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Everything posted by NOTAGS


    What's for dinner tonight?

    You bake more pies than Marie Calender! I still hit up my 90 YO Ma for deserts. My wife doesn’t bake, and I was banned from baking during the great Empenada crust incident of 2018. Our kitchen looked like an 80’s hair band had a cocaine party. Me and flour are not friends

    Lees Ferry report end of June

    How bad was the kayak trash?


    Dm sent

    Leftover list posted

    I can remember getting multiple tags because they couldn’t give the second hunt WT tags away. You were allowed to kill two deer a year. Seems like a lifetime ago. I guess it was looking back….pushing 40 years gone by.

    What's for dinner tonight?

    On a side note, I have no finished product pics, cause my 90 YO mom and her friend from the senior living kept grabbing meat as fast-as I could slice it and eating with their hands like a couple starving savages. It was actually comical ,except I was afraid I was fixing to take one of her friends fingers off.

    What's for dinner tonight?

    After smoking for 14 hours whole, I separated the flat, and wrapped it and the point separate. With 12 plus hour smokes, my cooking time is short, the flat hit temp in around3 hours at 225. That tree trunk took forever, another three to get to 203 after turning up the heat. Turned out excellent. Made a sauce that HuntHarder turned me on to, and it was game on. I donr think I will go for such a biggun again. 17-20 lbs seems to my sweet spot, and much easier to manage at all steps.

    What's for dinner tonight?

    So,be careful what you ask for…I strutted up to the meat counter at Fry’s the first day of their last sale on brisket and said” give me your biggest brisket!” Smooth…,when the butcher dropped the slab of meat, I was concerned for his health as he was elderly. There was no backing down at that point. 26.5 lbs going to smoke for 12_14 hours tonite. Was not sure it would fit,on the Traeger.

    Rivers are Running!! Fill them lakes up

    Looked online yesterday, river temps are averaging 60. Significantly lower than last year at this time. Fill baby, fill!

    Onboard generator service needed

    I’ve used State a couple times. They’re not the cheapest, but certainly not the most expensive, and they do good work. I finally had them put an in-line shut off valve so I can run it dry for storage….keeps the carb from getting gunked up.
  10. NOTAGS

    What's for dinner tonight?

    So, if you dry swallow is that a tightey whitey?
  11. NOTAGS

    Fire restrictions starting

    Go do a baby reveal right next to what’s left of our border wall and pray for a southern wind. Send the migrants running south
  12. NOTAGS

    Fire restrictions starting

    The ignorant shall prevail. I can guarantee that even with the large LED signs that will be put up along the highways in multiple locations, some entitled dipstick will claim he didnt see them and plead ignorant. There has been a Red Flag warning in Heber for several days this week, but the Fourth weekend crowd will think its their privilege to have a fire, by gosh!
  13. NOTAGS

    What's for dinner tonight?

  14. NOTAGS

    Congratulations to those that drew

    Dayum! Its all gonna be downhill from now on after a year like that!
  15. NOTAGS

    Rivers are Running!! Fill them lakes up

    I didnt say the fishing was bad last year. We did very well. Just that the water temps werent sustainable for a trout fishery . The USFW must be having a stroke now with both walleye and smallmouth joining the Browns on the apex predator list to possibly eradicate the "who gives a rip hair-lipped chub" or whatever their precious nongame fish is down stream. New bounties to be offered? I'm with Huntharder, I'd rather catch a walleye than a trout for eating any day, and would be delighted to see smallies get a grip. F the stripers though. Maybe the colder water temps will weed out some of the kayak trash as well?
  16. NOTAGS

    Rivers are Running!! Fill them lakes up

    Sounds like I better hit Lee’s this summer, I had all but written it off with 68.9 degree water last July. Wonder if the rivers stabilized after the idiotic water dump they did earlier this spring.
  17. NOTAGS

    Awning replacement on travel trailer

    Ez with two people. 1/3 the price of an RV service center when I did it. Measure, purchase, install.
  18. NOTAGS

    When will results posted on portal accounts

    This year I realized I was going to start running out of years to apply with our exploding population and point creep. Having not drawn elk or deer for far too many applications, I swung for the fences on my first choice, and settled down for my second. I pulled an archery cow tag no one else wanted, and a mediocre at best deer tag. But, I’m going hunting in state this year.
  19. NOTAGS

    When will results posted on portal accounts

    He meant to post that today….
  20. NOTAGS

    2023 Mormon Lake Bowhunter Happening 3D shoot?

    Probably west coast investors buying up our state and screwing it up like theirs….
  21. NOTAGS

    How long until cards are hit??

    AZGF is sorry to announce that the sheep draw was cancelled due to a computer issue......
  22. NOTAGS

    How long until cards are hit??

    perhaps those of you with late hits have late notification from your banks? Mine is usually before my wallets back in my pocket. My alert was at 8:56.
  23. NOTAGS

    What's for dinner tonight?

    Freaking IPhone sideways crap
  24. NOTAGS

    What's for dinner tonight?

    Finally adding, Traeger grilled grouper and yellowtail and bellas, Instapotted green beans sautéed in garlic butter and bacon bits. I have a 15 minute prep rule. Fat boy wants to eat , not cook
  25. NOTAGS

    Anybody on here thread barrels?

    I just used Magnum Mike’s for threading and a brake on two rifles, beautiful work! Barrel looks like the brake is part of it, you can’t even see the seam if you try.