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Everything posted by arizonian

  1. arizonian

    Greatest Generation

    Mt Lemmon Honor Prison Camp was started to build the road up to Mt Lemmon in the '30's, later during the war also used to house Japanese draft resistors. My dad took me up there before it was torn down, though I have few memories of it. Then we continued up to Furnace Road and went squirrel hunting.
  2. arizonian

    Quail hatch

    Took these pics at the end of March. We have two dead palm tree trunks in our front yard, mama quail nested in one of them. They have since hatched and are roaming about. Palm trees trunks are just a bunch of fibers held together by the bark on the outside. You can stick your hand down thru the fibers and feel the difference in temp.
  3. arizonian

    2024 season dates?

    October, November and December...
  4. arizonian

    What is it?

    Mill ball, still used today in copper mining sulfide ore, molybdenum ore, lead, gold, silver. Is it magnetic? If you found one, there should be others nearby. Even cement plants use mill balls. Anything you want to grind to a talcum powder consistency. Oh, and Dr Pepper...
  5. arizonian

    Coy Dog?

    Came across this guy just down the street yesterday morning. My first instinct was to chase him down with my truck but I didn't want to ruin the neighbor's yard so I got out the camera. Young, scrawny, starving coyote, don't believe he has a pack, and I'm thinking it might be a coy dog judging by the lack of tail. Is it possible? Or does he have a bad case of mange? Third time I have seen him in the hood, so maybe I'll get a better shot.
  6. arizonian

    Coy Dog?

    I'll be damned if I'm going to chase him down and give a him shot of Ivermectin! That stuff is for me and my family!
  7. arizonian

    Coy Dog?

    Saw him really close yesterday morn. Almost no hair, really dark skin. Read up on mange, so mange it is.
  8. arizonian

    Let's see those side by sides!

    Old school. No heat or AC. 1982.
  9. arizonian

    Recognize mountains?

    My memory is failing me. The tree you speak of, is that where the dad had to come and rescue... Oh, never mind...
  10. arizonian

    Recognize mountains?

    Way off topic, but let's see if I recall correctly. Do you know what road is after Haveatter road when eastbound on I-10? Sore Finger Road...
  11. For some reason I always have a digital volt-ohm meter packed along side my tools. An axe and shovel is always in the back. Chainsaw and gas if you're camping.
  12. arizonian

    What's for dinner tonight?

    No pics but Mexican steak, potatoes, beans. By Mexican steak, get yourself to El Herradaro Carneciera, order up a couple of pounds of Palomilla bistek with the marinade, let set in fridge for a few days and them barbecue to taste. Yum! My Georgia son never had anything like it.
  13. arizonian

    Cold night

    Should have responded sooner but life got in the way. Not the design of the home but the design of the fireplace. Outside (combustion) air is introduced at the bottom of the fireplace with a damper to seal it off when not being used.
  14. arizonian

    End of year thoughts?

    Younger women, older whiskey, faster horses, more money.
  15. arizonian

    Cold night

    Still on the county line, Hoss? I'm with you on the bourbon, tho mines over the rocks and not shaved. As far as "burn days" and fireplaces, our house was built in '62. I HAVE noticed that our bedrooms are colder if we start a fire in the evening. Something to do with outside combustion air not considered in the original house plan, so we pick our days to light it off and open the damper. Christmas we had a doozy and have not fired one since.
  16. arizonian

    Arizona regulations / statutes

    And then lose the cap? Somebody had to say it!
  17. arizonian

    Any Tequila Drinkers here?

    F**k tequila, bourbon is a civilized and a sipping whiskey. Last time I had tequila, somebody lost the cap and we had to drink the bottle dry. Never again...
  18. I'm kinda old fashioned. Shouldn't you introduce yourself before trying to sell us something? Spam! Spam! Spam!
  19. arizonian

    My son's photo AZ Trophy Outfitters FB page.

    I don't know how to do it myself but a watermark or stamp on anything interesting before posting would go a long way to eliminate these types of activities. If I had a fecesbook page, I would learn in a hurry, but I don't so there is that.
  20. arizonian

    Born 100 Years Too Late

    Anybody know this guy? An older gentleman with a you tube channel, Born 100 Years Too Late . I believe he is in the Las Cruces / El Paso area, runs lion dogs and a couple of mules. Been watching some of his videos and they have been very entertaining. Fantastic high desert scenery.
  21. arizonian

    Born 100 Years Too Late

    Lion Hunting : It's not EASY!
  22. arizonian

    Shotgun Shells

    Is lead bird shot legal in AZ for dove or migrant bird hunting? I know it's been banned for waterfowl for 25+ years.
  23. arizonian

    Calling Peckl1

    Lee, Are you still out on the Marley Ranch? Dove season is just around the corner and I thought I'd wander out that way. Bill
  24. arizonian

    Calling Peckl1

    I saw that. Lee's last post was on July 4th, but he did log on this past Monday.
  25. arizonian


    Good memories, .... And I wasn't even there. Reminds me of Jake... Too young for Viet Nam,... But he still has the flashbacks.