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Posts posted by CatfishKev

  1. Ewhaela..................go to your grocery store parking lot and look at all the carts parked all over the place when there is a rack for them to go into 10 feet away.........and people are too lazy to put them in the rack.....and you want them to behave in a respectful manner out in the woods??? Culture and flat rude lazy, white, purple, green, black don't matter what color they are all out there!!!

    That's one of my biggest pet peeves. Half the time they don't even look to see if it's rolling away to hit someone's car.

  2. It's possible to hunt elk every year with an OTC tag. But the only thing your gonna see with an OTC tag is nice scenery. The OTC units have been pretty much over hunted and wiped out with everyone and ther brother. 5 years ago it was possible, now you have to scout 40 hours a week to make it happen. I would make sure you get you and your wife a lifetime license before you leave so maybe you can hunt back home the years you don't draw here.

  3. sorry boys i think i gotcha' all. some action in 5a but this was just north of bellmont on oct 6 2010. this was a mornin' to remember.




    All those pics and info are pretty interesting. I've always wanted to see a twister and experience an earthquake first hand but from a potentially "safe" place. I got my wish when I lived in Las Vegas, my roomie and woman rented a room at ceasars on the 18th floor for their anniversary and me and my ex were hanging out with them for a few. The bed started bouncing up and down and the curtains on the slider started swaying back and forth. All I could envision was images of the OK City bombing and I said we need to get in the hallway fast! It all subsided and we were pretty shook up. We walked down to the casino and everyone was gambling like nothing had ever even happened. I was dumbfounded! Cross earthquake off the list....


    I've been a German shepherd guy my whole life and will never be without one (or two). I used to hate cats with a passion and then my wife talked me into rescuing a kitten that had been dumped in the desert at 6 weeks old. That kitten had such an attitude and chip on her shoulders, I couldn't help but fall for her. She was aptly named Spazz because she used to wait in the doorway of a room in our apartment and ambush our ankles/legs as we walked by. She's also held her own against four total German shepherds, including being best buds with our old female. A couple of years ago, our new young male and newly adopted female decided to gang up on her and come in from different angles. Both of those big, tough GSDs ran out of the room with their tails tucked between their legs and a "WTF just happened?" look on their faces.


    Both cats and dogs bring something special to the family in our house, but I'll never be without my GSDs. And I never get tired of seeing that video, PRDATR! Some dogs just need their butts whipped!

    Yep, our cats own the dogs; shepherd's, boxers, Heeler, but if it weren't for us masters the cats would be devoured.


    Most of our 50 some critters came to us by way of rescue. All the dogs, cats chickens a couple horses and a mule too. One of the cats, a Siamese was rescued after being dumped in a mall parking lot a decade ago on Christmas Eve. So of course the ol lady named him Mr Jingle's. He's circling the drain these days so I'm already hearing about a feral kitten at her work place. God help me.


    50 some critters!! Whats one more?

  5. Are you talking about the rodents that run across rural roads in lower elevations? They're everywhere in pinal county. No way I would eat that crap. Killed hundreds with rat traps and peanut butter. Every time I clear the trap, I'm afraid I going to contract hantavirus

    It might be. I also caught mine with peanut butter (the crunchy kind seems choice). Not sure me and you are lookin at the same rodents though. Rats, mice and gophers also run across rural roads. Are there upsides to hantavirus? Is it similar to quick weightloss plans like montezumas revenge?

    • Like 1

  6. Kinda surprised nobody's tried it. I've never had squirrel so Im not sure I even wanna try but i did try lamb brains once. Seasoning was OK but once you chewed into it, it was a seasoned pile of mush. Pretty gross.


    I'll try anything once too but would rather have a positive opinion before destroying a poor family of innocent squirrels just to see if "i like it".


    Yes I'm kind of a softie.


    Odds are that you can't get your pistol out of your holster and fire an aimed shot in less than about three seconds--even if you have practiced a lot. That's about the time that it takes a grizz to cover 30 yards. If you want to carry a pistol for backup after using bear spray, that's OK, but your initial response should be with a bear spray canister--the kind that hangs from your belt and that can be triggered without having to remove and aim it.


    Alaskan bear guide Phil Shoemaker did recently dispatch a small brown bear with a 9mm handgun, but it required nine shots with special bad-butt Black Hills ammo, and he knew what he was doing. The bear never charged, but did stand up in its bed and behaved aggressively toward his clients (who fortuitously had fallen down to one side in the thick vegetation where they had stumbled upon the sleeping bear). He admitted that, had he been expecting the possibility of a bear encounter where he was taking his clients, he would carried a big bore rifle instead.

    I beg to differ on shot on target time. I have timed to first shot hit numerous times at 1 second from leather carry holster, not my competition rig. I shoot tuesday night steel for about 3 years now and am much faster than I was when I was checking time to 1st shot. I regularly shoot stages at about 20 seconds for 20-28 shots while moving and enguageing targets from multiple areas. You work on your bear spray I will work on my lead spray and hope thats all we have to do is practice.



    Seems to me a grizz charge would likley happen while not actually expecting it. Although training does in fact help the real world scenerio I just can't help but think it would happen more like "What the Fu** is that noise?", you turn and see it charging you and it takes half a second to process what is actually happening then you reach for the gun while possibly pannicking and by the time you figure out whats going an and try to react you already burned a couple seconds. Good luck. I just hope I'm never in that situation with a wife, kids or client in tow. Scary no matter who you are and how much practice you've had.

  8. We get $100 per kid if they have no absence by Xmas. If they have none the rest of the year they get another 100 at the end of the year. Its a charter school so it somehow has to do with the funding they get. I wanted to make it to the elk camp this year in 23 but don't want to pull 4 kids out and miss out on the free cabbage. So opening day they are gonna sit in home room then I'm showing up at 7:15 with the camper and we are outta there!
