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Posts posted by Tannert

  1. Anyone is the valley have laying hens they want to get rid of? We had coyotes come and take out 9 our of our 10 last night. We will even take a rooster if need with the flock. 

    Willing to pay. Thanks in advance 

  2. 15 minutes ago, SwarovskiCoues said:

    pre order July 1st, shipping mid July

    I was told companies like outdoorsman will be lucky if they get 10 shipped to them mid July. Was told its much more likely if pre ordered that we will get them in September.

  3. Hey Guys, 

    I apologize for the late response. We were supposed to have working starlink wifi the night of the raffle but that did not end up happening. I have attached a video of the drawing. A guy named Brent Kline won the FJ and graciously decided to donate it back for the auction the following night. We ended up auctioning it off and it sold for 20K making a total of 50K raised from one item for at risk youth. I appreciate everyone who bought tickets very much! 

    • Like 3

  4. 14 minutes ago, 12 RING said:

    Still planning on raffling this off next weekend? And if so, don’t forget to update us on the link to the livestream! 

    Yes we are. We do our event at Cyclone lake. Those that have been up there know there is zero service. We plan to try to get some sort of livestream worked out with starlink. Ill do my best to keep everyone posted. Regardless we will have videos of the drawing and the winner will be getting a call right away.

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  5. Just wanted to update everyone and thank those who have bought tickets. We have 6 tickets left, I would bet that somewhere between 40-60 tickets were bought from CWT members. Thank you all for the support. We are doing the drawing the night of the 7th. Ill do my best to update everyone, im working the event so I will be very busy until the following Monday. 

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  6. 11 hours ago, PRDATR said:

    Paint looks great. How many miles on the odometer and on the engine?

    I am not sure, I will request that info. I do know the FJ just came out of the shop for a full tune up before we put it up for raffle. The guy that donated it is a big hunter in our community and ended up buying one of these fully 100% restored so he didnt need this one anymore. 

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  7. If anyone is interested is supporting a local charity and have a good chance at winning a 1974 Toyota FJ40 Land Cruiser. All money goes to New Pathways for Youth AZ 


    This is all through a charity group called Arizona Trout Camp that I am apart of that helps raise money for New Pathways. Last year we Donated 60K to NPFY and this year we plan to write them a check for 100K if all goes as planned. 

    There are 300 $100.00 tickets being sold for this Toyota FJ we plan on raffling off at our event this year on June 7th or 8th. The raffle will most likely be live streamed. Winner does NOT have to be present to win. You can click the link below to buy tickets. 





    Screen Shot 2024-04-29 at 3.09.58 PM.png

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  8. 13 hours ago, Big Tub said:

    My first "off-road" vehicle was a Baja (71 Beetle) with a Weber and no gearing change.  So fun at first but terrible off-road due to the high gearing.  My big truck got better gas mileage and it has a heater and a/c.   Reminds me of the old saying:

    "The happiest day in ones life is when he sells his Baja (boat or whatever).  The second happiest was when he bought it."

    My first "off-Road" vehicle also. I love bugs! 




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