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Posts posted by Coueser

  1. I had the tag 7 years ago.  It’s a fun hunt.  I wouldn’t say it was head and shoulders better than other hunts I have had.  The quality isn’t really out of this world.  You see lots of elk and have less hunters in the field but still rarely see bulls over 350.  I think you have high tag numbers on the late rifle hunt to thank for that.


    As some have alluded to already, there are WAY more people in the field than tags. . . This really diminishes some of the benefits of only 15 tags.  You will likely run into many people out calling and enjoying the woods/rut who aren’t even hunting or with a hunter.  I never really did have confrontations but did find that when I was on a great bull, there were often other hunters/callers after the same bull.  The year I had the tag there were cameras on almost all water sources and often these cameras were being checked multiple times daily which made many elk go nocturnal in spite of limited “hunters” in the field.  If water is scarce, water sources getting hit by big bulls are in high demand.  This year may change, to a degree, with cameras banned for hunting.

    For the most part, I think you draw this tag for great rut action and experiences and not for sitting water.  I think if you go into it expecting to get into rutting bulls that you will be happy.  If you think the bulls are a lot bigger in 23 than other units, you will be let down.  


    One other benefit to this hunt is different topography.  You can be in gentle rolling hills covered with pines, steep canyons overgrown with oaks after fires, or pinyon/junipers.  All hold elk and have the potential to hold a giant.  You can pick what you’re looking for in your hunt.  Enjoy the time and hope the rut gets going early this year for your sake.  

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  2. I think you are smart to start with water sources.  Depends on the year, but when it is dry they can be you best bet for archery.  

    I second above on Steve Chappell.  I think the sounds he makes on his youtube videos are the most authentic I've heard.  If you can get down a good locator bugle and a smooth cow call with either diaphragm or my preference is an external reed cow elk call (personal favorites are the primos hyperlip or phelps ez estrus) then you should be in great shape

    • Like 1

  3. Just listened to Duwane Adams interview on the Jay Scott podcast.  He said the 12AW early hunt was the worst he had seen in his 40 years up there.  The deer were spread out from up top to down low and very "pockety".  The biggest deer they saw was probably a 170s buck.  He felt like all the guides up there had a pretty similar experience this year. 


    Pretty depressing to hear that.  I have been so excited to get to go with my wife who has a tag this year.  Just curious on yall's thoughts?  I appreciated the couple stories on the hunt so far but was curious if any of you others who had been up there had similar experiences?  It seems like tag #'s have been decreased up there in the hopes of getting back to the glory days but it doesn't seem to be rebounding very quickly.  I know last years fawn recruitment was way down.  Do you think the monsoon rains came too late this year for antler growth?

  4. I’ve never hunted 10 or the Bo so I can’t give you specific advice but I have seen the question of “is it worth it to pay to hunt Boquillas?” come up a few times and the consistent answer seems to be that it is.  The rationale is that it is pretty hard to draw a tag and the fee almost doubles the size of huntable land and why limit yourself on a hard to draw tag?  

    As far as guidance on hunting on a CHAMP tag if your uncle is pretty limited as far as mobility goes, road hunting can be pretty successful.  I’d recommend hearing protection if shooting from a vehicle because I’ve been told it can be really loud.  Unit 10 does lend itself to glassing and if he is pretty capable of getting around you may want to check out some glassing points that are near roads as well.  

    Sorry I can’t be more specific for your hunt.  Good luck!

    • Like 1

  5. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE my Meopta 12x50s. Wish I got them for this price.

    I have never had a pair of binos that are so comfortable on my eyes.   I’m convinced these are the best dollar for dollar binos available 

    • Like 3

  6. Not trying to get off topic too much but I’ve been dying to ask. . .
     Lance and others that run your Mr Buddy heaters, do you run them all night snd leave a flap of the the windows open?  I want to since it gets so dang cold but always chicken out and turn it off and on multiple times a night when I get too miserable

  7. Thanks for the report.  Im pretty confident that they’ll have 22 road opened up by November.  Last year I know they had it opened in time for the late hunt (not sure about the early hunt).

     I was hoping honestly that the tanks would be holding pretty good water with the rains that they’ve had up there over the past weeks but it doesn’t sound like it from your report.  

    In general, coyotes can be hard on the fawns.  Utah went years ago to a $50 bounty for each coyote jaw brought in; Arizona has never done that but lots of coyotes up there and most deer hunters would appreciate less (along with mountain lions).  You can purchase a mountain lion tag for your hunt - the season starts August 20th and quota for the 12 units is 14 lions (I have no idea how long it takes to reach that quota).  

    Hopefully last years burn greens up quickly - would be great for the animals - will be interesting to see how it looks this year and if it alters the deer usually migration significantly.
