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Posts posted by Basser15

  1. It will. May delay the app a day or two. I did that several years ago and I still drew a tag


    Yep, it will eventually get there. I too did the same thing a couple years ago.



    And please people...don't be that guy who calls on Monday....or even Tuesday to check to see if you got drawn. The more phone calls they answer the slower it goes. And I'm sure you're just annoying.

  2. Those don't really start getting interesting until day 20! Congrats on the best meat you will ever eat.


    I had a guy on my hunt tell me that I hadn't put in enough time and hadn't deserved my Bull yet since I had "only" hunted 20 days. He was just bitter since his son was approaching 30 days with no success.

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  3. I have mixed reviews on this, both sides of which have already been stated and I agree to an extent with each side. My hunt was two years ago and it was the most frustrating and then rewarding hunts after killing a bull on the 20th day of my hunt. I did not hire Russ or his guides but did receive help initially and then again when I killed my bull they were there to help, along with some other hunters who I had met up there that were also DIY for the hunt. I was also burned by some of his guides in the middle of it all. It's a weird set up for a hunt on so many levels. My main advice is that if any of you that have points and would like to hunt Buffalo someday up there to pay attention and get involved in the legislation that is trying to control how they manage the herd on the Park. Until that changes this set up that we currently have will not change. The Buffalo have a safe haven on the Park and only move off for water, salt, and feed. There is usually plenty of water and feed on the park and it is dry spells that start to push them off in numbers during the summer months. If they will allow hunters to do our part of conservation on the Park then it will keep the numbers where they want them, keep sportsmen happy, and potentially spread out the herd with some going back on to the public land side of the fence. Until then the Buffalo will continue to spend the majority of their life in the confines of the Park and hunters will have to fight over the few that wander 10 feet on to the wrong side of the fence.


    On my 20th day I went against the grain and got out of that god forsaken blind and tracked down a Buffalo. You can hunt them however you want....it's your tag.



    So wait . . . People are all butt hurt because when they go to sit on a salt lick set up by someone else, with a trailcam set by someone else and someone else's ground blind that they heard was being hit on a radio provided by that same someone else but then they get there and someone else is there?

    I can see that.


    If it was only that simple. There are established salt licks and blinds left about every 1/2 mile all along the park boundary. They've been established and maintained by so many people over the years that there really is no other option. And it's like the Strip where there's at least one if not 5 trail cameras on each water source, salt lick or travel trail in that 13 mile stretch west of the highway. Same on the East side.

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  4. Oh Man....I'm so sorry to hear that. I've enjoyed seeing and reading the stories of Rica's adventures with you, and honestly, it has inspired some of my own with my Pup through the years. She is a great dog and obviously an even better companion. You're in my thoughts and prayers tonight, Doug.


    Jealous.....I've been waiting 24 years for that tag

    Its crazy, I've been waiting myself half as long as you. I found myself trying to explain to her how lucky she is. Might take her a few more years to recognize that. Will definitely make some good memories, can't wait.



    15 years ago I drew an antelope tag on my first ever application...haven't been draw since. And don't plan on getting one for a while.

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  6. I didn't know Jr as well as a lot of you did but did make an attempt to visit him in the shop when I was in need of anything while in Flagstaff. There are plenty of people in our community that are grieving the loss of a good man and friend. Thoughts and well wishes to his family. God Speed.

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