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Everything posted by firstcoueswas80

  1. firstcoueswas80

    aggresive Mountian lion

    agreed.... hardest part for me would be which gun to use??
  2. firstcoueswas80

    Check out the new tripler from Jim White!

    also, did you see it was a fork not a spike! who knows maybe this year ill actully be able to take a 3x3!(actually this year im going 3x3 or nothing)
  3. firstcoueswas80

    Check out the new tripler from Jim White!

    Thats funny.... dont know if ya read it or not, but i killed my buck in november with one shot! thats right! ONE SHOT!!! funny thing is, i almost went to Western New Mexico in Silver City... guess its a good thing i didnt go there
  4. Habitat loss for ditto what Amanda said. also, i believe global warming may be chaning our cahnces of a quality hunt. i have heard stories of guys hunting coues in the souther units (34a,36b) waking up with snow and frost on the ground. now a days, if you get either one of those in December, your considered lucky!
  5. firstcoueswas80

    Deer game processing question

    Things that i would have done differently" 1. i would not spray it off with water. 2. i would not have waited nearly 3 1/2 months to take it to the butcher, i usually take my deer the next day or day after if possible. on the other hand, try soaking it in milk for a while before you cook your next meal of venison
  6. firstcoueswas80

    new toy

    doesnt matter to me what shade of pink it is as long as either you or jim are wearing it
  7. firstcoueswas80

    new toy

    will do, when you and i go out in december for my 110, ill shoot it 5 miles from camp.. long enough for ya?
  8. firstcoueswas80

    new toy

    Jim, pink is my favorite color for you to wear for me, there is a difference. it started life as a 150 yard pack job, now its down to 80 yards? dang!
  9. firstcoueswas80

    new toy

    Jim, your funny! actually, ive been sick for a while, havent really eaten. problems i had : the first round i would load would to fine and eject fine, after that, when feeding the 2nd and 3rd bullet, if you racked the action at anything less then the speed of sound the shell would get kicked up to high and come out of the gun. Doug and i bent the piece of metal that connects the top of the magaznie to the bottom metal and could not get it to work right. traded it in less than a week for my 270 wsm i have now recoil is not bad at all. but my 270wsm is also a heavy SOB so that kills a lot of recoil.
  10. firstcoueswas80

    new toy

    Brian, one thing to watch for : make sure the gun feeds properly. i HAD a 700 sps in 270wsm that would not feed worth a dang! i didnt even shoot the gun, noticed it would feed right, traded it for my curretn 270wsm and havent looked back since.
  11. firstcoueswas80

    Freaks of the Woods

    Do you guys think more elk or deer hav funky antlers? i think its elk myself. Jim, that spike bull is awesome! dont know if i could pass on that freak!
  12. firstcoueswas80

    Dream Buck!

    dang!!!! Perky killed a toad!!
  13. that is tough to stomach amana, sorry about your loss. when i was young, prolly less than 10, we had to put both of our dogs down in less than a month! my freshman year of college, the first time i went home i walked out back to see my ole Rottweiler Frazier, this dog was awesome! anyways, i walk out back and he didnt run to the door... hmmm. he was laying on the porch, passed on. it was very fresh also, rigamortus hadnt even se it. that was hard to take. Amanda, Maura looks alot like my dog "Ojos", markings are very close, white chest, half white paws, just brown. it is always hard to put a loved pet dowm especially a dog! i am sorry to hear the loss!
  14. firstcoueswas80

    Check out the new tripler from Jim White!

    Its all in good fun!! and its not bein a tigh @ss, its i DONT have any money lol!
  15. firstcoueswas80

    finally got my deer back

    thats one big ole 2 point! very nice
  16. firstcoueswas80


    My truck says it all : Mathews Solocam.... Catch us if You Can
  17. firstcoueswas80

    Check out the new tripler from Jim White!

    you know how much a good spotting scope is! try to fit one of those babies on a college kids budget with a job that pays $10/hour working MAYBE 15-18 hours a week!!!!
  18. firstcoueswas80


    Mathews Q2 baby! 260-270 FPS.. perfect for me!! on the other hand 350 IBO speed seems ridicisouly fast
  19. firstcoueswas80

    I remembered why i tag out every year!

    dont sweat it! didnt mean it that way
  20. tonight, i remembered why i dont like going home empty handed on a coues hunt... put my first set of coues filets on the grill from this past years buck... man o man those are awesome! no wonder i like killin little bucks with lots of shots
  21. firstcoueswas80

    New Coues Machine

    Like i told ya on the phone Scott, stay away from the muzzle break. recoil of that 300wsm is not too extreme. you WILL regret putting it on there.
  22. firstcoueswas80

    Freaks of the Woods

    those are some cool sheds but man that SOB is UGLY!!! talk about a Freak of Nature! holy cow?! what happened to him? (you know you left that WIIIIIIIIIDDDDDDDEEEEEEEE open!)
  23. firstcoueswas80

    Check out the new tripler from Jim White!

    Amanda, hows the clarity? can two be used at one time?
  24. firstcoueswas80

    Long Range Rifle Scopes

    Tam, you are correct. but when you plug the numbers into the ballistic calulator (speed, bullet weight, BC,) instead of putting the altitude you are shooting at, simply put the altitude to where you are going to hunt at. Doug and i worked out my loads for my 270wsm at 7,000 feet. where i shot my buck was about 3500 ft. we plugged all the info in his ballistics cacluator, used 3500 or 4000ft as the alititude. shot was only 280 yards, but the buck rolled at the shot. and from 5,000 to 6,000 feet, i dont think you would notice enough elevtion difference to make a differnce, even out to long long ranges. ( not 100% sure, just dont think so) Nice thing about turrets with the ballistic calculator, i can go from hunting elk at 8000+ ft, to hunting coues at 3500-4000 ft. all ya gotta do is change the elevation on the ballistic calculator on ur set to go! but with the lines put in the scope, ya might have to go out and shoot to see if there is a difference. all the long rage shooters use turrets as it is the most consistent and accurate way to do it.