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Posts posted by WampusCat

  1. Which one for 257 wby and 28 nosler?

    You just need one that will fit over the neck of the case but is smaller than the outside diameter of the shoulder. That way it will land in the middle of the tapered portion. Exactly where isn't super important, only that it's repeatable. The important measurement is the difference between the sized / unfired case and the case after firing.


    The numbers on the gauge are the size of the hole. 375 = .375" and 420 = .420". Measure your case to find the one that fits the specific shoulder best. Or when you have several you can just drop them on one at a time to see which fits the the best.

  2. I always shot big fat heavy arrows when we all used aluminum. My friends were speed freaks shooting over draws and when carbon became the norm many of them had penetration issues. I have since settled on a benchmark of needing to achieve 300 fps with a 400-410 gr arrow. This combo has worked well for me.


    While I can't speak directly to your exact question, I would be hesitant on longer shots with slower arrows for no other reason than time of flight. No doubt your heavy arrows will achieve lots of penetration but my concern would be if the intended target (vitals) will still be in the same place when the slower arrow arrives. Even a quiet bow is no match for the ears of a half way alert deer. I haven't had as much experience with the abilities arrow dodging elk.


    Like anything else, I would say shoot what works for you and you are comfortable with.

  3. I'm pumped you posted this. I've had this and the Markhor in my cart for a week and can't decide. I also wonder why the Tahr has attachment for the 3-bar sliders all the way up the side but the didnt do it on the two bigger packs. I felt like the markhor with the ability to put a scope pocket on either side as well as the back would be perfect for those extra long hauls where I needed to cubic inches. The Argali definitely meets the inches requirement, just not as modular.


    Do your large belt pockets attach with all 4 sliders? Thanks for throwing this up.


    What is your waist size? Interested in how that small belt fits. Im right at the upper end of the smalls adjustment according to the website.

  4. Love the color of that water. I bet the PH is pretty low.

    Its surprisingly clear for having that tannic color. I didn't test but read some documents placing the PH at 5.2-5.6 several years ago in that particular stretch.

    • Like 1

  5. Work keeps me out of Coues country for another year but I am trying to make the most of my current surroundings. I was able to stow away a rod and some tackle and I've been fortunate to locate a remote stretch of river nearby. Occasionally I have a free morning to slip out there and sling some lures around. The only other humans I see on the water have been locals plugging along on their way to check their nets. They look at me funny while I attempt to catch fish for sport with rod and reel and they are sustaining their families by way of a dug out canoe and old nets.


    The bright colors of the fish and their tenacity on light spinning tackle will be memories I carry forever.


    A beautiful morning on the river



    Mode of transportation on the river



    Morning commute



    Called "Sardines" by the locals these small Tarpon looking fish will rocket out of the water and put on quite the show when hooked.



    I've caught these Aleste in several different flavors. This one was the brightest orange and red with an iridescent purple on the trailing edge of its scales. Gorgeous and tasty!




    I haven't been able to find the name of this sucker. He crushed a mepps spinner in the deep current and made the drag sing for a bit.



    This is a Kafue Pike or "Brochet" in french. They have a great color pattern and are my favorite to catch. I catch the biggest ones in slack pools near structure just like any other predatory fish. Even the small ones need close attention when unhooking their toothy faces.




    I keep a few for the grill and they haven't disappointed yet. You supply the fish and a couple francs and your fish is served with a pile of fried plantains and a warm beer on the bank of the river.









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  6. I'd be more interested in how hunts have been ruined when a blackhawk comes through in hot pursuit of a group. Or how many times has a target buck been flushed over the ridge or kicked out of bed by a traveling group. That part would be a bummer after expending all the effort to get back in there.


    That and my vehicle being stolen or broken into at the trail head. Haven't spent much time down there but that was my biggest worry. Things happening to my stuff while I was away. Every illegal I've encountered from El Centro to Nogales wanted nothing to do with me. I guess I can't speak for the next one though.

  7. He speaks the truth! I got lucky and plugged a dink on the river one year. We bought tags for the "just in case" factor as we spent a fair amount of time out there calling predators. Never saw them with any consistency.

  8. No, this year it asked me up front what species. Then it asked whether I wanted to pick a hunt or get a point only.


    If you are at the point question, then you have already selected the species. I just completed all of mine. You might need to back out and try again.

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