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About Mtnmn09

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  1. Mtnmn09

    adjustments relating to a muzzle brake?

    The design is based off of some 50 brakes, but it was built to be put on this rifle. I have larger calibers, but I wanted this rifle (since already heavy) to be like shooting a small caliber, yet able to reach out and touch something. I appreciate the input, when I get the chance again I will take it out and test it.
  2. Mtnmn09

    adjustments relating to a muzzle brake?

    Well at the moment I am not sure if I should stick it out with what I have built or just go ahead and purchase a smaller brake. If the rifle groups great, I will be happy and put more time into my own chart. Unless you think the large brake will cause any damage or issues down the road?
  3. I have been working on a heavy barrel .308 for a couple years now, slowly increasing my distance and confidence in adjustments. Today I installed a muzzle brake, and returned to the same location I often shoot only to find my adjustments were way off. I was shooting out to about 700 yards and my calculator was usually pretty close. However, today my calculator called for 7.2 MOA at 385 and I found myself about 3 MOA over the target. At 500 I was pretty close at 9 MOA until today where 5 MOA was within 4" of my target. I am curious if I have changed something too drastic and need to remove the brake and go back to what I was doing ok with? Any advise or help is appreciated.