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Everything posted by Xnt

  1. Xnt

    Replacing a Radiator

    I used some stuff in high school and it worked great. it was a black puddy that you work in the hands and then apply to the outside of the radiator. Hardened up like stone after a few days. Then it shrunk and the leak came back. but a after a second application to fill in where it shrunk it was sealed for good.
  2. Xnt

    Blaze Orange

    I'd wear it even if it were illegal. Too many jackwagons out there who use their scopes for binoculars
  3. Xnt

    Getting it done at 92 years old!

    Lets see some photos of his earlier exploits! like before my parents were born
  4. Xnt

    Snake ID

    We have a snake in our back yard. Unfortunately my little kids play there. But fortunately it doesn't seem to be a rattlesnake. Didn't hear or see a rattle. It looks like this: http://www.reptilesofaz.org/Graphics/Snakes/LAMGETNIG-09b.jpg A Western King Snake? They're said to be harmless? I hit it with a shovel and of course it had to slither into a bush. not sure how much its worth trying to dig it out or hope it slithers out of our back yard.
  5. Xnt

    Snake ID

    thanks all. Honestly my punk butt needs to get out there and trim some of the overgrown bushes. Take away their habitat and that means less surprises.
  6. Xnt

    Investment Opportunity

    Thought you might want to consider getting on board early. A German Engineer just started a business in Afghanistan. He’s making land mines that look like prayer mats. It’s doing well. He says prophets are going through the roof.
  7. Xnt

    Snake ID

    Ok. Well I hope a strike from a shovel didn't turn its ordinary disposition to Dr. Evil.
  8. Xnt

    Snake ID

    You mean it would be better in the wash outside the HOA than just dead? Ok, well how do i relocate it? I don't want to get bit in the process
  9. Xnt

    Snake ID

  10. Xnt

    Wtb elk skull boiling pot

    I would get an aquarium heater and do it slowly over several weeks. smelly as heck and a good education why its best to pay the Beetle Man.
  11. Xnt

    Border units

    I'm intrigued. What other kind of stuff is going on down there that we're unaware of? You're being watched via camera towers, predator drones, and other surveillance equipment, to name one fact.
  12. Xnt

    Unit 8 and 9 not managed for trophy elk

    I was one of the lucky Unit 1 tag holders this year. I didn't encounter another hunter in the woods in 6 hard days of hunting until after I tagged my bull. Lots of guys on the road though. I'm glad they are giving out more tags--I don't want to wait another 10-15 years before getting another chance at a bull. The notion that 3 tags should be given out per hunt per unit is kinda silly IMHO.
  13. Xnt

    My first bull

    I think it was the drought. not sure of your unit but I had many on cam who started off great in their fronts but left some to be desired on the 4s and 5s. Great bull none the less. Congratulations.
  14. Xnt

    Is it against the law to kill my dog

    He can make it up to you by finding some sheds. Apparently he has a taste for them.
  15. Except that those pushing to have the state take control are motivated by desires to develop and sell off those large swaths. The state isn't going to manage those lands without some way to pay for that management. Well its far easier to exact accountability on decision makers when its done at the state legislature rather than some bureaucracy in D.C. I'll stick with local control any day. $0.02.
  16. I gotta thank kd300wsm and his buddy for being so kind as to help me search for and track a wounded animal. The willingness of a hunter to come help out a complete stranger represents all that is great about our way of life. I am continually humbled by the high bar that some on this forum continue to set as an example to other types of outdoor enthusiasts as well as generations to come. Thanks again!!
  17. While commoners benefit from large swaths of public land, keep in mind the bifurcation of stewardship. A large chunk is controlled by the Feds. Some might say that having land held and managed by the state is a better reflection of local values.
  18. Xnt

    Big Shout out to kd300wsm!!!

    Indeed, he killed a toad and deserved it more than any other hunter I know this year.
  19. Xnt

    Big Shout out to kd300wsm!!!

    Unfortunately no. Definitely not for lack of searching. Not a single drop of blood.
  20. Xnt

    Unit 1 pack out help needed please

    All PMs responded to. Thanks.
  21. My buddy had to go home a day early and my next partner isn't going to get here until tomorrow night. Is anybody around in case I get one this evening or tomorrow and need help packing out? I will reward with honey hole info and pics from my trail cam or other forms of compensation. Hunting around Big Lake. Please email az21185 at yahoo. Thanks
  22. Xnt

    Unit 1 pack out help needed please

    Guy who emailed me--please PM the same. I can't access my email in this low signal area unfortunately. Thanks.
  23. Xnt

    Unit 1 pack out help needed please

    Update. Need help Wednesday not today or Tuesday. Thanks.
  24. Xnt

    Danner Pronghorns Good or Bad?!

    I have had pronghorns before. They are very lightweight and comfortable. However, if you are goign to hunt the desert units and hunt them hard, dont' expect to get more than a season or two out of them, particularly if you're going to scout and hike a lot. More expensive boots will cost you what 2 pairs of the pronghorns would cost, but will last a lot longer than twice as much.