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Everything posted by tjhunt2

  1. tjhunt2


    ttt TJ
  2. tjhunt2

    Antique Twin Bed

    Price reduced to $90. ttt TJ
  3. tjhunt2

    Hitting Cards

    I might be mistaken but I believe they didn't have a cow hunt to pick from this year on the Raymond herd. Only bull hunts this year. TJ
  4. tjhunt2

    Some house furniture

    That will work out perfect. Look forward to meeting you. ☺ TJ Enjoyed meeting and sharing some elk hunts with you 360 or better. Thank you for buying the table and chairs. TJ
  5. tjhunt2

    Any sheep hits?

    Congratulations! How many bp did you have if you don't mind me asking? ☺ TJ
  6. tjhunt2

    Credit Card Hit!

    I use cabelas and they are always late updating their charges. As of now nothing but that doesn't surprise me. How about you and Kathy? If you call them they can tell you. Thats what weve always done. Yes, we did this morning.
  7. tjhunt2

    Credit Card Hit!

    I use cabelas and they are always late updating their charges. As of now nothing but that doesn't surprise me. How about you and Kathy?
  8. tjhunt2

    FREE firewood and fence block

    Block gone pending pickup. TJ
  9. The picture will probably show sideways so sorry for that but it will show how much free fire wood I have. Its mesquite and oak. You will be able to back right up to it. The other picture shows the fence block I removed to build my 25ft gate. Send me a pm or call me at 480-868-8042.
  10. tjhunt2

    Low life Camera thiefs

    And you are the vice president of the Arizona Deer Association? Sad, just saying. TJ Well that was embarrassingYou think?
  11. tjhunt2

    Low life Camera thiefs

    Sent you a pm but it says you can not except messages.
  12. tjhunt2

    Low life Camera thiefs

    And you are the vice president of the Arizona Deer Association? Sad, just saying. TJ
  13. tjhunt2

    Bill Quimby

    I reached out to Bill the day he passed, not knowing his health was nearing an end and asked if he minded if I come to visit. Unfortunately his health was much more serious than I knew. His grandson text me and informed me Bill had passed away. RIP Bill! TJ
  14. I hope y'all get what you applied for. Not really expecting a $300 charge but it would make my day. ☺ TJ
  15. tjhunt2

    WTB a Kodiak Canvas tent

    In my opinion 3 cots would make it crowded. Depending on the size of the cots. My big cot takes up from front to back in my 10x14 deluxe. You got to have room to move around if the weather turns bad. I borrowed my friends 12x9, before I purchased my 10x14, for an elk hunt and found it ok for me and a table. I highly recommend you buy the biggest if you can afford it. Bass Pro and Cabelas usually have one set up. If you don't live to far take the wife and kids to check it out. ☺ TJ
  16. tjhunt2

    WTB a Kodiak Canvas tent

    I too have the 10x14 deluxe and the best tent I ever owned. It is heavy but a piece of cake to put up by yourself. Not wanting to sell but highly recommend it. ☺ TJ
  17. tjhunt2

    Some house furniture

    That will work out perfect. Look forward to meeting you. ☺ TJ
  18. tjhunt2

    FREE firewood and fence block

    Located at 221 E Hoover Avenue Mesa 85210. One block north of the 60 on Mesa Drive.
  19. tjhunt2

    FREE firewood and fence block

    The wood has been asked for but the fence block is still available. Thanks for looking. ☺ TJ
  20. tjhunt2

    Blinds & Hunting Ethics

    I own several ground blinds. After years of climbing trees I pretty much have called it quits and find it much more safer falling asleep in a ground blind. I never wore a safety belt and that wasn't smart on my part. I had a few close calls and was extremely lucky I never few. I've seen or heard just about everything when it comes to hunters and ground blinds. People stealing,using someone's,forest service burning them down on control burns,pouring gas on someone's blind,slicing them up with a knife,taking a dump in a blind, to finding your blind in the middle of a water hole. I hunt with a lot of ground blind hunters that have had these issue but I personally in all the years have been lucky enough not to have any real issues. Yes, I have encountered other hunters in my blind and most are willing to leave but I usually tell them to stay and hunt out the morning or evening whatever it may be. Why, cause I always have a backup plan. First come first serve. I usually don't hunt well known water holes so that takes a lot of the problem away. I have found over the years to treat other hunters with respect even if they aren't playing by the rules. It's way better than arguing over a situation that could end up ugly. I always greet them with a smile and find this has worked well for me over the years.
  21. tjhunt2

    Plumber Help

    Does anyone know a good reasonable licensed plumber. I'm selling my home and the inspector says my sinks are not draining as quickly as they should and suggest I camera them as well. Looking to get an estimate of clearing and camera work. So is there any cwt members in the business or know someone. My location is Mesa Dr & the 60. Thanks! ☺ TJ
  22. tjhunt2

    Plumber Help

    Thanks for all the advice. I will try cleaning it myself first. TJ
  23. tjhunt2

    Plumber Help

  24. tjhunt2

    Seneca Lake

    Thanks Dan for this report. TJ