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Everything posted by stanley

  1. stanley

    What's for dinner tonight?

    Son’s NM pronghorn from a couple of weeks ago. (Lance witnessed him on the hoof. THANKS LANCE!! 😉)
  2. I know there are occasionally testimonials of both good and bad customer experiences here, so thought I would share my latest. I was missing the eyecups for my one of my pairs of 15X56 SLC binoculars. (Yes, I own two.... The product of having 3 hunting kids at once. 🙄) Anyway, I went on to Midway USA's website and found what I thought were the right replacements and ordered them for approximately $50. When 'they' arrived, I was disappointed to find that it was only a single eyecup, as opposed to two. My fault, and no big deal. I would just need to order a second one. The problem was however that when I tried to screw the new one in, the threads wouldn't grab. I called Swarovski and determined via the serial number on the binos, that since they were a slightly older version of the SLCs (purchased used on this site) that the eyecup I bought from Midway would not work. Without hesitation and without me asking for a single thing except to confirm what the right part was, the Swarovski dude on the phone simply confirmed my address and phone number and said he would have two new proper eyecups in the mail to me that same day. Free of charge! I've had exceptional service from Swarovski in the past, as they basically rebuilt a pair for me once totally free of charge (including replacing the outer casing with the newer rubberized version...). I just LOVE and respect good old fashioned customer service!!! Buy Swaros with confidence, folks!! S.
  3. stanley

    Levis first dove

    Some of the toughest targets on the planet! lol Freaking awesome!!!!
  4. stanley


    Ya, flights getting changed should have anything to do with booking them on Hopper. They are just an aggregator of sorts (similar to hotels.com or Expedia).
  5. stanley

    Liberty Safe

    Liberty Safe Changes its Policies After Firestorm Resulting From Their Compliance With FBI J6 Investigation - The Truth About Guns Looks like Liberty just changed their policy. Damage control, and the right thing for them to do, IMO. (WARNING: That link is full of pop-ups, etc.... But within the long click bait laden article, it states that Liberty changed is policy..... lol) S.
  6. stanley

    Electronic Tags- uh oh

    Ya, possibly…. I’m just not that worried about it, personally Definitely NOT taking you up on that bet. 😉
  7. stanley

    Electronic Tags- uh oh

    Eh.... I'm in the finance/banking/software business. I'm much more concerned (which is hardly at all) about my personal financial data, account info, etc. getting into some fraudster's hands and wreaking havoc with my financial life. I just find it hard to believe that some dude sitting in Missoula is going to care enough about the VAST majority of hunting pins he has access to, as to cause or incent him to go lurking, driving, chasing all over the west looking for the next goldmine of trophy kills (or to sell to nefarious characters....). Could it happen??? Of course. I just don't personally believe that the majority of us are at any risk at all of losing prime hunting spots based on some software engineer creeping around behind the scenes in an onX database. As pointed out in the article via a quoted source, there are generally fairly tight security and data access control standards when it comes to software development (I know in the banking industry, there certainly is....). I'm sure the FTC and other agencies have pretty tight requirements on this stuff, but who knows. Especially since most of it's mapping licensing comes from government agencies, I'm guessing they are likely keeping themselves in order. Regarding etags, as @Newbie2012 pointed out, contrary to popular belief, the etag process through G&F does not track location info.
  8. I buy a big bunch every season and can/jar them for use throughout the year. The last three years my local Ranch Market has been a great source of extra-hot ones, but so far this year they haven't been up to par. (For anyone in the know, even the ones that are advertised as "hot" aren't really always that hot....) I prefer to roast them myself, so looking for them unroasted. I know it's still at the front end of the season, but thought I'd throw it out there in case anyone has a source? Central-east valley preferably. Nothing like the smell of chilis roasting in the backyard, then steaming in the plastic bag in the kitchen prior to peeling! Send me a private message if you would rather, as I know this can be something that some folks wouldn't want advertised to the world. 😂 S.
  9. stanley

    Arizona Hunting Regulations

    Quick answer is no. No requirement for it to be cased. It is up to G&F cop's interpretation as to whether they suspect you of road hunting, though. I know a G&F cop here AZ that uses the release proximity as the line drawn. For him, if the hunter is driving around with bow next to him AND his release connected to his wrist, he will sometimes cite for 'road hunting'.
  10. stanley

    Arizona Hunting Regulations

    As for quartering/hauling, have you tried gutless method?? HIGHLY recommend!!!! We basically do all of our animals this way now, even if in close proximity to a road.
  11. stanley

    Arizona Hunting Regulations

    Monkey is correct on the processing point (that counts as 'transferring', so you have to sign the transport thingy for that). No reporting requirement for elk (yet). As said before, the antlers are all you need for evidence of sex. Not the organs. For pack out, no rules for what comes first. No G&F officer that I know will give you a ticket if you bring meat out first and then go back for antlers. Can't think of any other funky or corner-case rules. Be VERY careful of boundaries between hunting units. No road hunting allowed (driving around with a loaded weapon by your side during the season can be considered road hunting....) Have fun!!
  12. stanley

    Arizona Hunting Regulations

    Congrats on the elk tag! LONG drive from Wisconsin! Assuming you have a physical tag, and not E-tag (Either way, it boils down fairly simply....). Also assuming you have a bull tag since you asked about attaching to the rack? Basics for tagging is that you need to attach the tag to the animal. Wrapping it around the antler will do. The rack will suffice as evidence of sex/legal-kill, so no need to keep the sex organs. Regarding 'filling out the tag', there really isn't anything to do there unless; A) If you and another person are transporting the carcass separately, there is a portion of the tag to fill-in (pretty self explanatory on the tag, it's self...). B.) If you are having it shipped by a a commercial shipper (Again, pretty self explanatory.). Pretty much that's it regarding tagging. Good luck! S.
  13. stanley

    Hatch Green Chili Source?? (EXTRA HOT / HOT)

    That is a problem that I have NEVER had!!! I like them VERY hot. 😉 (Though several of my friends/family often ask me to tame-down my recipes because the food I prepare is is too hot for them... LOL)
  14. stanley

    Hatch Green Chili Source?? (EXTRA HOT / HOT)

    Well @CatfishKev, as planned, tried some without roasting and peeling first. Result: FAIL!! I decided to do some similar to how I’ve done jalapeños in the past. Basically pickling them under high pressure with the skin on (and no roasting). It seems like the Green Chili skin is significantly thicker and more durable than it is on a jalapeño. The result was a strange texture that tasted OK, but was sort of weird to eat. The ones that I roast and then jar/can, I’ll generally use as an additive to other foods throughout the year (eggs, salads, sandwiches, cheeseburgers, etc.). I think skin off is better. 😉
  15. stanley

    What's for dinner tonight?

    I love that fact that the meal is topped off with one of the most awesome things on the planet. A root beer float! 😉
  16. stanley

    36C youth

    We hunt WT in that unit every year. Almost always see mulies in a couple of particular spots. Always down low. Send me a PM if you want a few details. Always willing to give out info for a kid’s hunt!
  17. stanley

    Hatch Green Chili Source?? (EXTRA HOT / HOT)

    Echoing PRDATR…. Grill to blister them, then sweat them in a sealed plastic bag for a while. The skin will usually come right off. (I’m a little OCD about it and strive for a super ‘clean’ skin removal. Think like; the way the skin will slide off of a well roasted marshmallow … LOL) I don’t really like the big roller-roasting method. I found when I purchased them pre-roasted that way, there’s a lot of black flakes of roasted skin throughout the chili batch. That can be good sometimes for some extra roasty-toasty flavor, but when I’m canning them, I prefer the chilies be a little ‘cleaner’. Also plus 1 on PRDATR’s comments on using the chilies with game (or pork). LOVE a big batch of ‘green chili’!!
  18. stanley

    Hatch Green Chili Source?? (EXTRA HOT / HOT)

    YES!!! As I’ve found in many aspects of my life, all I needed was a little patience (and persistence)! Dropped by my regular place this morning and they had the big roaster sitting out front. I knew that was a good sign and BOOM, a 30Lb sack of X-Hot!! 👊🏼 Gonna be smelling good around here this weekend! 😉 (She’s already liking the smell, and I haven’t even started roasting yet… 😜😂)
  19. stanley

    Hatch Green Chili Source?? (EXTRA HOT / HOT)

    I use a standard pressure cooker (not one made specifically for canning…). But yes, I’m using the basic method of 90 minutes on high pressure. Will eradicate any micro organisms. LONG shelf life with no preservatives.
  20. stanley

    Hatch Green Chili Source?? (EXTRA HOT / HOT)

    I don’t think you necessarily have to, but that’s how I choose to do it. When I finally get my hands on some, I’ll give it a try with one jar without roasting/peeling as a test. The high pressure canning process cooks the holy-heck out of them, so I have to assume they would be tender all the way through. I’ll check it out!
  21. stanley

    Hatch Green Chili Source?? (EXTRA HOT / HOT)

    My usual is the Ranch Market at Scottsdale & McKellips. They have had a great supply every year. This year, not yet. Gonna do a little road trip search tomorrow. 👍🏻
  22. stanley

    Hatch Green Chili Source?? (EXTRA HOT / HOT)

    I’m heading over for our annual pronghorn hunt next week. Will maybe do a little search while going through Albuquerque. It’s a bit of a detour all the way down south on 25 from there, but I might be tempted to head through Hatch. 😉 Exactly!!! Still holding out hope as the season progresses, though.
  23. stanley

    Incorrect Dates for OTC Deer...

    Crazy to me that anyone would not look at the regulations (either hard copy or online…). https://azgfd-portal-wordpress-pantheon.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/26132813/2023-24-Arizona-Hunting-Regulations_230726.pdf
  24. stanley

    Early hunts

    One of my hunting buddies and I went on our first ever bear hunt this past weekend. We didn't target pears or acorns, or anything. We simply went to a place that we elk hunt and have seen bears and regular sign over the years. Luck shined down, and my buddy killed a nice sow on Saturday morning. S.
  25. stanley


    Lots of info here. Nothing about e-tag only in the future, but who knows..... 220819 - Tag Modernization FAQ and App instructions Combined (amazonaws.com)