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Posts posted by HuntHarder

  1. Definitely the wave of the future.  Most should try it, before you knock it.  Azgfd may be ahead of the curve on this one.  It could potentially, in the long term, save some $$.  I have no doubt, that in the future, you will be able to purchase otc tags online too.  That would be a huge convenience, especially for the guys who wait til the last minute.  

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  2. 6 hours ago, trphyhntr said:

    i always thought pulling out the tag and slapping it on was pretty convenient. Was it not? 

    It always was easy, but even easier now.  I also like the fact that maybe some more harvest surveys will get filled out.  It is a step in the right direction imo.  More harvest data = more accurate counts.  Mandatory reporting and check in would be ideal, but may be a long way off or never happen. 

    It used to be kind of a pain to have 4 or 5 tags in your pack and have to keep shuffling them around depending on which pack or animals I planned to encounter.  Also just had an instance on Thursday where a buddy's paper pig tail got a little wet from the rain and it was an absolute pain to peel off the backing to apply it to the pig.  I managed to get enough sticky left on the tag to attach it, but it was close to no bueno.  

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  3. Easy to use, but there are a few drawbacks.

    You have to go to AZGFD to buy your tags.  I was told that in the future they may implement kiosks at dealers to streamline the buying process tho.

    You need to carry some way to attach your validation number to the animal.  I grabbed some large stickers from game and fish and carry a sharpie in my pack.  After you Etag an animal, it will then give you a # that you need to write on something and attach it to the horn or carcass.  


    I do like how all my tags are shown in the app and I do not need to remember to grab all my tags (deer, lion, turkey, javelina, bear)  I will continue use the Etag process

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  4. The Javelina we found yesterday were all bedded up in the sun @ 3pm.  Terrible weather yesterday, but managed to get a pig and a shot at a muley for my out of state buddies.  Javelina have a relatively small range, after a good rain storm, put in some boot miles in an area where you have seen them and try and narrow down their range.   Once you find a herd or 2, the hunting will last for years and years.  No need to hike miles away from roads unless you like that sort of thing.  Most of the herds I hunt are spotted from high points off of roads and then stalked into and killed.

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  5. 3 minutes ago, Couzer said:

    Kind of crappy you have to go all the way up to the office to buy the Etag,,, lol ok rant over. I'll just go to Walmart next time and buy one. 

    I asked them about this.  Sounds like possibly some electronic kiosks may start going into some of their dealers.  

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  6. I'd rather buy a new rangefinder every 5 years than own a vortex that is surely gonna give out on you during a hunt.  Most companies do not offer lifetime warranties on electronics.  I have owned most of them and now use a sig 5k.  I used to have a sig 2000 that worked great until I wanted to upgrade for the extra features of the 5k.  

    I really liked my Leica's as well, but they used to have a hard time ranging my black archery target.  Not sure if they fixed that, it was the first 2 series of the crfs and the older lrf that had issues.  

    I avoid anything that has the name vortex on it, too many warranty issues.  


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  7. I received mine about a week ago and have been putting it thru the paces.  This thing is nothing short of awesome, especially for it's size.  I have shot rifle, handgun and archery on it and it has recorded every shot with 0 misses or false readings.  Set up was easy and the data organizing on the phone app is easy to sort thru.  If anyone is looking for a new chrono, I highly recommend getting this new Garmin.  

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