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Everything posted by UggRedBilly

  1. UggRedBilly

    No tag in the mail?

    Thank you😂
  2. UggRedBilly

    No tag in the mail?

    Gotcha! I was really worried because this just seems unreal and I dont full believe it until it's in paper in my hands
  3. UggRedBilly

    No tag in the mail?

    Wait really? It still says on azgfd I have it
  4. UggRedBilly

    No tag in the mail?

    Okay that makes me feel better! I will just have to check tomorrow!
  5. UggRedBilly

    No tag in the mail?

    Oh geez this makes me nervous! I swear if I don't get that tag!
  6. UggRedBilly

    .243 for mulies?

    Okay so I have used a .234 with standard lead bullets for mule deer before and they were put down quickly at shots from 200 yards However I see that shots out in the kiabab and the deer are much bigger caliber than down here in the valley. I have only shot fork and horns. Will a .243 work with shots up to 250 or 300 yards work? I also want to use the "non-lead" bullets due to the concerns up north with lead. Any bullet preference for .243? Or should I save 500ish and buy a new gun and scope? Thank you!
  7. UggRedBilly

    .243 for mulies?

    Sounds good! Thanks!
  8. UggRedBilly

    Left Over List

    I put my dad and little brother in for the same hunt number as that one tag. It was their 1 and only pick and they still got the tag numbers 156 and 157 out of like 300 or 400! They each had a point too! Crazy stuff this year!
  9. UggRedBilly

    .243 for mulies?

    Gotcha! I'll be on the look out for new camo!
  10. UggRedBilly

    .243 for mulies?

    Will do! I love rabbit hunting! Are they safe to eat in the summer? I don't wanna waste the animal that i took its life from! Also due to me on a budget does the camo on a rifle hunt really help THAT much or will a grey or dark blue coat work? Because camo is extremely expensive and I cannot find my size in thrift stores (adult mens small). Also for the hunt I am going to borrow someone's quad so I might be able to camp rather than use a hotel every night and drive 30 miles where I would like to go!
  11. UggRedBilly

    12AW snow fall and driving

    I have the late hunt and saw a picture on another forum from last year with a truck in the snow and the guy standing next to it was waist deep! I personally never drove in snow and seeing that kind of scares me. I watch videos and see pictures and I have seen very little or none at all. But does it usually snow heavy up there in late November? I only have a 2WD ford ranger. No lift or anything. Will that be enough to get through the area with ease? Or should I look into 4wd options? Thank you!
  12. UggRedBilly

    12AW snow fall and driving

    Wow! That is awesome! I really hope it goes well for you folks! You both deserve it!
  13. UggRedBilly

    12AW snow fall and driving

    Of course!
  14. UggRedBilly

    12AW snow fall and driving

    Gotcha! I have a lot of stuff tomorrow to do such as work and I dont wanna interrupt your 4th! I can give you a call sunday afternoon! Thank you!
  15. UggRedBilly

    12AW snow fall and driving

    That sounds amazing. I pay cash and deer meat. PM if you can! I am not sure how to start a pm
  16. UggRedBilly

    .243 for mulies?

    I have a youth rem model 700. I'm really short so I perfer a shorter gun rather than longer. It's easier for me to hold steadier standing which is how I had to take most my shots
  17. UggRedBilly

    12AW snow fall and driving

    Gotcha! I just can't afford a 4wd. My dad just got one delivered from California yesturday and he will NOT even let me touch it to fix his mirror! So I guess I will have to do 2wd. I will book a hotel on Fredonia and use that as a sleeping pad and if snow looks bad the morning when I wake up at least I'm not stranded I'm the middle of the unit.
  18. UggRedBilly

    .243 for mulies?

    Sounds good! Thank you!
  19. UggRedBilly

    12AW snow fall and driving

    For 2wd or 4wd?
  20. UggRedBilly

    12AW snow fall and driving

    Sounds good! I was planning on getting more of an offroad type of tire and maybe a small lift for clearance!
  21. UggRedBilly

    12AW snow fall and driving

    Wow that sounds amazing! I am going to drive up there in about a week and a half! I really wanna get a Boone and Crockett buck! That is a dream!
  22. UggRedBilly

    12AW snow fall and driving

    You know that's not a bad idea. Like a hotel or something?
  23. UggRedBilly

    12AW snow fall and driving

    Wow! Yeah I want to get near kanab creek wilderness! I wanna stay away from the east side! There was a picture on a forum and it was this guy showing his shoulder mount from the same hunt and he showed a picture of snow! I remember when it was raining here at the same time! It snowed at my house even at the desert!
  24. UggRedBilly

    12AW snow fall and driving

    I found these 2 roads! Are these the ones you're talking about?
  25. UggRedBilly

    12AW snow fall and driving

    Like near the 89? From the very top (north) end? I see a road that bee lines towards the south from up there and it is like about 6000 feet elevation