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Everything posted by COA

  1. So the fluorite is sold. But the glass is up for sale?
  2. Im dead!!!! One of my favorite all time threads.
  3. COA

    Arizona Unit 4B

    Bone collector you live in heber?
  4. Does the buck have flourite?
  5. COA

    Arizona Unit 4B

    Just got back from scouting 4b. 10 bulls over 330 and still growing should grow another 70 inshced by sep. 15th
  6. COA

    Arizona Unit 4B

    I have this tag too! Will be a rodeo chasing bulls non-stop everyday
  7. COA

    Arizona Unit 4B

    4b is on fire. You wont have to go very far from the roads. U can usually find a 350 bull inly going one ridge in.
  8. COA


    $$$ TTT
  9. COA

    Where am I

    Central az
  10. COA

    My son doesn't want to go Elk Hunting!!!

    Ouch. Adam good luck there. sounds like my ex wife. Best of luck sir
  11. COA

    hey Amanda this is a crock of shoot...

    If you want to teach your kids anything i would start by not being on the internet. Thats how i was learned. I havent said a curse word all morning.
  12. COA

    Chainsawing Coolers!

    How about the shiti coolers
  13. COA

    2001 Ford Ranger

    First pm gets dibs over "ill take it"
  14. COA

    2001 Ford Ranger

    I too have some stuff for sale if anyone wants to make an offer. Its obo
  15. COA

    Chainsawing Coolers!

    No ruffled feathers here. But you can stuck ur head up a butchers ask to get a good look at a tbone steak but wouldnt you rather take the bulls word?
  16. COA

    Chainsawing Coolers!

    No ruffled feathers here. But you can stuck ur head up a butchers ask to get a good look at a tbone steak but wouldnt you rather take the bulls word?
  17. COA

    Chainsawing Coolers!

    I could have told you foam was inside. The Yeti still had stickers on it what a waste.
  18. COA

    The reason I do not like side by sides

    What did you take hese pictures with a banana?
  19. COA

    smoothest shooting bow??

    Hoyt cst 1/2 cam
  20. The steel drivers. town mountain Gets Scared. Every day. In that order
  21. COA

    Draw progress

    Next week
  22. COA

    Draw progress

    ahhh i got sucked into this. Troll me not!! I will bow out.