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galiuro mountain man

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Posts posted by galiuro mountain man

  1. I was wondering what people were using to handgun hunt on here. I hope to get drawn for a rifle deer hunt this year so I can use mine.


    I used to use a ruger .357mag, then I gave it to my wife because she can hit stuff with it and I cant.


    I now use a Taurus Raging Bull 454 casull with a 2x6 power burris scope on it.

    I can put 10 bullets in a 4" circle at 200 yards with it if the conditions are right.


    Just wanted to know what you use.


    GMM :ph34r:

  2. Here are the links






    Oh I picked up my camera yesterday, I had a whole roll of film gone. 16 coues photos, 6 of cattle, and 2 of me.


    It worked great, but it almost drowned. I set it a couple of weeks ago on the edge of a pond about 4 feet high, right above the water line. When I got to it yesterday it was only about 10 inches from the water!!


    That rain filled all of the ponds where I hunt, I just hope that this weekend wasnt the end of the rain.


    GMM B)

  3. TAM,


    There is always someone selling them also on these sites, I saw a few digitals that someone was selling for $250. The quality of these cams is awsome, and you cant find any decent commercials at this price. You might be able to find one there to buy, or have someone build for you, a lot of the guys on there will put them together if you supply them the parts.



  4. Why dont you build them. I am building 2 digital cams with olympus cameras and when it is all done I will have about $150 into each of them(including price of camera), and they work better than commercially made cameras. You can put any options you want into them, night pics only, day only, delays, slave flashes for long night shots, and even digital video cameras.


    I have one out right now in the field for testing, of course, two days after I put it up it rains (sure hope I sealed it off good) This camera is a 35mm and it only cost me $69 to build. I am going to get it this weekend and put it in a different box (smaller and lighter one). It worked great in my back yard, so I should get some great photos from it.


    Oh, about the cams I am building now, I can get about 300 photos on 1 memory card! They also have a time and date on every photo if I want, all I do is set up my camera for it. The whole unit is about 9" x 5".


    My next ones will only be 4.5" x 3" with a 3mp digital camera!


    Any one can build these, they are not hard, The more you do, the better you get. They do take a little time, but when you see the quality of photos you get you wont evr buy a trail cam again!


    WARNING! Building trail cameras is addicting, trust me, I have only been doing it for a month or so, and I have 1 out, 2 on the way, and plans for about 50 more.



    Good luck



    I can post links to the sites, if it is ok with Amanda.

  5. Well my hometown is Safford AZ, but now I am in Phoenix. Ive hunted coues since I was 14 and could buy myself an archery tag. I hunt just about all of the southern units.


    Anyways, just wanted to say Welcome, you have joined the best hunting site on the web, and you should have a lot of fun, meet great people, and learn a bunch here.



  6. That is awsome that you got your wife a bow. My wife already shot a bow when I met her, now she is shooting my moms. I think after I get her a car, I will get her a brand new bow so she can use it in Aug.


    I also got my moms rifle for her, and she is going to be lion hunting with me soon. It is awsome to hunt with your wife, we had a blast in dec. even though we froze.


    Good luck





    Can you email me a photo? I would like to see it.


    I am using an electronic caller and decoy. So far it has worked really well on yotes, called 1 in a couple of minutes, I just let it go. I was focusing on cats. I almost shot it when I thought it was going to take off with my decoy, but he smelt me and my partner when he was a few feet from the decoy.


    Then we called over the kill and 2 other yotes came out of the trees right above it and were very confused by it. They thought the calf had come back to life! Then we got them, we had already decided to go around to the other side of the mountain.


    Then the wind picked up and blew so hard that sometimes we couldnt even hear the caller, and we were 50 yards from it. We decided then to call it a day.


    All the predators are getting bad. I have seen more yotes than ever before and the ranchers are having a tough time with it. Some even have a bounty for them.


    Anyways, thanks for responding, I just hope to get some info soon.


    Good luck everyone



  8. I was just wondering if anyone hunts coues here. I am looking for info on area! Ive hunted all the mountains north of it, on the lazy B ranch, but never went to the wilderness. I am looking for easiest routes to the wilderness boundaries. Where there is water. Where the bighorns and deer are. The reason is lion hunting. I will be in this area looking for lions. Any info is apreciated. If anyone has seen lion sign, tracks, scrapes, kills, or scat, there in the last month or so, you could let me know. If I get into lions, it will be good for the hunters, and ranchers. I will be chasing lions till the middle of march, and next month I will hit the Galiuros. (I know this area well, I could trade info)


    Oh, I did find a very fresh lion kill yesterday just north of the wilderness there. It was a calf that the coyotes had chased the lion off of, when we chased the coyotes off, it wasnt stiff yet and had barely been eaten on, and wasnt all the way cold yet. I know it was a lion, typical lion kill, broken neck, no lascerations on legs (coyotes attack legs),and fur was plucked from belly area, also typical of lions. I also know it was a young lion, I saw its tracks.


    Good luck everyone


  9. The polish worked!! I went to the range on the first to zero it in for lion hunting this month and they dont get stuck anymore. I am shooting 240 gr hornaday hallow points, and they are hitting good!! Now all I have to do is get a lion within 200yds long enough to set up my rest and I can get him. Have you used the 240 hornadays yet? I have noticed a big improvement in performance from the 260's I was shooting. I sighted in 1 inch high at 100 yards, now at 200 I have way less drop! My groupes are tighter also, all within 3 inches instead of 5. and this is with 10 rounds! I have to admit, this Taurus is awsome, I dont have near the accuracy with my Ruger 357 mag, and for some reason it is funner to shoot!



  10. Catclaw, I ran into the same thing in August with some people from CA in 32. They had a road I always use blocked off with a trailer, and almost told me that I couldnt go through there because it was their camp. They werent even supposed to have a trailer up there in the first place! second they left a mess. Third they rode quads into the wilderness. The last thing they did was camped about 100 ft from a stock tank. Now 2 of the 4 things they did wrong are easy to do, if you dont know the area, but when you sign a book for private ranch access these things are posted- NO TRAILERS and CAMP AT LEAST 1/4 MILE AWAY FROM WATER. Now the mess they left really made me mad. Then I saw on the day after they left, quad tracks from their camp into the wilderness. They used an old mine road, and right on the gate it says FOOT ACCESSS ONLY. Now I am disgusted! So I walk up to the top of a ridge and call G&F to report them. I took their license #'s when they werent going to let me past their camp. I dont know what happened with it, but something has to be done about stuff like this!


    Dont get me wrong, I dont care where you are from, out of state, local, or out of country, FALLOW ALL RULES- especially when they are posted all over the place!!!! There are a lot of places in 32 where the landowners wont allow access, all because of this very thing. Remember 1 PERSON can ruin this for EVERYONE!!!


    OK I will get off the soapbox now, just obey all rules and have fun out there!



  11. any luck using this info? It worked for me last weekend, I was even on a 4wheeler and saw 2 does running up the side of a hill next to the road. I quickly turned it off and grunted, as they topped over the hill. The one in back stopped right on top and looked back. A minute goes by and the other one comes back over the hill!!! I am sitting on my bike and they are 60 yards away just looking at me, then they started graising again!!! Also I heard a grunt while checking out a small pond, so I did one short soft grunt then one louder one. A minute or so goes by and I hear something behind me, just then a little gust of wind blows that direction and I hear hooves on rocks going away from me. I am pretty sure it was a buck that circled downwind of me to get a wiff of what was trying to pick a fight with him. I think if I would have been high in a treestand he might not have smelled me and came all the way in.



  12. Depends on the deer, I have had deer see me draw and actually walk closer to check me out. Also I have had deer bolt as soon as they saw or heard me even behind cover. I just try to figure out what the deer might do before he figures it out. But when I know the deer isnt paying any attention to me, even while they are in the open I just draw as slow and quietly as possible.


    I got a story about my hunt this past August. Opening day first thing in the morning I see 2 forkies and a little button horn buck at 20 yards graising away, they just looked at me for a few seconds then wnt to graising again, I think wow first 20 minutes of the hunt, this should be a good hunt. I pass because I am still walking to where I was going to hunt. I get to my spot at 8am after a 2 mile hike into the wilderness and sit down. I havent even gotten comfortable yet and a doe and what looked like another button walks by at 30 yards and dont even see me.


    Nothing goes on for a while untill 1pm, I hear something coming from my left, I use just my eyes to look, it was a monster buck well over 100" walking my way. He isnt even paying attention to me, so I slowly turn my head, and at that time the bill of my hat hits a small stick and it breaks. The deer bolted and was gone.

    Now all it that happened was a stick broke and he was gone.


    The next day I do the same thing walking into my spot, this time I pull my bow without an arrow just to see what would happen, the deer just looked up at me then went back to eating. This day I had 2 other people with me though, and when they caught up to me the deer ran off.


    Well we get to our spot and start to figure out where we are going to sit. I find my place, and guess what, someone was already there! A 5 1/2 foot long rattlesnake. Well I decide I am bigger than him and grab a long stick and move him about 150yards from where we will be. Nothing happens for a couple of hours untill I hear some leaves being moved. I slowly turn my head and there he was, well the snake, I now know that he has a problem with me so I use other means that I knew would take care of him. This time I moved him back to where I had before. He had a proper burrial.


    Anyways I walk up to one of my friends and was asking him what he wanted to do since nothing was coming in, about that time we hear hooves, so I sit down, in the open. We then see bucks! 4 of them 2 small ones and two monsters. They are at 80 yards now. I see one of them is the buck from the day before.

    I just stay as still as possible, I dont even think I was breathing. The two small ones get to the water hole and are 20 yards away now. Both big ones move to 60 yards straight in front of me. So I start moving my bow as slowly as possible, must have taken 5 minutes to get into drawing position. I keep running the yardage though my mind, and decide since it is a level, open shot and no wind to shoot. I start to pull back as slow as possible and realize it was too slow, I started to shake and so did my arrow on my rest. The big deer turns and looks right at me, remember, I am in the open! So I decide to pull fast and see what happens, I get all the way back and he hasnt moved. I set my pin on his side and let it go. It was a perfect release, arrow flying perfect, a perfect shot. Untill I notice my arrow hitting a stick about a yard in front of him then crashing into a rock. The angle was just perfect I couldnt see the stick against the deers body. I went and checked for any sign of a hit, nothing, my arrow and broadhead were up against the rock with nothing on them, I was relieved I didnt have to chase a wounded deer around.


    So you see, it just depends on the deer, that deer spooked so easily the day before and didnt move till my arrow hit the rock next to him the day after.


    Oh, so far I havent seen him again......YET!!!



    Good luck

  13. It is all in preperation, at home and in the field, even before the first shot is fired. From start to finish you must start prepairing the meat.


    Shot placement: hit it good so you dont chase a wounded animal around. When wounded and they run, it makes the blood pump harder into the muscles, which is thing similar to what happens when you bruise. Also if you gut shoot an animal, guess what the meat might taste like.


    Field dressing: get those guts out fast! as soon as the deers heart stops beating, its cooling system stops. I shot a deer in dec of 98 and I had a thermometer with me, I set it inside the stomach area then started gutting, in 10 minutes it was at 115 degrees F. Then as soon as it was field dressed it started dropping temp. At this time that I shot it, it was only 40 degrees out. Also try not to let any urine hit any meat, this whangy flavor wont cook out of the meat (experience speaking here).


    Hide: Skin your deer as soon as you can. My family always skins our animals the same day we get them. The longer you leave the hide on the more chance there is for hair to get on meat.


    Processing meat: If you dont have access to a meat storage locker, get that meat cut up and in the freezer. Some people like to hang their animals a few days to tenderize it, Thats fine, but I dont do it.


    Thawing meat: Heres the main reason for gamy taste. DONT USE MICROWAVE!!!! Get a large salad bowl and fill it with salt water. It thaws meat well and will draw some of the blood out of the meat. I do this 3 times for 20 minutes each time with ALL of my red meat. It also helps tenderize it. A nice thing about salt is that after you cook youre meat, you dont taste it. Cooking meat this way people thought I was ordering expensive beef steaks, when all it was, was elk or deer!


    There are a few flavors that I cant remove from meat, 3 mentioned earlier. The main game taste I have noticed is juniper, mostly in mulies, I cant remove. I had one deer from unit 28 that ate a bunch of juniper berries, and you could taste it! That whole deer turned into green chile meat.


    I know most of you here already know this. But I hope this helps someone. I love pretty much all wild meat and in my opinion from the first shot untill it hits the freezer is the most important time of meat preparation.



    anyways Good luck every one.


  14. The 454 I have is the hunter editon raging bull. I shoot the 240 grain hornadays through it. It is an awsome pistol. I put a 2x6 power scope on it and now I am very acurate out to 200 yards when I shoot with a rest.


    1 question 300 wsm, When you shoot more than 3 times at once, does your brass get stuck in your cylinder to where you have to give it a pop to eject it? Mine has done this since I got it, but my granpa's doesnt. I am going to try to polish it lightly with flitz and see if it works, but if you have any suggestions I would appreciate it.
