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Everything posted by Idahocoueshunter

  1. Idahocoueshunter

    Hunting Vanity Plates

    My dad has COUES on an Idaho plate. Only the hardcore hunters know what it means though. He does get alot of questions about it. Craig.
  2. Idahocoueshunter

    Hi guys,my fellow members??

    Ernesto, knowing the personality of CHD, you can't take one thing he says and take it to heart. NOBODY need apologize to him, especially for knowing Jesus. You keep being you. GOD BLESS! Craig.
  3. Idahocoueshunter

    Sheds display

    I see lots of shed hunters on this forum and I myself collect sheds form all of the deer species. Mine just adorn my office or a corner of my house. I am guilty of selling some to chandiler and furniture makers. Most of mine are singles and don't have a pairing match. Do you display them somehow? What do you do with all of the ones that arn't grade A or chalky? I have a huge pile of weather beaten ones that were just too old to have indoors, but I couldn't just leave on the hillside either. Craig.
  4. Whats his BC score, about a 7? I think I saw his twin last year.
  5. Idahocoueshunter

    Biggest 5x5 Elk ever!

    That is huge, any guesses on what it would score? May thats quite a fishtail between 4 and 5! Beauitful!!1 Craig.
  6. Idahocoueshunter

    Scout early

    Sounds like unit 30A. Lot of good country locked up there.
  7. Idahocoueshunter

    Neat site.

    Good, I'll give it a look. I am looking to lighten my pack by a couple pounds, maybe they can help. I just bought a new CamelBak Striker pack, which is just a tad smaller than the pack I used to carry. Thanks for the site. Craig
  8. Idahocoueshunter


    I get heartburn just looking at that. I think my moniter is overheating too. Craig
  9. Idahocoueshunter

    Check yer mail box!!!

    Another mis truth by CHD, my tag has not arrived yet here in Idaho. Batting .1000 CHD. Craig.
  10. Idahocoueshunter

    so what did everyone draw ?

    My dad and I got a November 30A. Hope it dosen't catch fire too.
  11. Idahocoueshunter

    Santa Ritas

    I was travelling through Tucson for a funeral on Sunday, when I saw the fire on the Santa Rita's. Does anyone know how it started and the extent of damage? When I returned on Tuesday, I could tell they hadn't made much impact on its size, and it was much more intense. In Idaho they use big borade planes to douse the hot spots in rough steep terrain, but I did not see a single plane working. What does that mean to hunters who will have drawn that unit in October? Craig.
  12. Idahocoueshunter

    claude dallas

    I don't know all about the case, but I did attend many days of the trial, and I don't recall one time of an incident of a 12 year old pistle whipping being mentioned. The only witness to the crime, feared for his life, that alone should tell you something about his friend Dallas. Every time a law enforcement officer does his job, someone is not going to like it. Pogue had enemies, maybe we call all recall when we did not treat someone with respect, but that doesn't mean they are justified to kill us. Dallas, if you do more research than gossip, is a slick con man who was above the law. He, like all criminals have a support group that abeted his escape, but that doesn't mean he was "well liked" and obviously justified because he shot an officer who may have stepped on the pride of game poachers who then labled him an ^&&hole. Dallas should still be on death row. Instead he lives 50 miles from me. I hope he doesn't hear I pissed off a telemarketer, who now thinks I'm a bootlegged thug, and "justifiably" knocks me off. Just venting, thanks for the opertunity. Craig.
  13. Idahocoueshunter

    how many coues?

    Nine for me. Like the rest of you, I've probably passed up on bucks I should have taken, being early in the hunt. I look forward to hunting Coues that I don't want to end it so soon. Last year I passed on a buck who's main beems almost touched in the front. Not a monster, but sure a conversation piece. Nice bucks, but not first day bucks. By the last day, I would sure like to have another crack at some of them. My biggest is 99 inches net. But ITS ALL FUN!. Craig.
  14. Idahocoueshunter

    Steve's Big Cat

    Wow, thats a keeper! I always get a lion tag in Idaho and never seem to see any lions until I hunt Arizona. Guess I'll have to see what an out of state lion tag costs this year in Arizona. Was it a gun or bow kill? Craig.
  15. Idahocoueshunter

    Rude hunters

    I've had people come into a canyon I had been in for hours glassing. I don't wear orange, or camo for that matter, I had on a black sweatshirt and a red hat. I was sitting on a bluff glassing, and would have been clearly visible to a conscienence (sp) hunter who would look before they lept into a canyon. I could hear their radios first as they were communicating with some other hunters, I could not see. Then all heck broke loose as they started demolishing a rock ledge, rolling the rocks into a nice north facing hill side in which I was glassing. Deer came out, mach 4, but I don't think they could even see them. That must have been their whole objective, because when the rocks settled, they left the way they had come, leaving me with a long walk and a ransacked canyon.
  16. Idahocoueshunter

    New Year!!!!!!

    Happy new year!!!!!!! I hope this year brings permits for those without last year, a successful appeal for the Arizona Game and Fish Department, good winter moisture for antler growth and good fawn survival. It's only 8 months until we know if we draw again. Be safe in the off season. Craig.
  17. Idahocoueshunter

    More wolves

    Take it from me, fight the reintroduction of the wolf tooth and nail. Here in Idaho, the Feds and the Nez Perce Indian tribes shoved the wolves down our throat, with little or no chance for public input. Reintroduced wolves put in the Salmon River-Frank Church wilderness, have expanded well into surrounding areas, causing havoc with both sheep and cattle ranchers. One "Idaho wolf" showed up west of the Bule Mountains in Oregon. Washington and Utah both had visits from Idaho wolves. One pack had to be destroyed because it had settled too close to civilization. Elk patterns have changed. Less deer have been seen. I'm sure forest restrictions are pending. Idaho Fish and Game have very little input on the management of the wolves, but they were sucessful in making them a game animial, although there is not current season on them. There is talk of Grizzly reintorduction as well, but Washington DC dosen't realize Idaho had wolves and grizzly bears all along, just in managed numbers. Arizona could be next. At least fight for some input, even the feds need some checks and balances. Craig.
  18. Idahocoueshunter

    Unit 35A and My first Coues...

    Nice job and nice story. Good ethics and a good heart reflect more on you than any set of antlers. Hope to see your buck soon. Craig.
  19. Idahocoueshunter

    A new rule idea for Arizona

    JstMe, I think your plan has merrit. In other states, such as Idaho, your only eligable to draw either a special buck or bull tag every other year. Of course there are plenty of zones were both residents and non residents can buy over the counter deer and elk tags, but the primo units are draw only. I also think a non resident once in a lifetime elk tag may have potential too. Idaho has a 10% cap on non residents and it seems to work well. I hope the issue gets resolved down there quickly and equally. As a non resident, applying to hunt in Arizona, or any other state for that matter, I don't feel we need special treatment. USO used greed to get an end to a means, and unfortunatly lumped all non residents into this situation, at least in the eyes of some. I'm pleased to see Will Primo (if it is truly him) denounce USO's stance. See you on the mountain, Craig.
  20. Idahocoueshunter

    !!!!!!!RESULTS ARE OUT!!!!

    My dad and I drew for a November Coues hunt. Always a great time hunting with my dad and friends. Hope all the chaos passes soon. Good luck this season!! Craig.
  21. Idahocoueshunter

    Arizona looses court case!

    Ladies and gentlemen, I don't think name calling and sarcasm are appropriate, especially from adults, as I assume we all are. Anonymity seems to bolster everyones courage and rage. I know ethical sportsmen would never revert to tire slashing and violence over a deer permit. But, Buster is right, the ball is in the Feds court now, and only an injunction or sucessful appeal will overturn the decision. Maybe the G&F will come up with an alternative, since it appears the Judge left the door open for them.
  22. Idahocoueshunter

    Arizona looses court case!

    Boy this is a hot issue, and I think it needs to be. Yes, I live in Idaho and Yes I have applied to hunt Coues deer in Arizona this year. I won't bore you with all my connections to Arizona, the Arizona town I was born in or how much overtime I had to work to afford the trip. I was bitten by the Coues bug at age 12 and can't seem to shake it. But I do agree with the majority of this forum. I think non- residents should be looked at differently, and feel a 10% cap is adaquate. Idaho has a 10% cap on draw hunts, and offers unused non-resident tags back to residents (at non-resident) prices. Although I probably will never apply for an Arizona Elk or Strip tag, I think the 10% should not be stricken. As someone earlier wrote, this could be a leg hold for the antis to slip in and take advantage of the desention among the sportsmen of your state and mine. We had an article in the paper today about the Arizona decision. That decision not only affects Arizona, but will eventually affect the other states as well. The Miranda decision (reading suspects their rights) was an Arizona Case that the whole country must abide by now. I understand the anger displayed in this forum, but you must unite now and fight this in the courts. Every sportsman group, no matter how small must unite to the common cause and write congressmen, the govenor, and even the Judge, to let their voice be heard. I am a member of RMEF, DU and IMDA, and I plan on getting them involved in this issue. It can't hurt. I know Ernesto is right, it will all pan out in the end, hopefully before long. Good luck on the draw (when ever it is), and I'll be in a borrowed Arizona pickup if I draw. I hope Lark didn't put in for my unit. Craig.
  23. Idahocoueshunter


    I agree, looks like a mulie shed to me too. A coues of that calibre would surely have better eyeguards. I have a neighbor who thinks he killed a cross deer because it had a three point rack, appearing to come off the main beam, with a small eyeguards, and the body of a mule deer. Debate would have been futile, so I hear the story often.
  24. Idahocoueshunter

    Horn Growth

    I just got off the phone with a rancher contact of mine in my hunting unit (hopefully, if the draw god smiles on me). He said he saw several nice bucks in relatively marginal country. He said one looked to be nicer than the other two. Since I live so far away, I have to rely on experience of the area, along with the word of the rancher. He did say that the unit did get significant rainfall this spring, keeping the pasture green well into June. Hope my big buck takes advantage of all the good feed. Craig.
  25. Idahocoueshunter

    lion killed buck

    Beauitful buck! I know it was tough to have to leave it, but rules are rules. I located 8 dead bucks in 2002, all of which, I believe were lion kills. All were respectable bucks, with one scoring 1125/8. These racks were among scattered bones and hide. Two bucks had dry velvet on them. What I find interesting is the fact I found no evidence of any lion killed does. Statisticly there are probably more does in my hunting unit, than bucks, but I have yet to locate a doe skeleton. I did however find one skeleton with no skull around, but someone may have taken the skull already. I have a theory. Does usually hang out with other does or fawns, which means more eyes and noses to detect danger. Bucks may be more solitary and live in rougher country, condusive to stalking. Anyone have the same findings? I'd appriciate comments. Craig.