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Everything posted by UggRedBilly

  1. UggRedBilly

    Covid, whos had it and how are you recovering?

    I've been really unlucky. Had it twice! Once in June another in December. Just was just a slight fever in June. December was a 4 week call out from work and a week in the hospital
  2. UggRedBilly

    .308 and .223

    Where you located? Interested in .308
  3. UggRedBilly

    AZGFD Paying us to fish for trout

    What is the fishing like over there? I do catch and release too with barbless and I havent caught a brown trout yet
  4. UggRedBilly

    AZGFD Paying us to fish for trout

    My bad I meant to put brown! I was thinking rainbow for some reasom
  5. UggRedBilly

    Hunt proposal, more limited archery units

    Why isnt mandatory harvesting even a thing here? Why are some people against it to begin with? I'd love to see it be a new rule
  6. UggRedBilly

    Hunt proposal, more limited archery units

    Or a limited first come first serve OTC like leftovers are done. Like block hunts or single unit tags. I knew they would be getting rid of some hunts but I didnt expect that many
  7. UggRedBilly

    AES auction commissioner tags for elk and bison

    Smoking deal😂 thought itd be more. Maybe not as much cuz a drought year?
  8. UggRedBilly

    Leftover tag question

    So I sent in the application a few days ago for a leftover elk tag, and last night I was on G&F website reading. On their website the article said to send it to their Carefree office, while on the app it says to send it to a PO box near their office. Does it really matter? Or am I just worried for no reason?
  9. UggRedBilly

    Leftover tag question

    I never seen a bison before! Imma check that out!
  10. UggRedBilly

    Unit 9 Goats

    Unit 9 from last year
  11. UggRedBilly

    Leftover tag question

    The archery deer or the elk? I know chances of seeing an elk are the same as a unicorn. But if I did see one. I'd be doing the state a favor at least. And if I'm already up there with my tag or someone else I know for their hunt then I might as well get this too
  12. UggRedBilly

    Leftover tag question

    Just lookin for an excuse to head up there. Maybe I'll draw the archery tag for deer and if the RARE opportunity shows itself then I'll take it
  13. UggRedBilly

    Leftover tag question

    I called game and fish and they dont even have my application on file! Didnt even get the crappy Kaibab hunt
  14. UggRedBilly

    Unit 12?

    I honestly am doing the same as you. I am going against my own advice and putting in for it. I am only 19 so I still have so much more time to get another few hunts in. If you're young then go for it. But if you're mid aged, then I would search for rifle. You dont know if that'll be your last hunt if you're a bit older! Just gotta time it all right and have some luck!
  15. UggRedBilly

    Updates on Outdoor Writer ???

    I never noticed that😂
  16. UggRedBilly

    Tick Tock

    I was in unit 10 last year. PM me if you need any info. I'll share what I know
  17. UggRedBilly

    5BN early archery Bull

    Click his profile and under his user name will be a tiny envelope
  18. UggRedBilly

    Unit 12?

    If you're looking for opportunity try it. Archery only gets 50 apps each year. But it only has that few applying for a reason so keep that in mind. If you're a nonres then to draw the archery tag you need max points I believe because there is just 3 permits. Lots of country for them to live in up there. Never seen any there but I never really tried to find them either But if you're gonna wait super long for a tag. Max your chances at a harvest with going for a rifle tag. Cant imagine putting in for 15 plus years and not being able to fill my tag because it was just out of your bows limited range
  19. UggRedBilly

    Leftover tag question

    That's ridiculous. I'm sorry about that
  20. UggRedBilly

    Updates on Outdoor Writer ???

    I miss the guy. Liked to read all the stories and articles he would put up
  21. UggRedBilly

    Leftover tag question

    How do I change my password in my portal? I cant get in since they changed the whole system and I dont wanna wait on hold for a long time. Is there a different way to do that?
  22. UggRedBilly

    Leftover tag question

    Very true. But the PO box that I mailed it to was located in that post office though. But I'll take that into consideration for the leftover deer tags (if any)
  23. UggRedBilly

    Leftover tag question

    Honestly man. I just put in for those hopi cow tags. I'd be extremely happy if I even got one
  24. UggRedBilly

    Question about mule deer

    Some of my favorite spots have been messed up by the long term camping (squatters) been super bad in my area lately
  25. UggRedBilly

    Leftover tag question

    Hopefully this issue won't happen next time though. Hopefully they get the list out ON TIME