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About HuntHarder

  • Rank
    Premier Member
  • Birthday 07/18/1984

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  • Location
    North Peoria, Az

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  1. HuntHarder

    Monday Check in

    I hit the gym today around 2. I've gone 5 times in 2025. New years day was mass chaos in there. I went around 10 am and it was the busiest I have ever seen it. I use the gym not only for gains, but also to just decompress at the end of my day. Nothing like older rap and reps.
  2. HuntHarder

    World record Elk

    Start a new thread please. This is about the bull.
  3. HuntHarder

    World record Elk

    I think their employees need a raise. 😆
  4. HuntHarder

    World record Elk

    Quit trying to give powerlines a bad name. They are the lifeline of society
  5. HuntHarder


    mine too. Hahahaha
  6. HuntHarder

    World record Elk

    IDGAF, raffle tag and it was all legal. Giant bull. The main benefit of raffle tags is the time of year you get to hunt the animal. This bull was killed on his winter range, near a neighborhood.
  7. HuntHarder

    Late hunt question

    Straight off a fortune cookie
  8. HuntHarder

    Late hunt question

    Rut getting later and later. This year was/is abnormally hot which is not helping much. Mule deer are going a little in central Az, but nothing to crazy. Last year I killed my buck about the same time as this year and he was rutted up like crazy. Shooting longer shots without a spotter is hard to do by yourself unless you are shooting a small enough cartridge to spot your impacts on every shot.
  9. HuntHarder

    Opinions on EXO packs and Kifaru Bedlem pack

    Crazy to think the company has gone so far from their roots. I remember when I got my first Kifaru, Aron himself told me to call him. He was on the side of the mountain glassing and talked me thru what would work best for me. He even pushed me over the edge by giving me his DT2 pack if I bought a frame. As you mentioned, that big thread on Rokslide sure is eye opening as to where the company has gone. A bunch of my buddies use EXO with no complaints. I am kind of a gear junky, so I know I will get a new pack in the next couple years and I am leaning very hard towards EXO.
  10. HuntHarder

    Opinions on EXO packs and Kifaru Bedlem pack

    As a long time Kifaru user, 15ish years, 4 different frames and probably 10-15 different bags, if I were buying today I would go with EXO. Kifaru's customer service was one of their main attractions beside their durability. Seems like direction the company has gone over the last couple years is away from those qualities. EXO has good leadership, great customer service and a desire to innovate based on customer needs. I still use my kifaru Stryker XL on a duplex lite frame and it works great. Just packed out a Mule deer 4 days ago a couple miles and the pack handled the load no problem. Me on the other hand, got my butt kicked.
  11. HuntHarder

    WTB - Tamales

    Biden's America has even hit tamales. We just bought some from a co-workers mother. $25 a dozen. Absolutely delicious tho. I prefer to steam them to warm them up, then top with enchilada sauce and mexican queso shredded cheese blend.
  12. HuntHarder

    CW withdrawals

    GTFO 🤣
  13. HuntHarder

    How much meat?

    Save up and buy atleast a #22 neck grinder. You will thank me later. Huge difference in speed and ease of grinding vs. #12.
  14. HuntHarder

    Shockey’s sheep

    Nice looking ram he shot.
  15. HuntHarder

    Deli slicers

    https://www.lemproducts.com/product/mighty-bite-8-meat-slicer/meat-slicers Use Code Shop24 for 20% off