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About rimhunter

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 07/25/1962

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  1. rimhunter

    My 2010 Javelina Rug

    Clay it looks like you got what you paid for and what happened to that pigs tail Bruce
  2. rimhunter

    mine shaft shots

    Thats a great spot ive hung a cam there in the past and got some good pic's you never now what will show up there .
  3. rimhunter


    Thats one nice deer Clay what you going to do next year ? Hope some of my advice helped but I think your doing good on your own maybe I should be asking you for some help . Shoot straight dude Bruce
  4. rimhunter


    Sal Thats one nice cat hope to get me one some day . And welcome to the site hope the rude comments dont discourage you . there are some nice people here . And I think I'd be yelling if I got a BOBCAT Bruce
  5. rimhunter

    Deer, Bald Eagle, & Bear Tracks

    Great pics Clay . Bruce
  6. rimhunter

    prayer request

    Chris got out of ICU today and is fellling better . thanks to all Bruce
  7. rimhunter

    prayer request

    My buddy Chris and I went out for a ride on his Razor after putting new tires on it wensday evening and rolled it . was flown to the valley with neck and back injures . looks like will be in ICU a few more days . Thanks Bruce
  8. rimhunter

    Yard Buck

    thats to cool Bruce
  9. rimhunter

    Eagle creek above Morenci

    Nice pic dont look likefun to me though . Clay I can get that jeep of yours stuck Bruce
  10. rimhunter

    WTB Bass Boat

    I have a 17 foot Ebtide 150 horse motor live well , newer troling motor boat is in pretty good shape depth finder on bow and a fish finder too if you wont pic"s email me Bruce
  11. rimhunter

    Butcher shops

    Thats one of the reasons I do my own . The other is you get meat that is from someones elses kill that might not have been taken care of the way i would . Bruce
  12. rimhunter

    The hunts are over

    Sorry Bill I forgot
  13. rimhunter

    The hunts are over

    Find some deep holes use live bait . small carp , blue gills , or large waterdogs . most of the big ones will be cought at night . and have a rod and reel that will handle a big fish . or dont even try . fishing for flatheads is like hunting in a blind you may set there a couple days befor you get a bite and sometimes you will get hits all day long Bruce
  14. Well the hunts are over and it getting time for me to get geared up do do some flathead fishing . just waiting for the spring run off to start . been out looking for some more holes to fish and have found a few good ones . here are a couple pic from last year . Bruce
  15. rimhunter

    Update on New G&F "Bait" Ban

    I sent my coments Thanks for the heads up Bruce