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About bst1004

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  1. bst1004

    new hunter

    Red sparky I had luck with drawing unit 24. If you could still help that would be great! Thanks
  2. bst1004

    new hunter

    Sorry a little more info. Were going for deer and with rifles. We're really looking for decent deer hunting areas with a good chance for draw
  3. bst1004

    new hunter

    Sorry a little more info. Were going for deer and with rifles. We're really looking for decent deer hunting areas with a good chance for draw
  4. Hello guys Me and my buddy are new to hunting and will be applying for draws this year. I was wondering if anyone could point me to some good units to apply for where we might have some better sucuess. We live in portales which is in unit 31. We will drive but would like to be either eastern or central nm.. Thanks for the help