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Everything posted by Xnt

  1. How many are in Arizona right now? New Mexico?
  2. Well said, Mr. Bullwinkle. May I suggest you write that for the newspaper? You just might inform some readers of the Arizona Red Star. Thanks
  3. shoot, shovel, 'n shut up!
  4. Xnt

    They are starting to hit CC

    What letter does your last name begin with? R Good for you. Did they tell you what unit and if it was bull or cow????? Thanks. Well *I* know its a bull tag. I only filled out the first two choices. Too focused on getting a confirmation number to care about asking what choice it was.
  5. Xnt

    They are starting to hit CC

    Got the call to fix my payment. Goin' hunting for elk. Phew.
  6. Xnt

    Cabelas Card just Canceled - Fraud

    Even though the correction period is past and the draw is now occurring, won't game and fish attempt to contact you if your payment is rejected? Something about three phone calls in a 24 hour period, so you can use an alternate card for payment for your tag?
  7. Xnt

    Any thoughts on glassing etiquette ?

    Public land is a free for all so legally speaking they can do that. I tend to find some place else because it seems to be courtesy and common sense. But common sense ain't all too common today. I rarely glass from the road and would be less offended if someone pulled up next to me and started glassing as I would be if I hiked up a mountain and someone sat down next to me.
  8. Xnt

    Ambulance chaser needed

    I have a friend in the Tucson area who is in need of an attorney. It would be for suing someone subsequent to a vehicle accident. Should be an easy case given the facts and circumstances. I would appreciate a PM if you know a good one. Thanks. XNT
  9. Xnt

    Ambulance chaser needed

    I copy., Replied. Thanks!!
  10. I heard that there is a change in how Wyoming grants moose and bighorn tags to non residents for 2014 and beyond. I was thinking of jumping in the points game but from what I heard it sounds like it would be better to save my money and go to Canada some day. Sounds like I may never draw even if I rack up 20+ years of points. Can anyone shine some light on this? I'm not too savvy on the concept of point creep and non resident caps and all those shenanigans. Thanks
  11. For the southern part of the state. Thanks.
  12. Xnt

    When does the rut end?

    You guys seeing action this week, you ARE talking about muleys right? I've seen lots of whitetail action in the last two weeks but I haven't seen a single mule deer buck chasing. To be fair I haven't seen that many muley bucks this year.
  13. Xnt

    Buck of my dreams**story added

    yeah! Stop posting pictures of baby moose in the deer forum...
  14. Xnt

    Wyoming Elk near the Park

    Boss, Sent you a PM. Thanks!
  15. Has anyone hunted units 50-54, just east of the Park? I have two preference points going into 2014 and I was thinking about putting in here and also hunting deer with a Region F tag in units 105 & 106. Wondering what quantity and quality of animals is like. I have read that its steep. I am in good shape but wondering how steep it is. Thanks.
  16. Xnt

    How's about a "Let's Bash The AZG&FD" section ???

    Sounds good to me, Critter.
  17. Xnt

    Stalk in open country? How?

    I spot a lot of the bucks I wind up killing between 10am and 2pm when its a full moon out. Mainly talking rifle hunting but just sayin'.
  18. Xnt

    How's about a "Let's Bash The AZG&FD" section ???

    That doesn't make it "publically owned." Its publically owned if taxpayer dollars paid for it and it is managed by the government. This forum meets neither criteria. If the mods want to ban me for this useless civics discussion, that is entirely their choice. Trying to waive the Constitution in their face would just make me look silly. Nope. I'm new here. Me neither. my point in posting had nothing to do with Azlance. it was about the nature of public vs. private ownership and what our "rights" really are. me neither. Sounds great in theory but I doubt this is how you actually do it. Communication experts have studied that consumers complain to three times as many friends about a bad experience as they do about a good one. I surely wouldn't want a so called pat on the back for every little good thing I did at work and then to be publically excoriated every time I make a mistake. I've learned (the hard way) that its better to give people the benefit of the doubt. I would say that gross incompetence and chronic mismanagement needs to be addressed and corrected and I'm not necessarily saying one way or the other in this post whether that's the case with AZGFD. Have a great day
  19. Xnt

    How's about a "Let's Bash The AZG&FD" section ???

    I'm not on this forum all the time, so what did I miss? What thread is this all about, or was it already removed? If he was on your property trying to force religion on you, I understand your concern. I must have missed something. Never met the guy, but he helped me with finding an area awhile back. Mr. Brown, I didn't mean to start any static with you. I often read people thinking that they have a "right" to freedom of speech whenever and wherever. The First Amendment prevents Congress from abridging freedom of speech. This forum, like your front yard, is privately held. Congress doesn't have domain here (yet). If I don't want a certain assembly, religion, or kind of speech in my yard, house, car, or on my forum (if I had one) then I would have every right to say that I can regulate/censor it as I please. Just sayin' that's all. Thanks for listening. Have a great day.
  20. Xnt

    1-10-2014 hunt. Never give up!!!

    I've been at it a few years and still trying to tie one on with a stick and string. I imagine its a lot like rifle hunting. Once you get it done with a method, you find lots of ways to get it done again.
  21. Xnt

    How's about a "Let's Bash The AZG&FD" section ???

    I don't know who AZLance is or what all the hub hub is all about, but last I checked you DON'T have an unlimited right to express a "1st amendment right." this is a private forum and can be moderated/censored however the owner chooses. Do I have a right to have a religious service or peaceable assembly on your property's front yard?
  22. Xnt

    When does the rut end?

    k. also mainly asking about the muleys. i hear pretty consistently that the CWT rut later.
  23. Xnt

    Book Cliffs Utah

    you must have a ton of points!
  24. Hi all, New to the forum after lurking for way too long. Thanks for the community. I am applying for elk again this year. I have applied or four years in the past so this will be my fifth year in 2014. Does that mean I get a loyalty point for this years draw? I also have the hunter ed point. So if I get the loyalty point too that means I should go into the drawing with 7 points?? Thanks.