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galiuro mountain man

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Posts posted by galiuro mountain man

  1. The first weekend in january a partner and I glassed a big buck 500 yds away. I could see he was taller and wider than my 97" buck I arrowed in august. I told him it was a good buck, real good, and we needed to cross the other canyon to get a different angle on him. We got over there and started glassing again, and I spotted a deer under an oak tree. I could only see from its bottom jaw down, and decided to wait and glass longer. After glassing this deer and the area for an hour, it was time to stalk. We craled through the manzanita till we hit the bottom of the canyon, then I took another look. The deer was 100 yards away, but I couldnt see it because of a little rise in front of it. So we snuck to the next tree 40 yards away. Looked again, but the little rise was just high enough to cover the deer. I told my partner we could crawl up to the tree that is 25 yards from the deer, so we hit all fours again. We got to the tree, and I told him to go to the next tree to our right and pull his bow. I pulled my bow, then bleated once, the deer stood up and it was a doe. I started to think maybe the buck slipped away at some point, started letting my bow down. At half draw I caught movement from the corner of my eye, it was the buck. He was huge, even his body was big, at first I thought he was a mule deer. I was so excited I couldnt pull my bow back. He stood there for 5 to 10 seconds broadside then trotted off. I wasnt dissapointed at all, I was 25 yards from a monster whitetail, waaaay bigger than mine, and I know I will get a second try someday.

    My partner couldnt get a shot at him, the deer was facing straight away from him, but he could see he was a monster.


    The way I got good at stalking is when I finally went strictly archery hunting. With a rifle you dont need as much stealth, if you are loud with a bow, you probably wont take anything home. It took me 4 years to make my first bow kill on a deer. I learned after that it was a rush to kill with a bow, and I needed to get better. Now when I scout I go in street clothes, and try to get within a certain distance of deer or elk or whatever. I have only been close a few times this way, but it makes you work harder to get close. Then just use the same ways when hunting decked out in camos. I can usually get to 40 yards in street clothes, but have been to 25. If everything is right and the deer is by itself bedded I can get to 15 to 20 yards pretty consistantly. It has taken about 8 years to get where I am stalking deer, and a lot of miles also.



  2. I really like the release, stuff happens sometimes though. Anyways, it was the last weekend I would be able to hunt deer untill Aug, and I wasnt finding anything. I had glassed all day, and only seen one muley doe. It was about 3 in the afternoon, and I had enough wind by then, so I was headed home. I decided to stop at a big canyon on the way back and glass one last time. I saw deer, a bunch of muleys in the mesquites. I watched them with my binos for an hour at 900 yards away. I could barely make out their ears at this distance. Then he walked out, the biggest muley I have ever seen. I would estemate him at close to 200" , just huge, it looked like he had a tree on his head!! The wind was blowing pretty good from him to me, so I kept watching the deer to see where they were headed. The lead doe turned toward the bottom of the canyon, so I decided to hoof it down there. I really wanted to cross the canyon but the bottom was all bluffs, I found one place where it was 10 feet wide, so I was going to jump it. I got ready to jump it, and all the does started running towards the bottom of the canyon where I was, so I hid in a tree. They all came to the other edge of the canyon with the big buck right behind them. Then they started eating again. I was shaking now, this huge buck is in bow range now, but with how hard I am shaking I cant get a shot off. I calm myself down after a minute, and the does are headed back up hill, but the buck lays down on the other side and starts watching the does work back uphill. He is laying broadside in bow range, so I sneak to the other side of the tree, I stand up so I can make the perfect shot, and start to pull my bow. At partial draw my arrow is flying into the canyon. What happened I start to think. I look at my release, and my little roller and pin are missing. My release will not work, so I check my pack, my back up isnt in it. At this point I just sit down on a rock untill the buck gets up and wanders slowly back up the hill, once he bedded on the top I made my way back to the road and went home. There is always August.



  3. I still have 1/2 a dozen of my origional beamans from about 10 years ago, the old style ones with outserts and out nocks. I still have some of my origional CX300's from 5 years ago. They are now rabbit arrows because I have shot the spline out of them(it only took about 10,000 shots each!). I am very impressed with the carbons today, they are straighter, stronger, and more consistant than ever. I have recently switched to Gold Tip 5575 XT shafts because of the durability, and if they do break they dont splinter as bad, usually a clean break.



  4. You can actually do pretty good calling them in. I have had lions into about 100 yards, then smell or see me. If I rifle hunted I could have easily got one of them, but I only archery hunt, so they need to get closer for me. I have only been out calling 3 times, and I am 2 for 3 on calling them in this year. I usually try to go the day after it rains or snows so any tracks I find will be fresh. A good place to look for lions is in canyon bottoms, saddles, and steep ridges. Pretty much any major deer movement areas. I have had the most luck in canyons so far. I will be going again next week, I will try to use a decoy and a treestand, so hopefully it will all come together.



  5. The rest is called the Ripcord. You can get them from just about any archery shop. I put moleskin on mine so it is silent, drawing the bow or shooting it. It is the best commercial rest in my opinion. It is also rubberized inside to be quiet. It is simple to tune because it locks in place. I used a digital video recorder to see if it worked fast enough, and it is out of the way long before the fletching gets to it.



  6. I was faced with this in Aug this year. I hit my buck @ 1230 opening day. I saw it was a good hit, so I sat for 30 minutes because I couldnt see him or hear him crash. After 30 minutes I went to where I hit him and began to look for blood. There was none. I looked for him for a few hours that day, doing a zig zag across hills and canyons around the area. I went back to the truck around dark and kept running the shot through my head. I knew it was a good hit, but I couldnt find blood. The next day I went to the next canyon south, then the next canyon north. I passed on a good 30 yard shot on a bear in the morning and another 90 or so inch buck at noon. I knew I had an animal down out there somewhere. I looked for buzzards and stuff to see if they were on something, but none were hitting the ground. Got back to the truck around dark. The next day I walked all over again, couldnt find it. At 200 pm my dad killed his buck so we packed it out and headded home. I couldnt go the next day, but it was on my mind the whole time. The next day, four days into the aug archery hunt I was back again. As soon as we got to where I had shot my buck, I could smell him. It took about an hour to find him because of the wind, but I found him. I looked at the entry and exit holes, they were in the perfect spot,so I am still puzzled at how he went about 200 yards, and where the heck my arrow went. The only thing I could do was take his rack, and tag it. There are pics of the rack in the bowhunting section of the photo gallery. Now I am ready for the Jan hunt to start.



  7. I havent had any problems with the noise or the flash spooking big bucks. I got 16 photos of the 100" buck I got and 11 of one that had to be around 120". I also got multiple photos of 90" bucks. The one thing that you need to worry about with film cams is bears like the taste of film. They will play with digital cams but usually wont eat them. Another advantage to using digital is that you can look at the photos in the field, and you can get many more pictures on digitals. The bad thing about digital is the initial price, but it will save you money in the long run on developing prices. I have had my cams up for a total of 2 months each, and have over 1000 pictures on the digitals and only 100 on the film, and they have been out the same amount of time. I hope this helps you.



  8. I was in 32 today scouting for Jan archery hunt. I made a 5 mile loop into the wilderness, and the deer are still lower. I saw some good bucks in one group right off a main road. Most were 90 to 100 inches, and one would go to 110 or better. I only saw 2 bucks up high, where nobody but me has been. I figured they would be there by now, but not yet. I figure it will be this way untill the first gunshot.



  9. Go shoot a bunch of them, then determine it by comfort and how well you like them. Everyone is different and you need to find your own favorite. What is best for one person may be the worst for another. All the bows out today are quality and 100 times better than bows from just 10 years ago.



  10. About the bachelor herds: I saw a few of them this year a few times each. There is no real pattern to it. One day you see big ones running with little ones. The next time you see them some of the little ones are gone. Then you run into them again and the big ones are gone, then a few days later they are all together again. This year I ran into 4 different bachelor groups. One was 3 big bucks and 4 small ones. Then there was another one with 12 in it and only 3 were under about 80". The only thing I have figured out about them is that the groups change, one day it is big the next it is small, then the next day they are all together.



  11. Thanks guys, what you said helps with my dissapointment in myself for not finding it sooner. I had a couple more chances at a couple of 90" bucks, but passed because I wanted my buck. He only went 300 yards from where I shot him, but made it into a nasty, thick canyon. I walked right by him on the first day, about 30 minutes after I had shot him, but there was no blood trail, and it was too rocky for tracks. I walked a total of 27 miles in search of him, (at least that is what my gps said) stumbling around about a 4 mile radius from where I shot him. I knew I made a great shot, but when I found no blood, I started second guessing myself. I put bears on hold during my search also. I had a good chance at a good size bear, but I wanted to either find my deer, either dead, or alive, at least I would find it. I am excited now, I am going to start my bear hunt now, I hope to see that bear again. I also hope he gives me that 30 yard broadside shot again!!


    I will go to the taxidermist and get some photos of the rack, my dad wants to see it, and I will post it if I can


    Good luck to everyone else!


  12. I dont have a photo of it, but I got a decent buck. I tokk the rack directly to the taxidermist. I will have it scored in a few months. I didnt get my 110+ buck, but I got the other one that I thought was good. He is a heavy 3x3 that will easily go 100". It was a fun hunt, but I am a little dissapointed in myself. I made a perfect shot at noon on friday on him, but couldnt find him till yesterday. This is the reason I have no photos of him. I walked all over the place to try to find him, I looked for buzzards and crows, I couldnt find a blood trail or anything. I finally smelled him yesterday, and got my rack. I wish I would have found him friday, but a bear had a good meal.



  13. If you can keep up with me in the hills you can try for him too. It is a good thing my truck hasnt been to that area in about 3 years. I found this guy in just about the roughest area I have been in any of the southern units, so if you were to follow me and get him, I wouldnt be mad, because it is on public land and I know if you got him, you worked your butt off to do it! Then I would just chase his little brother, which runs with him and is almost as big! :D


