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galiuro mountain man

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Posts posted by galiuro mountain man

  1. What part is moving? If there is a screw coming loose put some bowstring wax on the threads and it will hold it for a long time. It will also help keep the screws from gauling and getting stuck. I usually put wax on all of my screws at least once a year, usually the beginning of summer after all the spring hunts.


    Hope this helps


  2. I ended up getting a Switchback. I still have my Outback, but it is now a backup bow. I had the chance to get a SB when I got my OB, but I thought at that time the OB was better. Oh well, the OB was a great bow, I got 1 deer, 1 javelina, and a bunch of rabbits with it, but I am so much more accurate with the SB.


    I hope I can get into the deer like I did a couple of years ago. If so, the hunt will be even better, deer running all over, and not really paying attention to me. What ever this season is like, it will be fun.



  3. Well summer is here and in a short time it will be deer season again. It is time to get out the bows and start getting ready for the season. I got a new bow for this season and have been shooting it, I love it. I have been shooting way better with this bow than any other.


    I will be doing some scouting and finding new areas to hunt (cant have too many) in the next couple of months. I hope to find a couple of the bucks I have seen in the past couple of years. I will be setting up cams, and trying to get photos while I am out there (I always carry a camera, but I forget to get it out of my pack when I see something). Hopefully I can get some pics up.



  4. My computer at my shop was hit. I had 5 or 6 variations of the trojan virus. Windows caught it and started downloading anti spyware on my computer. It cost me $25.00, but I have no more viruses. My home computer wasnt effected.





  5. I parked at the corral, and I told my wife I was coming home at noon that day. I was walking back into the corral and noticed the cattle around it werent paying any attention to me, then I saw him walking down a trail from the corral. So I nocked an arrow and got on the trail he was on and waited for him to make it the 100 or so yards to me. He went and got his drink, and when he was 5 or 6 yards I decided it was close enough for me. After hitting him he ran about 5 more yards and fell over. I spend about 15 minutes removing my broadhead from a railroad tie used for the corner of the fence he was by and it was done. I was really impressed with my montec bh, it went through the pig, through a strand of barbed wire attached to the tie, and burried about 1 1/2" into the tie, and it was still sharp, only needed a touch up on the stone and back in the package it went.




    Oh, I knew he was huge when I went to pack him out, went to move him to my truck, only 100 yds away, I picked him up by the back legs, and lifted its legs to almost shoulder high, and realized I would drag his nose off if I carried him this way, it was still touching the ground. I thought he was average till then, because I am 6'2" tall. He had long but worn tusks, they were almost poking through his snout on top, there were calluses where they almost poked through.

  6. I havent been able to post anything in a while, been busy, but here is my archery javelina I got the last day of season. I was about to give up after a whole month of hunting and not finding any javies. The last day I ended up hitting this big boar at 6yds with my Outback. The hunt was kind of wierd, we found lots of them before season, and this was the only shot I had on a pig this year. I saw lots of small bucks and one mulie my hunting partner and I call Buckzilla, we hunted him about half the month, but I never got any pics of him, but August will come soon enough. Rough estemation puts the buck over 200", somewhere.


    But here is the pig, he was all alone and field dressed over 55 lbs. (all my scale went to).


  7. I wasnt as clear as I would hyave liked to have been I guess. It isnt about the posts themselves, it was about the fighting with eachother, others believing if your opinion is not the same you are wrong. I feel every one is entitled to your own opinion. Maybe I am blowing things out of proportion, but I dont think that I am. Like the illegal post, it was a good post and informative about the problems, but when everyone started fighting about why it is and how to take care of it, it turned me off from here. Going back, I guess it wasnt as bad as I thought, there are some real issues, and arguing wont take care of them.



  8. This is the best website on the net, but recently I have seen a change. This site is one of two that I go to, now I dont feel like reading a lot of what is on here, with all the arguing going on between eachother, and over just about anything. This was intended for learning about coues whitetailed deer. Lately it seems like a political opinion forum. If I wanted to see finger pointing and arguing I would go to a forum like that. I am done trying to weed through the whine posts to find posts about coues, or even hunting in general, so I will have to say bye.


    Good bye all,


  9. Thank you guys.


    I have been shooting vortex for a long time. I have put down a lot of animals with them, but the past 2 years I have had issues with them. The buck I hit yesterday would have been a passthrough using a fixed blade, it would have glanced off the bone and hit it perfect. Last year my bh hung up on the opposite side of my deer and didnt let it bleed out right, it was a perfect shot but no blood. The reason I liked the mechanicals was because of the larger cutting diamiter. I can make just about any head fly just as good as the Vortex. You are right about shot placement, a person can kill a deer with a field tip if it has been well placed. The reason I am switching is because of penetration. On my second deer I had a BH punch through the shoulder on on side and through lungs and stick in the tree behind my deer. It was slightly quartered to me and I made a slightly off shot, but it still made it through. It was a fixed blade, and the bow I used I only estimate at about 50# KE. I know my vortex wouldnt do that. It has to make too big of a hole and the blades arent at the best angle to penetrate. I will still carry at least one though, just in case it is real windy.



  10. I work for Phelps Dodge Morenci also. I am a heavy equipment mechanic. I work in the pit out of a service truck. I also own my own bussiness on the side. I have an archery shop in Safford. It is R & C Archery Tuning. Right now I only tune and repair bows and equipment, but I hope to be dealing in some equipment soon. I just started a few months ago, but things are starting to pick up now.


