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Everything posted by Xnt

  1. Xnt

    A/C on vacation?

    I don't mind the thread jack. My question has been answered and then some. Thanks!
  2. Xnt

    A/C on vacation?

    Interesting stuff guys. Not a single person saying to just leave it off like I've been doing. I hope someone else learned here, too. Thanks all.
  3. Xnt

    A/C on vacation?

    Sounds handy but I'm going to pass on this. Hackers already have access to my sex tapes, bank accounts, and tax returns. I don't need them flipping my thermostat on and off willy nilly. Gotta draw the line somewhere.
  4. Xnt

    2016 - "Make it a Big Year" She said..

    Amen to that. Children are a blessing from the Lord. I'd put in for some of the better units next door in New Mexico, a Special tag in Wyoming (which you can buy a point for THIS year still and enter 2016 with one point), and Colorado elk OTC as a last resort.
  5. Xnt

    Hunting w/ Epi-Pen

    Check the expiration date at the pharmacy counter. I wouldn't accept less than 12 months. Sure I'll take two years, but given the amount of heat and cold fluctuation it would probably be safest replaced after a year anyway.
  6. Xnt

    Hunting w/ Epi-Pen

    I have one. Haven't had true anaphylaxis, but did get close--hives, lip started swelling... not good. another poster was right on the head: you can't just county on eppy... it only lasts 5-30 minutes and if you got a really bad exposure of whatever it is that likes to kill you, even two wont be enough. I also carry generic liquid Benadryl (diphenhydramine) but not a steroid like Prednisone--though that may certainly be a good idea if your doctor recommends it. REMEMBER: epinephrine in an autoinjector is extremely temperature sensitive. It doesn't like cold and it doesn't like heat. If you're scouting in the summer you need to keep it close to the water in your bladder and if its cold you should consider moving it closer to your body. last thing you want is to think you were good to go and have dead epi because you left it in your car in Phoenix for an afternoon.
  7. Xnt

    Who is going to Wyoming this year????

    Meeeeee! Drew 68-1. Woohoo! Public land, lots of goats, good genes. Can anyone recommend some of the better access points? PMs welcome. Thanks!
  8. Xnt

    Colt files Bankruptcy

    Correct. Chapter 11 is the business code of the Bankruptcy Act of 1978 that deals with reorganizing while in trouble. Chapter 7, which is liquidation, is the Tango Uniform death bed where the jackals come out of the woodwork.
  9. Xnt

    Colt files Bankruptcy

    They must have missed out on the chance to sell ARs to the Mexican cartels.
  10. Xnt

    Preventing Game Meat from Spoiling

    You need friends, lots of friends who are in shape. If you have no friends, start begin friendly with people. Better to share venison with friends than for it all to spoil. A heavy duty game cart will help, but you still need friends. Last September bull I arrowed was at last light, and we were up for another 12 hours, getting it skinned, quartered, moved back to camp, and then I stayed up and got it all in the coolers that night. All because I didn't want it to spoil. It was humid and warm. It was an exhausting, miserable process, but I was amped for killing a bull so I made it through. At minimum, skin, quarter, and get it into pillow cases/game bags. On the hind quarters, cut a channel to the femoral bones so air can circulate around the femur. The bones hold a ton of heat and can spoil the meat in its vicinity so you want ventilation getting in there.
  11. Xnt

    They're Up!!!!

    Yankee Mike Hotel
  12. SOLD. Please delete. Thanks!!
  13. Up for sale: a brand new, never been opened Coleman tent. Just in time for summer camping season. I've used a different copy of the same model for several years and it always keeps rain out. Ventilated well, and sets up easily. Has a divider that splits the tent 60/40. Costco has a smaller tent (10x14') that will cost you $200 after tax. No tire kicking allowed because it has yet to be opened. After you hand over cash we can set it up, and if there are any problems I will refund your money, but not if you simply decide you don't want it. PM me for inquiries. Tucson area. Thanks.
  14. http://www.bhphotovideo.com/find/dealZone.jsp
  15. Xnt

    Mean/Insane Tom Down!

    Help me out here: how do you 'confirm' that its a tom in the field? a reach around??
  16. Xnt

    Water Hole Ethics

    I wish Game and Fish would conduct sting operations to target those A-hole 'guides.' Not much better than commercial poachers IMHO.
  17. Xnt

    Dead deer in bottom of cave

    It would take a much bigger rack than that to get me to jump down there. Cool find.
  18. Xnt

    Parking near Sky Harbor

    thanks all for the help
  19. Xnt

    Parking near Sky Harbor

    Need to park for a week and don't want to break the bank. Places with a shuttle to the terminal, please. Cheaper is better! Thanks!
  20. seems as though you've already named the honey hole
  21. Xnt

    Game meat choice?

    I've eaten a good amount of four different species of deer as well as elk and pronghorn. They all taste the same to me.
  22. Xnt


    Its that way at the gun counter, too. They'll have a used gun with a price tag more than the counter 20 yards away brand new.
  23. Xnt


    Good post. We also need to band together. Hunters need to stand together and not shrug their shoulders when their fellow outdoorsmen are under attack. Recently you hear of Obama's AR-15 green tip ammo ban and a few people saying "this doesn't affect me as I don't shoot that ammo." There will be restrictions on water fowlers, but some won't complain, because they don't hunt ducks. Then they come for lead rifle ammo, and by that time the others have left the game and there's nobody left to stand up for you.