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Everything posted by Arrowsniper

  1. Arrowsniper

    Does everyone have their popcorn ready??

    Wow, Dad and sister had serious troubles too. I just read all posts....whew! Very interesting! Lucky for 777, he'll only get 5 years, then back at it.
  2. Arrowsniper

    An Early Monsoon!?!

    It's on its way.
  3. Arrowsniper

    Buck Officially Scored 200 0/8" gross 197 4/8" net

    This deer? Oh no.
  4. Okay, back to the forest for these......
  5. Arrowsniper

    Ray Evridge of Evridge knives passes away.

    Sad. I just chatted with him for the first time, last week on Facebook messenger.
  6. Arrowsniper


    Congrats to your dad! Sweet!
  7. Arrowsniper

    Buck of a lifetime!!

    A stud for sure! Congrats! Did you know he was in the area?
  8. Arrowsniper

    Elk Antler Growth 2017.....

    Spring rains this year?
  9. Arrowsniper

    Hunting with a 9mm carbine?

    My arrow is released at 300 fps and can easily kill an elk. I believe the 9mm velocity is way above 300 fps at 1,200 fps and higher. Yes, dead deer.
  10. Arrowsniper

    Spainish Chorizo

    You might put that out on Facebook
  11. Arrowsniper

    Trail Camera Bracket Question

    Can someone just walk up to my cam and change the direction and tilt? (I just found this...) http://www.cabelas.com/product/Cuddeback-Genius-Mount/2311895.uts?productVariantId=4601080&WT.tsrc=PPC&WT.mc_id=GoogleProductAds&WT.z_mc_id1=04454311&rid=20&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI4Ibcz-3q1AIVT57ACh3gpgugEAYYAyABEgKVqvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds This one has potential If it's $5 ..... http://murphymetalart.com/minimount.html
  12. Arrowsniper

    2017 Buffalo House Rock Ranch

    So, we have "other" rules set by another hunter? For money? (see bold/underlined text) Sorry, I have to go up north now and start creating "hot licks" on my favorite elk watering holes for this years hunt! If you see my salt, you guys need to leave! Clearly this is a case that the G&F should clean up.
  13. Arrowsniper

    2017 Buffalo House Rock Ranch

    I heard the same. That is why, I too, will not go for that hunt. I will venture up to Colorado or NM if I want it bad enough. Well see what the Game and Fish do about the upcoming Canyon hunt.
  14. Arrowsniper

    custom built off road utility or quad trailer

    I had no problems with pics, but I'm on home computer. Pics went thru Windows.
  15. Arrowsniper

    New Swarovski BTX

    It's almost July, what's the verdict? Is it in The Sportsmans?
  16. Arrowsniper

    4b is on fire. Again

    Or what the commander says. 40 mph winds tonight.
  17. The military Sig 320 has the safety. Does this one?
  18. Arrowsniper

    4b is on fire. Again

    10% containment is gone, now is ZERO. Ugh. And it looks like it's gonna get to the canyon and burn all the way to Chevelon Lake. Lets hope they get rain tomorrow!
  19. Arrowsniper

    4b is on fire. Again

    Yes, rain!
  20. Arrowsniper

    Storing ATV outdoors

    This. If you have the room, I say get 10x10 shed.
  21. Arrowsniper

    4b is on fire. Again

    The wind is out of SW like normal, so Forest lakes pretty safe.
  22. Arrowsniper

    4b is on fire. Again

    40 mph winds Saturday. Rather than drop fire chemicals by air and stop it, they'll play with it, and hope they can control it by shovels and tractors. This is exactly what happened when they had that big fire, what was it, 15 plus years ago in Wildcat. And it failed. They didn't get serious until it gets near houses.