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Posts posted by Ed67

  1. I need to remove a front dovetail sight on an older Thompson Cemter Renegade. I’ve tried tapping it out with a brass punch and it won’t budge. Need a professional. Any Phoenix area recommendations?  Thanks in advance.  


  2. I bought some broad heads from him 3 or 4 years ago out at an alfalfa farm in Buckeye. He was out shooting foam with some other guys. He was proud of the farm but sure didn’t seem like a farmer to me. I told him my cousins farmed a few miles  west and he talked like he knew them but doubtful. They don’t have time to do anything other than work. 
    I can’t remember what they were other than they were fixed blades. I’ll figure out what they were and get them to you if they belonged to you or your dad. 

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  3. Find any tank in the northern half that holds water and has any sign at all. Build a blind or bring one, practice drawing in every imaginable position there is and sit the tank as much as possible. Predawn until 10 and evenings 4 til dark. You will get a chance. 
