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archery bank

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Posts posted by archery bank

  1. I posted on FB anonymously because I have a higher regard for CWT members than FB. I try to keep my love of hunting on the down low due to my work. I only share pictures with my friends and family. Obviously someone in my sphere shared it to ATO. I will be more careful in the future.

    I hope ATO learned a lesson and will refrain from this behavior in the future.

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  2. Just fished Lees Ferry June 30 and July 1. The water was extremely murky probably due to the run off. I could only see about six feet down. The flow was high around 18-20K. I fly fished mostly. Very lttle dry fly activity, I only caught three on dries on the back eddy at four mile. No cicadas were seen nor heard. The usual areas to wade were under five to six feet of water.

    I nymphed using an orange SJ worm and a green scud. I caught most on my fish on a weighted green wolly bugger using a full sinking line getting the hits on the swing. I also caght a few fish on dry/dropper, big dry with  2 feet of 5x holding a SJ worm in the few riffles that were available. Not one fish rose to the dry.

    The weather was nice with little wind but it got hot in the afternoon. I wore waders in the AM then after lunch I was down to long pants and sandals. My boat ran well and my new prop remained unscathed.

    Most of the guides had their clients fishing off the boat. I only saw three guide boats out on Saturday


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