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Everything posted by Delw

  1. Delw

    Hunt proposal, more limited archery units

    because they have to by law What I mean is we cant go by public surveys on results. because people will lie on the survey if they can find a way to benifit them IE more tags. for example did you tag a deer in XXXX What unit. How many days did you hunt etc etc All these answers can be manipulated By hunters to increase/decrease tags in units. when compared to the G&f 's. 1f 75% of the people lie say they didnt kill any animals or didnt see any animals, it could raise a flag saying leave the unit alone like it is as hunter success is very low(could go the opposite way also) if 75% of the people lie say they killed bucks in the unit and and the G&F data shows it was a low year for deer, they may reduce tags or shut the unit down for certain seasons. also hunter surveys are flawed in a sense that there are people that hunt and hunt hard see a ton of elk/ deer and dont shoot anything because they didnt see what the wanted. hunters and fishermen know how to play the system and they will play that system to get more tags ie a better chance of hunting., they will use it to there advantage even if it means falsely filling out surveys.
  2. Delw

    Hunt proposal, more limited archery units

    Got to take a quick break, Regards to mandatory hunters surveys/ or volunteer surveys. There unreliable no if's an's or butts about it. your asking hunters to do a survey, most most will tell a white lie to get what they want ie more tags. so the survey comes around and 20 people say no deer taken 10 people say deer taken. hunters will lie about what they shot if it means more tags or keeping a units open for OTC tags. when they had it in the past lots of hunters said no they didnt get one hoping G&F would see poor results and increase the tags. hence why they have a system that doesnt involve the general public. cause bottom line they cant be trusted even on a survey. Seen it happen in Washington State in the late 70's for deer and elk and especially the salmon and steelhead runs, seen it happen in this state with the surveys other hunters even discouraged from saying you got a Deer and like wise when g&f was trying to do fish studies here in Az. It got bad in certain units in washington state that G&F would block roads in and out of certain areas to do a survey. it wasnt because of poaching it was do to there surveys being falsified by hunters for there own gain. The last thing I want to see is hunters/ hunter groups/guides having ANY input into tag allocation seasons and limits.
  3. Delw

    Hunt proposal, more limited archery units

    They dont do data based on one area, they do it on multiple areas in a particular unit. usually those areas are the different types of habitat in that unit. Ie sage, junipers forrest etc etc. if I remember correctly they have a plan for xx areas , like maybe they have 10 different areas, this year they will run 7 or 8 out 1-8 and next year run 3-10. this gives them a better average over all. I forget exactly what they do and how but its basically Known data points over the years.
  4. Delw

    Hunt proposal, more limited archery units

    UNless your talking to people that are in the data side and have many years with game and fish its hardly every explained. theres reasons for it you cant have anyone that works at G&F explain it as it will be taken out of context and start a bunch of complaining. Everyone I have ever met at G&F has been always talkative on things but they can only answer the questions and talk about what they know is fact and not hypthetical. Wanna really get your mind blown talk to the the higher ups that do the endangered species stuff. I learned alot from one particular person on eagles, wolves and a few other species. and dont think just because there working for such and such species they are tree huggers cause they are not. actually the wolf guy he was a good friend I felt sorry for he got it from all the groups. hunters Ranchers USF&W every tree hugger group in the world , politicians and the list goes on.
  5. Delw

    Hunt proposal, more limited archery units

    Its no difference than they lakes. you have to have a basis ie standard to compare your numbers to if you dont your shooting in the wind with guess's for example went out on electro shock and gill netting surveys a couple of years on Apache before the die offs. while I thought there numbers and spots were wrong, tournament results proved them to be pretty accurate over the years. I used tourny results as we had many of them on every lake every weekend so you have a vast number of data to compare it with. like wise if you used fishing reports the data was all over the place. which shows that most people Cant fish on good years or bad years so fishing report Data was flawed where as tourny data had better data. kinda like hunting and forums look how many people cant ever find a deer or elk, then when someone posts they saw 5-10 different bulls a day or a ton of bucks here and there people always call BS, but yet if you look at the hunters who actually hunt hard or fishermen who fish hard they have no problems with seeing game there not complaining and if they are its something to be aware of.
  6. Delw

    Hunt proposal, more limited archery units

    Ive worked with g&f alot over the years on alot of fishery stuff. pretty much all of them are top notch people and go out of there way to explain things on the hows and whys for this and that. the problem is the public is generally pigheaded and dont even take the time to understand the hows and whys, the public just wanna bitch because they feel they were outed and they know best as well as most special interest groups. Of course the public uses the same old bitch line " they dont know what there doing, there only there to make money, they dont care about this or that etc etc Ive seen it all on both the fishing side and the hunting side in the last 40 years, not to mention on the forums in the last 25 years.
  7. Delw

    Hunt proposal, more limited archery units

    Its called a standard. They do the exact same thing on the lakes. this way they have more accurate info over the years how the game and fish species declined or got better. it gives more accurate data doing it this way. if they do everything the same way in the same spots and same time frame its a better way of getting info. While it doesnt make much sense to most people, it makes more sense when its explained and used. Granted some areas do change, because of loss of habitat its the best way to get a more accurate number. were talking years and years of data from the same places.
  8. Delw

    WTB shotgun

    I remember shooting that when I was a kid, Dad was an avid goose and duck hunter. he bought one of those bolt action marlins with the magazine. That gun did kick the crap out of you. Dad use to shoot trap with it for fun and see who could bust the clay just before it hit the ground.
  9. Delw

    Many years too late for this one

    Nice finds. were going out this coming weekend. Daughters coming from ca just to shed hunt with some friends from base.
  10. Delw

    New AI to me

    That looks very nice, shoots goo too. is that Chassie all alum or did they add plastic too it on the outside?
  11. Delw

    WTB shotgun

    Man you guys are getting weak in your old age. I shoot mine alot with buck shot and turkey loads feels like a mild 12 gage 2-3/4 load. but then again I'm shooting a benille super black eagle too
  12. Delw

    SCAMMED What an idiot !!!

    Yeah stanley quit being so insulting and Offensive
  13. Delw

    Unit 9 Goats

    I think he's talking about mike gallos 96+ lope in unit 9, unless it was the muzzy dudes lope head a bigone was takend somewhere in the early 2000's
  14. Delw

    SCAMMED What an idiot !!!

    It will only help cut down on the forsale adds and want add's by people who only come here to sell and buy stuff. which I'm cool with. What it wont do is cut down on scammers and spammers. thats falls on each individual who answers them thinking they are going to get a good deal or some crap like that. there is absolutely nothing that anyone can do about it except the individual him or herself. like wise that's there problem and fault and no one else's.
  15. Delw

    SCAMMED What an idiot !!!

    Dumbass sending money to someone you dont personally know.. hahahahaha Heat, you can use paypal just call them metal parts. That way your not lining
  16. Delw

    Assault weapon ban

    Thats funny
  17. Delw

    Assault weapon ban

    when they dont release the name of a shooter with in a few hours hes either a raghead, black or mexican like wise if it was a white male its released with in an hour. always been that way.
  18. Delw

    Account hacked

    Nothing wrong with classified on a forum for its members. its just getting abused big time by people who are only selling and nothing more.. Same thing happened on azbasszone people came to sell as they have a captive audience, was a hard deal to worked out.
  19. Delw

    Account hacked

    actually I dont send anyone money through the web. especially on a forum. FTF only. unless I know the person personally and talk to them on the phone about it. you younger generations need to learn that. you never know who is on the other end.
  20. Delw

    Account hacked

    dont take this wrong as its not ment to be. I searched and you posted on 3 forums 99% of all the posts are forsale items. some of them were high ticket items quality stuff Optics. nothing wrong with that. but your a target. I'm guessing you have a keylogger or bug of some sort on your PC/phone etc where these clowns can get pws. i'd do a clean on your pc change every pw were you go. could be linked watch FG if you do that and also, change your PW to any of your email accounts. Cox accounts have been hacked over the years as well as others. what there more than likely doing if you dont have a key logger or something else in your system is logging into your email and going onto those certain forums doing a pw change getting the email and changing it. if there not changing it through your email you have a hack of some sort in your pc/phone or something else. Check your emails to see if you got any emails about you wanting to change your pw. they probably deleted them if so but a sure fire way to know if its going through your email is if you couldnt use your password to log in after you were hacked. in the forum software admins cant see the passwords, one way to narrow it down is too see where the others posted and on what forums. Rockslide was mentioned in one posts your on rockslide as well
  21. Delw

    Account hacked

    do you use the same pw and email here? if so change the pw here
  22. Delw

    Account hacked

    Stanley Only way to really "HACK" A username is that user has a key logger on his pc and is on other websites (usually porn websites) with the same password and or email. other than that someone has the admin/mods passwords because they have key loggers or something similar on there pcs. then the hacker goes in and changes accounts of users. we have had admins get hacked, due to modifications on templates in the forum which left security issues open in the database, but never seen them after a user. now some guys just have easy passwords to guess, we have had that happen were a user would guess someones pw and mess with them. The forsale section if alot of activity does attract a ton of people that mainly spam a forum, that and people hyperlinking website sites that sell stuff, Ive noticed more spam on this forum in the last 2 years then ever before hence the foresale section tripled in size in that time. we had a numbnut on azbasszone that constantly posted stupid crap from a fishing website that was nothing more than cheap Chinese/ Indian crap with in a month we had a ton of spam and was that way for a long time till I figured it out. once those hyperlink posts were deleted it slowed down.
  23. Delw

    Account hacked

    stanley who were the user names?
  24. Delw

    Account hacked

    I have my doubts. more than likely a friend got his password and is f'n with him.
  25. Delw

    Account hacked

    Why do you think your account was hacked? what was your old username? why on earth would anyone hack a forum account whats there to gain besides absolutely nothing. Been on/owned forums from the beginning of time hundreds of thousands of members never seen a account hacked. other than a friend messing with someone cause they left there pc logged in,