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About Ryan91027

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  1. Ryan91027

    Arizona Mule Deer

    Also, I thought that the more southern units would have more coues deer than mule deer. I would prefer a mule deer, just because I find the antlers more interesting and we have whitetail down in Florida. I would take a coues though, im not extremely picky
  2. Ryan91027

    Arizona Mule Deer

    How far do you have to go to see deer? I would hike pretty far but depending on the terrain, my mom could only do 2-5 miles.
  3. Ryan91027

    Arizona Mule Deer

    Do you camp out there? I think we might to save time and money
  4. Ryan91027

    Arizona Mule Deer

    Are there any problems with illegals? Ill most likely be carrying a pistol just in case
  5. Ryan91027

    Arizona Mule Deer

    The farther south in the unit or in arizona?
  6. Ryan91027

    Arizona Mule Deer

    Does 36c have a good quantity of bucks? Of course I want big bucks but I would rather get a decent on than none at all.
  7. Ryan91027

    Arizona Mule Deer

    Sorry of I didnt make it clear, I want to hunt fall 2021/ January 2022. I graduate in june 2021. Right now im just gathering info so that I dont have to rush when it comes time to apply for tags
  8. Ryan91027

    Arizona Mule Deer

    Im still trying to learn osceola turkey myself, went in spring an only saw a single hen. Ill look into Colorado but one of the reasons I chose Arizona is the mild winter so I wouldnt have to buy a lot of clothing. I would like to hunt Montana some day but right now it is too far of a drive.
  9. Ryan91027

    Arizona Mule Deer

    Im entering my senior year of high school and for a graduation present, my mom and I have been discussing a western hunt in 2021. I live in south Florida so and have been hunting tiny deer in the swamp and have no experience in western states. I have put in a good bit of research and decided on Mule Deer in Arizona. I have been looking into hunting the desert as I think it would be easier on my mom (I would be more than willing to hike 10+ miles a day but she couldnt.) I dont care about getting a monster buck but would rather get a small one than nothing. I have been looking at unit 41 and some of the units around it are these any good? not looking for anyone's secret spot but a general area would be appreciated. I would prefer a rifle hunt as I have a 270 with a 3.5x10 scope, is that enough magnification? I would take an otc archery if I dont draw a rifle tag. Any necessary gear or tips would be greatly appreciated. And sorry for the giant wall of text- im stuck inside with quarantine and bad weather so I have had nothing to do but think of questions to ask