steel plate.


    I actually just bought a 12x12" 3/8" hunk from industrial metals a few weeks ago. They said it isn't AR500, but equivalent. I'm hoping it will hold up to a 300gr Berger, 2850fps MV at 500yd+. We will see. It drilled easier that I thought it would. I used a good bit on a press with plenty of cutting oil. I took my time and didn't let the bit get too hot. I am having some sizing die issues, but I should be able to test it with .284 162 A-max and .308 208 a-max in the next month or so. I also have some 230gr Hybrids on the way I'm gonna try on it.

  15. Will someone explain why the name Ron White was chosen? When you reach three-quarters of a century in age as I will this week, you'll understand why such things can be tough to understand.


    Bill Quimby


    Ron White, a comedian made famouns from the Blue Colar tour, had a bit about being on the high school debate team. He said he got kicked off the team beacuse when his opponent made a good point his response was " Well.... F you!"
