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Everything posted by PseAZ

  1. PseAZ

    Bowfishing 2017

    Most of the time the fish are sunk. We will go out in the deep and pop the air sack and feed the cat fish. Some times people will take them from us. Ive also seen the game and fish come and take some to use in some of there relocation projects such as bears ect.
  2. PseAZ

    Bowfishing 2017

    Awesome, hoping to make the next one. looked into some of the lens. got one ordered for the gopro. Maybe be able to get some good night footage as the shoot if we go as well.
  3. PseAZ

    Bowfishing 2017

    You guys gunna make it to any of the night tournaments?
  4. PseAZ

    Monday Check in

    todays the start of my 4th week p90x and 3rd week Leangains down 11lbs 197-186 now. Feeling great. wanna stay around 180 and maybe slowly building lean muscle. took a hike the other day can already tell a huge difference.
  5. PseAZ

    14yr old Daughter makes NT B&C

    WOw what a buck. Congrats to your daughter. Guessing one happy poppa
  6. PseAZ

    Manfrotto 3265 head

  7. PseAZ

    Manfrotto 3265 head

    Pm Me if its still for sale.
  8. PseAZ

    Manfrotto 3265 head

    Anything wrong with it?
  9. PseAZ

    Optic set ups!?

    Side note, how good is the Doubler? Was thinking at looking into one down the road? seems like a light and simple way to get a little better look at stuff? I have a spotter but its not the greatest and pretty old I would imagine the Doubler would be a little better than that ?
  10. PseAZ

    Primos Cam in 23N

    A lot of cameras up there. Hoping to add a few myself fairly soon
  11. PseAZ

    Monday Check in

    Just started the leangains Fasting program this week. so far so good. Been ding a gym version of p90x. Liking it so far already noticing a difference in the day 2 day aspect.
  12. PseAZ

    Optic set ups!?

    We've used 10's on the chest and 15's on a tripod for years and its proven to be a deadly combo. I kinda like the idea of some 12's and a spotter tho especially for Digascoping.
  13. PseAZ

    HECS body suit.

    My dad use them back east and likes them a lot. I've never used on personally, but know a few guys who swear by them.
  14. PseAZ

    Vortex Razor 10x42

    how much for just the range finder?
  15. PseAZ


    There are quite a few groups that do this on Facebook. They use paypal, and use random.org to create a number. Basically they in your case, say 1-300 everyone pays $20 per spot. Once paid you punch there name in the numbers. Once it's all full you video the number that's selected off of the random number generator.
  16. PseAZ

    GWG women's insulated hunting boots

    ill have to check with the wife and se if they will fit her. Cant tell from the picture does it say 600gms of thinsulate?
  17. PseAZ

    Tag in the mail today

    Mine showed up as well. Can't wait good luck to all.
  18. PseAZ

    Recommend a Bow Sight

    Montana black gold, 7 deadly, or CBE hybrid are all nice sights.
  19. PseAZ

    how bout scrapes??

    Update... shot 2 bucks now off the scrap line, my 2016 buck 102" and my 2017 buck 96" both off of the same scrape line and also came up the same trail from the same direction.
  20. PseAZ

    Bow fishing Info Please

    What would you like to know? feel free to PM with any questions. Side note, thank you for your Service.
  21. PseAZ

    8x42 Bino opinions

    Anyone Have any experience with the Athlon optics? I've been thinking of getting a pair of the Monarch 10x42's or the Athlon Ares 10x42's
  22. PseAZ

    Good Guy Seller List

    Please Add 116coues1 to the List. I bought his Slc's from him and they are in amazing shape. He was also willing to meet me 1/2 way for the exchange. Great guy that also shares a love for the outdoors. Wouldn't hesitate to buy something from him again.
  23. PseAZ

    Swarovski Optics 15x56 for Sale

    Sale pending. Meeting with seller this afternoon