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ghost hunter

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Everything posted by ghost hunter

  1. I'll take the .45 autos, 40's, and the 25-35's. I'm on your way to Silver, if that won't work, let me know.
  2. Here are some for the "universal" background checks being supported by Bloomberg and the Mayors Against Illegal Guns. Fact: Universal" background checks will be a 'de facto' gun registration because you will have to submit the paperwork generated by your sale of your gun to another. Therefore, there is documentation of what guns are being sold and to who. Fact: Recent Dept. of Justice study said that "universal" background checks will not work without gun registration. Fact: "40% of all gun sales are conducted without a background check". This statement is based on a poll conducted in 1994. The sample was 2568 people. 251 answered the question. That's it. There is no current data or study on this issue. Fact: Universal background checks will require the buyer or seller to pay a fee for the background check. It will most likely be in excess of $100. Since it is an "administrative fee" (just tax spelled different) it can be raised without congressional approval. Fact: Universal background checks will place a criminal liability on all gun owners who do not comply. Fact: Universal background checks will require that you have to get government permission to sell your legally obtained, privately owned property. Fact: Universal background checks do nothing for the cause of this discussion: individuals suffering mental illness who possess firearms AND act out criminally with them. Maybe we have to pass the bill to see what's in it. Fallacy: Universal background checks are based on the assumption that a criminal is honest enough to use his real identity. Fallacy: Universal background checks are based on the assumption that all gun owners, legal or not, will not sell their firearms without submitting the sale to a background check. Fact or Fallacy: Both sides, citing polls and surveys, claim up to 90% support their side of this issue. Its hard to dig out the truth unless you can validate the survey sampling. However, logic would dictate that if 90% of Americans supported universal background checks, Mayor Bloomberg and MAIG would not have to spend $12 million dollars on radio and TV adds in 13 different states just to convince the remaining 10%. As a side note, contrary to their adds, passing the universal background check has nothing to do with "protecting" your current gun ownership rights. Support them or not, its your choice.
  3. ghost hunter

    Facts & Fallacies

    I don't want guns in the hands of the wrong people anymore than the next guy. But I'm very concerned that if the "silent majority" DOESN'T speak up, congress will take that as 'support' and pass these laws. Allowing the politicians to "do something" is the same as giving them a "pass". That's why we have 20,000 gun laws on the books now. Phone calls and e-mails are good, actual writen letters work better. Those support the gun control laws have been out there circulating petitions along with the adds.
  4. ghost hunter

    Obummer slams AZ

    I really want to know where they got those stats. Only thing I could find last nite was the Arizona Registrar of Vital Statistics. What they show don't coincide with what Obummer and those two gals say. ...Yes I know that is a shocker...
  5. ghost hunter


    Of course, it could have been an April Fools joke.....No, I mean the over 55 part.
  6. ghost hunter


    I think the rational behind the "55" is because most, if not all, people over 55 are Viet Nam & Korean Vets. Basically people who won't put up the the UN's BS.
  7. Not looking for insider info or special deals, but have a legit question. PM if you please.
  8. ghost hunter

    Outdoor Channel Stops Filming in Colorado

    Ya, your right. The only reason he signed that legislation was to look good for Bloomberg and Biden. Instead of going else where, I'd feel better to sit out a year, take the money I saved and donate it to help get a couple of pro-gun, pro-hunter state legislators elected and try and take the state away from the tree-huggers. Sad to say, but if we, as sportmen/hunters, don't start getting actively involved in politics, we will soon be wishing we had.
  9. ghost hunter

    Outdoor Channel Stops Filming in Colorado

    Good for them!!!! I'd like to see alot of other businesses jump in a support the ones that have come out publicly against Col, and their gun-grab. As for us individuals, I think all of us should find a new state to hunt and let Gov. Hickenlooper know.
  10. ghost hunter

    Son of a &*^$ing *$^#!

    I guess I'm just too old fashioned. I just spend $.46 and mail my app in with a check for the tag amount. Only time I was rejected was when I forgot to put the hunt units on the app. No muss, no fuss.
  11. ghost hunter


    I'd say it was more than a 'small' victory. In light of all that has gone on in the past 3 months, ANY victory is a welcomed breath of fresh air.
  12. I agree that we shouldn't let down on our reps or on this issue. Soon as they think we're not paying attention WHAM!!! Feinstein gets her AWB and we get the short end of the deal. We owe Magpul, Beretta and the others who put it all on the line, to stand firm and not let our guard down until its officially over. Personally, I'd like to see all the pending bills get shot down. I have a big problem with having to get the governments permission before I can sell a privately owned legal item. Especially when I have to pay a 'fee' for the priviledge. You know, of course, that 'fee' is just 'tax' spelled differently.
  13. ghost hunter

    That Monster Feinstein

    I'm glad you'all are so confident it won't pass. But..I don't share your confidence. We, the entire country of gun owners, need to slap this legislation flat, in a big way.
  14. According to Tucson news the other night, Kelly immediately turned the "assault weapon" over to Tucson PD. Wished I had enough money to just 'throw away an AR'. Of course, it was all 'for the press'. Nanny Bloomberg probably reimbursed him.
  15. ghost hunter

    Tucson City Council

    That sounds pretty generic. Everyone thanking each other for what ever they do/did, BUT, it is vague enough that it could be interpreted most any way.
  16. ghost hunter

    DHS - What are the up to?

    The first amount of ammo ordered that I heard/read was 26.1 million. That was enough to make me stop and go eh???. Now people are saying 450 million, 750 million, now 1.6 billion. Keeping the locals under-gunned is a possibility, but I put more faith in Obama using Nappy, to order a 10 year supply to keep the rest of us from being able to buy any. The priority list for ammo manufactures is: Military 1st, LE 2nd, the rest of us 3rd. Pretty logical if you ask me. So...they are monopolizing all the ammo to do what? -slow the sale of guns because its no fun having a new gun if you cant shoot it, or -try and slow down all the street shootings cuz even the gangers are/will be running out of ammo soon, or -as you speculated in the beginning, they are trying to out-gun the locals. Personally, I dont give the govt, credit for thinking of the second choice, the 3rd one is scarry, so I'll go with number 1. If any of these amounts are true, when we contact our congressmen about our positions on gun control, we need to have them, particularily the ones in the House who are on the budget committee, to get Nappy in front of them and justify why she's ordering so much.
  17. ghost hunter

    Teachers and Guns

    I think that having armed security officers at the school is a good idea. A better idea would be to have these officers be current or former police officers. Not only are they trained, but what good role models, especially to the elementary level kids. I can think of several professions that have had legislative mandates (here we want this done so you do it) passed on to them, teachers are no different. But having 'gun free zones' only beg for trouble. Firearms training in the police academy is 2 weeks long. I would think that should be the minimum for someone starting out. A re-qualification at least once a year would also be a minimum.
  18. ghost hunter

    Hunters Against Gun Violence

    Unfortunately what almost all people BELIEVE is that a background check ALSO checks for mental issues. Sorry it doesn't. It checks for criminal activity with only the rare instance of a mental health disqualifier. Don't believe it, how did James Holmes, Jarod Laughner and the shooter at WV Tech get their guns? They all bought them from FFL;s and past the background check. In fact, Adam Landza would have also past the background check. Why??because the mental health status of people who shouldn't have guns is not entered into the NCIS system. Huh?!? The only thing that "universal" background checks [liberal code for gun registration] do is penalize the honest, law-abiding gun owners. Aside from being a 'minor' inconvenience, it creates a gun registry AND creates the first time that you have to get permission from the government before you can sell privately owned property. Oh, did I forget that it will cost the seller or buyer a minimum of $100 per transaction or the fact that you will have to run a background check on your own kids before you give them a gun, or that they will have to pass a background check to inherit the guns you leave for them, or God forbid, you will have to pass a background check before the police will return your stolen guns, even if you are just holding them as a investment. The anti-guners are lying to the average, un-informed gun owner and voter so they will support this idea. Its time to call BS on anyone who supports the universal background check and tell your politician, "No, No Way, and $%& No" when it comes to these "universal" background checks.
  19. I've only got one on that list, Levi, to quit. Most of the rest, I learned about over the past couple of years.
  20. As for moving manufacturing plants, I read the other day that the Remington plant that makes the Bushmaster is actually in NY. I can think of several states that would like a new big company within their state.
  21. There seems to be several companies including Cheaper than Dirt who are now refusing to sell to LE or any state agent in a state or city who passes overly restrictive gun laws. Remington, Smith & Wesson and the others need contacted by all to adopt the same stance. Fair is Fair.
  22. ghost hunter

    Great gun show

    I hope they move the gun show out of Tucson city limits because then they will notice a big drop in sales tax, rent, parking revenue, local eating establishments will also see a drop in revenue, etc, etc. Its just like a politician to cut their noses off to spite their faces.
  23. ghost hunter

    Need help with 308

    I bought my son a Rem. 308 youth model when he was first starting out. While I've not been able to get good groups at 300 yrds, it is a dream to carry. Short and light weight. Kinda like a 308 snubby.
  24. I'm looking at getting started reloading .38 super auto. Looked in the reloading manual and it said that it uses the same diameter projectile as the 9mm. Is that correct? If so, will make reloading easier. PS any tricks to it, or issues to watch out for?
  25. ghost hunter


    When you start requiring background checks on ALL gun sales, dealer or private, you create a paper-trail that will let them know exactly who has what. Of course that would be expanded to the ability of your kids to inherit your guns. Don't for get the Brady Bill and the problems it is creating. The only thing I would agree to MAYBE is to eliminate the 30+ round mags for rifles and pistols. Bottom line, we need to keep the government out of our guns as much as we can.