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Everything posted by firstcoueswas80

  1. firstcoueswas80

    November 33 Buck

    that is an awesome buck! looks like you hit him right where i shot my buck, low in the shoulder! hes awesome! congrats!
  2. firstcoueswas80

    260 vs 7mm-08

    doug, i have had him hold my 30-06, which as you know is the same gun as you mentioned and it did not fit him. i do not know what we are going to do for his as he is a little guy. i have a lot of exploring to do and i will be taking him to sportsmans wharehouse when i come home for thanksgiving to see what rifle fits him. my 30-06 was really close to fitting him, and our old 270 was also really close but still both a tad too long. bchoitz, i never said I was gonna buy it
  3. firstcoueswas80


    at my young age i am mostly 1 and 2. i will start holding out now moving on to step 3 until later in the hunt, then i am step 1!!! for the most part i am step 1 and 2 as i will shoot anything legal on the last day!
  4. firstcoueswas80


    i thinkn it defientaly has to do with experience. this was the first year i have shot at a spike and i will never do it again( unless it is a ATLEAS 18 total score spike!) now that i have 3 bucks under my belt, it is going to be easier and easier for me to let the forkies and little 3x3's go. however, i do not know if i will be able to let a 80-85" buck walk unless it is opening day of my december hunt next year 90" is always going down unless i have a bigger buck spotted and am stalking him. 100" always going down no matter what! and of course same applies to anything bigger.
  5. firstcoueswas80


    1)shooter 2)shooter 3) shooter DONT MISS 4)shooter........ how many rounds do i have? 5)shooter.... miss, 10 feet high, miss 10 feet low... miss 10 feet left aw dang hes gone 6) man that things a monster!!! turn around and walk the other way!!!!
  6. firstcoueswas80

    Tito's Buck

    thats the biggest typical whitetail i have ever seen!!!!!!!! congrats!
  7. firstcoueswas80


    107"??? i think hes bigger than that! awesome job!
  8. firstcoueswas80

    make that 2/2

    i should be getting pictures of this monster and my dads dink this weekend.
  9. firstcoueswas80

    make that 2/2

    went out for the last afternoon to try and find a buck. well, about 400 yards from the truck, a buck popped up. i heard them spook and they stopped 200 yards away lookin at me. i was sitting down and had the bipod out. missed the 1st shot, smoked him the 2nd, 4th,5th and last shot. i think heck go about 11"
  10. firstcoueswas80

    How far off of the road?

    i HAVE to hunt close to the road, my old man has bad hips and he cant really keep up with me. yeah i am a big overweight semi out of shape kid, but i can flat out get up and go if need be in the hills. if i had it my way, my dad and i would hike about a mile to a mile and a half away from camp and then start hunting. this could be done, but we would have to leave really early and the terrain would have to be some what easy or else he is in a lot of pain. we are not really head hunters so the closer we can find bucks the better!
  11. firstcoueswas80

    The differnces between men & women

    HAHAHA so true! actually had to do that for my best friend once ( i hope Michelle doesnt read thie ) hahahah
  12. firstcoueswas80

    question on my deer

    i have been cathing a little heat on a different forum for shooting my deer so many times. like my story states, my second shot hit him low in the shoulde, catching the bottom part of the lung. i knew that he was hit there because my dad was spotting my shot thourgh his doctors and told me he saw the bullet hit. there was also blood coming out of his nose and mouth. my question is: i knew he was hit there, and i knew he would die from this shot but i kept putting rounds through him because he was not down yet. am i wrong in doing this or should i have let him die after the first time i hit him? thanks!
  13. firstcoueswas80

    Equivalent Sizes: Whitetail vs. Coues

    anything 80+ goes down in my book! UNLESS it is opening weekend of a december hunt!
  14. firstcoueswas80

    What hunting ISN'T.........

    opening morning of my deer hunt, i am sitting glassing when there is a guy about 300 yards away from me walking on a ridge exactly in the direction i was facing. he looked like a ya hoo ( open sight rifle, no binos, just a TINY fanny pack) so i waved my arms at him hoping he would see me and walk off. but no, this guy pulls out his radio, turns it on then starts talking in a regulare voice. he then YELLS at me to turn mine on and go on this and this channel. i just pack up my gear ang go find my dad. he made me mad!
  15. firstcoueswas80

    What hunting ISN'T.........

    like said before, i agree with all you have mentioned accept the quail hunters. yes they share the same habitat and yes many deer hunters like to hunt quail as well. now, the way those people handled it was not right, but it was not illegal either. if they KNEW u were deer hunting, they should have gone atleast a mile away. if they did not know then there is nothing wrong there and they were not doing anything illegal.
  16. firstcoueswas80

    my deer story

    I wish that I could say my 2005 hunt started with a lot of scouting and having a buck for myself and my dad picked out well before opening day, but that?s not the case. I also wish I could say that we had glassed up tons of bucks picking out the ones we wanted. This also was not the case, we did find bucks, but we got them the hard way. On Thursday, the day before opening day, we rolled into camp at 10:00 am. When we got on the crest of the ridge with camp about 100 yards below us, we saw two deer jump up and run away. With my Zeiss in hand, I could tell they were both 3x3?s. After a little discussion, dad and I decided these would be the bucks we would aim for opening morning. That evening, we went out on a ridge to glass. My dad was glassing back towards camp and he glasses up these two bucks. They were only a canyon away from camp and were easily recognized by the very tall 3x3. We were just a little excited for opening day, thinking that we would have these two bucks tipped over by 8 am. Well, we looked for them all over the place but could not find them. We decided to go back on the ridge that we glassed them up at. The time was 9 am opening morning. We walked right through camp and got some water and a burro. We weren?t but 500 yards away from camp and just kinda walking and talking along when my dad looks up and says ? theres a deer, it?s a buck!? The deer ran across a little draw and then we saw him on the other side. This buck was running just as fast as his legs would take him. I decided to pass on the shot as he was broadside about 150-200 yards away from me. My dads 7RUM barked and I saw the deer changing directions. We didn?t know if he had hit him or not but I thought he had because of the way the buck changed directions. After about 5 minutes of discussing the shot, I headed over to where the buck was when my dad shot. I was about 40 yards from where the buck was when my dad called me on the radio, ?there he is, he?s hit, to your left, now your right, he?s below the rocks man he?s gone. I immediately took off my backpack and ran after the buck to see if I could catch him moving in the bottom of the wash. I could not find him and I told my dad to try and cut blood. He couldn?t find any blood and sat on a rock bluff and started glassing where the buck ran. When I picked up my pack, I found a piece of flesh and then some blood, then some more, then some more. I told my dad he had a tracking job to do. He started off down the hill to the bottom and I started glassing. He tracked this buck for about an hour, with some conversation here and there on the radio I found out he had stopped seeing blood but was on his tracks. Then, out of nowhere, I hear another shot. Then a call on the radio ?Bubba, Daddy got a buck.? He stepped out in the opening and I could see exactly where he was. I made the hike down to him and found his buck to be a pretty decent forked horn. I was pretty proud of my dad; he made a good running shot and did a damned good tracking job. After talking to him, he told me his second shot was not necessary, he said the buck was lying down with his head bobbing up and down, he said he looked like he was about minutes from dying. We, I mean I did the field work, then threw the buck on my back and headed back to camp. It did not take me long to cover the 2 miles, even with a buck and a backpack and gun strapped to me. Now: on to my hunt! Well, after my dad killed his buck, it was my turn! We spent that evening, and the next morning looking for a buck. We spotted very few deer, with no bucks amongst them. Saturday night had us at The Grubsteak thinking we were gonna meet a bunch of Coues folks. We were wrong, we did however meet Christian and Mike. Mike had came down to do some hunting and with no one else there with a tag, I told him I had one to fill. He did not waste a seconds accepting the offer. After the 11 mile dirt road trip, we were back at camp. The next morning, Mike and I made our way out ( dad stayed in camp as he was a little under the weather). Right away we started seeing deer, Mike glassed up 2 deer 821 yards away, and when I got my Zeiss on them I could tell the bottom deer was a buck. We developed a game plan and, as he says ?IT was on.? Things did not work out right and the buck kicked up still 500+ yards away. That was only the second buck I had seen in 3 days of hunting. We decided to head home that afternoon as we were not seeing deer and were running low on supplies (beer and water). On the way out, we were climbing a hill and caught a rock to the sidewall of my tire, there goes that tire! In world record time, I had the tire off and the spare on. The spare blew also but thanks to some buddies, we had fix-a-flat in it and were on the road again. Because of the two flats, we could not go out Monday morning because we had to get them both fixed. At 2pm, we rolled out to our place where I killed my last buck. Our plan was to get to the barrel cactus and glass until dark. We were about half way to the barrel cactus when I heard a deer blow in the wash below me. I told my dad to stop, look and listen. We could see the two deer milling around below us. When they came out, I got my gun on them. At first, I thought they were both does but caught a glimmer of light from the bottom buck. I knew he was a small, buck probably a spike. As soon as I saw the glimmer, I sat down, got my gun up and set the bi-pod set up. The deer stopped about 200 yards away broadside looking at me. My dad told me he was a spike and after a second of though, I told my dad I was going to take him. I had prepared all summer for this moment, a lot of days at the range and perfecting loads for my 270WSM had come down to this. I missed high on the first shot then nailed him on the second. The second shot went low in the shoulder, catching the lung. I knew I hit him well but I continued to shoot because he was not down yet. I hit him 3 more times in the same spot. He was not the good 3x3 I wanted to go home with, but I am happy with any buck considering the amount of deer we had seen. This is the first time my dad and I have ever gone 2/2 on deer, it was a fun hunt all though it was a little tough!
  17. firstcoueswas80

    Got my mount back!

    its face looks off to me, the eyes look half way closed, looks weird to me but it is very nice.
  18. firstcoueswas80

    feild dressing the deer

    just gut the thing and throw it ouver your shoulder and walk out! thats what i always do. it will get tough if you do a lot of up or down. you will get a little sore but i like that, gives me a sense of pride!
  19. firstcoueswas80

    Our Oct 36C hunt

    that a boy scott!!! thats how we do it that a boy!
  20. firstcoueswas80

    hello to some new friends

    yeah my dad has his beer goggles on for sure!!!! haha it was a crack up! i figured there was a reason scott and doug werent there. the buck that mike and i glassed up was the ONLY buck that we saw during the hunt that didnt hit the ground! i had a good time there even though it was only a few of us. like mike said, we talked like we were old friends, and in a way, we were. we have some mutual friends and one great big thing in common.... WE LOVE TO HUNT!!!! i sure hope that the wyoming trip comes together i really wana go! i tried callin ya last night to tell ya all about the buck i killed but it went straight to voice mail. im out!!! lates boys!
  21. firstcoueswas80


    yeah we had 2 flats on my truck. the rear left went out, then we put the spare on it and not 20 mins later, the spare went flat! luckily, we stoppe din some buddies of ours camp when it went flat and they had fix a flat and it was fine after that! wish me luck as i drive from tucson to flagstaff in about 9 hours! good luck on ur hunt i hope you find a buck!
  22. firstcoueswas80

    make that 2/2

    christian, imagine the smallest whitetail spike you have ever seen..... then make those spikes about half what they were then ya got him! thanks everyone. it was fun and, all though i will NEVER shoot a spike again. i am glad i took him, i think he will make all the other heads on my wall look bigger lol! this is the 1st time dad and i have ever tagged out on deer together. ya, i am way surprised at how many shots it took me. i expected him to drop on the first one i think i hit high i know then i did hit him, he would have died from the shot but i do not like to track them, especially when it can be stopped and they are standing there waiting for another round to be put in them. i cranked out the amount of shots i did rather quick too, especially since my rifle only holds 3!
  23. firstcoueswas80

    make that 2/2

    the first shot was to scare off the other deer that it was with so i could concentrate on my buck. the second shot hit him low in the shoulder, catching the lung. then after that i kept shooting because he wasnt down or dead yet. i think u shoot until the deer is down, no matter what. then when he did lay down, i put the last one im him so to make it quicker. and, all the shots from my 270 wsm hit him in the same spot basically. they were all in the low shoulder in the lungs. i didnt ruin any meat but the 2 front shoulders! i got more from him then from my dads.
  24. firstcoueswas80


    my dad killed a forky opening morning. it was around 930. we hiked a canyon behind camp where we had glassed 2 bucks the night before and were confident they were there. well they werent there and when we hike dout of the canyon, and hiked right through camp. we werent but 500 yards when my dad saw a deer not 75 yards from us and he could tell it was a buck. it then took off and when it was about 150 away, runnin dead away my dad put a 7RUM bullet in him. after finding blood and tracking him, my dad found him in the bottom of the canyon and put a un- necessary finishing shot in him. he is a decent fork. this hunt has been tough. we have seen around 30 deer the whole time, and only 2 bucks.
  25. firstcoueswas80

    good weekend

    i need someone to go out with me tomorrow AM. my truck had 2 flats and i dont have a way to go out tomorrow am. cant go out until the last night after i get 2 tires fixed. im pretty bummed! an di dont think you went lookin, i think ur wife found the bill and kicked you out of the house for the weekend lol!