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Posts posted by cjl2010

  1. 31 minutes ago, CatfishKev said:

    I knew some wise arse would say that.  But it was still hot and dang near 100% humidity.  

    I would rather saw your nuts off with a butter knife then do any sort of roofing up in the valley!

    Haha my dad runs a roof demo company that I use to do some slave labor for. Even at night it’s miserable!

    • Like 2

  2. Anybody have a line on some dies for a 22 super jet?


    my grandpa passed on the first of May and he was having me over time fireform brass for him. To this day I have no clue who loaded the ammo or how it was being planned to reload the formed cases. Hoping somebody knows something about this cartridge. Thanks



  3. 9 hours ago, trphyhntr said:

    The only thing I’ve learned from this thread is apparently clj hangs out with lots rich people. i only know fellow broke dicks. 

    Lol dude I was making $12.73 an hour as a manager. I think minimum wage was $8 or so at the time so I was basically upper class lol

  4. 7 hours ago, naturebob said:

    What kills Me on You Guys arguing at what Catfish said. He did not Bad mouth the Guy or Be little Him ,He simply said the Hunter bought a head.  And thats what He did. The Gentleman that is the tag holder might be a great hunter. But in this case He bought a Head . Thats what the tags are for .For weathy Guys to spend a fortune on them and $ go to wildlife and they deserve to fly in and kill.  The Dude from Payson on here bad mouthing everyone that says its just a kill. I don't know what his stake in this is? maybee a friend of the outftter I don't know or maybee he wants to be rich too. He is bragging so much about knowing all the rich people ,Big deal who cares . I know a bunch also, doesn't make me anybody special or none of them that I know are special to Me they are just people. Most of us work hard. I hope this same guy buys it for 300k next year too and get to shoot another great one.  I am just defending Catfish Kev Who I met once ,has a bunch of Kids is a good DAD and works His but to support His family and to Hunt. I was the same way when I was younger. Like I said He didn't bash the HunterHe just said He bought a Head ,and He did. I don't why You had to bash on Him...Peace to all. And all with tags hope You kill a big animal this year ,Even Payson Guy (sorry don't know your name) ...............BOB

    Payson guy here. I don’t know all the rich guys. I was fortunate to work for a ton of them and it really changed my mind on how I saw them. I was like a lot of guys and bashed them for all the cool stuff they got to do and thought all they did was sit around and watch piles of money show up. I have a weird respect for them and just like how you respect Kevin and him working hard and being a good dad, what makes you think these rich guys aren’t the same person.


    the only reason I chimed in was to stir the pot, bought tags and giant mule deer are ok and don’t bother me one bit but I had a feeling there were some guys that didn’t like it lol.

  5. If he is a legit business man that built his company, I can guarantee he has worked harder than most of us ever will. I can also say that I bet most of those men envy the time you spend with your family. I spent 6 years working at some ridiculous private golf courses and private ski lodges both here in Arizona and in park city, Utah. 


    The guys I surrounded myself with were guys that had multimillion dollar 3rd houses and were legit “rich” guys. I can without a doubt say these guys worked harder than I and most the guys I know ever will. They don’t get rich sitting around watching there money grow.


    some will never appreciate what a rich guy has done to be successful and I get that. But I’ve been around a lot of these guys and they have always treated me and my wife with the utmost respect and never once tried to impress us with dollars. I think a lot of us regular dudes have A serious misconception of what it takes to become that rich. 


    I don’t care how a person hunts, I just think if you are a mule deer guy you are second best to a coues hunter.

    • Like 1

  6. I cannot for the life of me as a hunter fault another hunter for the way he hunts. This dude threw 300k+ out there for conservation, killed a huge buck that some other guided hunter would probably kill either way, and probably had a blast walking away from his company for a minute and spent some time in the woods with a few guys he enjoyed being around.


    you spent $48 dollars for your deer tag and think your the cats butt because you scouted for 28 days because you're job and lifestyle provided you that time. I pity the rich man.

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  7. And who cares if it is a hunt or not. To that guy he thinks he hunted his butt off and will always remember it that way. 


    I truly think if you don’t backpack in you are pretty much a pussy. Get off your quad and live in the country like a man for a minute. Does that make it true. Everybody has there own definition of a hunt. To a billionaire a day spent in the woods away from reality may just mean the same as me living on my back for a few days in the woods. Quit worrying about what the next guy is doing and only hunt coues deer because Muleys are ridiculous!!!

    • Like 3

  8. 1 minute ago, CatfishKev said:

    If greyghost is right could you still say that?  I'm sorry but that dude didn't do any hunting whatsoever. The only part of me that can justify it is the amount of money that can go to conservation. Past that, that guy bought a head.  

    Put it in perspective. You run your basically worthless company and get 2 weeks to hunt. You go out and kill a dink of a deer with your bow and spend months on here flexing like you accomplished something. 


    Now take a guy that runs a giant company  that employs god knows how many employees. If you have ever been around a truly successful business man they have no clue how to turn it off. All day every day they think about their business and how to make it bigger and better. He gets a few opportunities a year to truly turn off the noise and do something he loves. He buys a tag or two that to most of us think is unreal but to him is a tax write off and a small chunk of change for his yearly income. 


    How can you fault a man that has spent his life growing an empire and buys a few moments a year to truly enjoy what he loves? Again, if you have never been around businessmen with this kind of money you will never understand. I was lucky enough to spend a chunk of my life around guys like this and here is a lot to be learned.

    • Like 11

  9. 36 minutes ago, CatfishKev said:

    How much did this guy pay to buy this animals head, just curious?

    Come on now. It’s more than buying a head.


    i guess if you have never been around truly successful and wealthy business you will never understand.

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    • Haha 1