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ac guy

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Everything posted by ac guy

  1. ac guy

    My 07 buck

    Ther's something wrong with hunting deer while wearing shorts. What's up with this weather? Nice deer. You could have moved the beer can out of the picture, torture seeing that this early in the day
  2. ac guy

    6 A junior camp at Mormon Lake

    This sounds like the whole "few bad apples" scenario. One or two people making abunch of good people look bad. What a shame. Hope the joy of a successful hunt, overshadows a bad experience at camp.
  3. ac guy

    34A, Need advice

    Find a hill in the SRER and break out the glass.
  4. ac guy

    Whitetail rifle for my wife

    Who here uses hearing protection while hunting? I religiously wear it while practicing, but can't stand it while taking a shot on an animal. As far as caliber, I'd go 7mm-08, Only need one gun if you buy her that one. That way, when she realizes she enjoys hunting, and wants to expand to bigger game, she's covered.
  5. ac guy

    What caliber do you use and why?

    Keep the one you have, you can use it for almost anything. I only have one big game rifle. I know that rifle inside and out, and Iknow how it shoots in different situations. I think having too many rifles can be a bad thing for those who don't shoot several times a month. Like a teacher with too many pupils, can't give enough attention to each one.
  6. Actually, there are companies who will manufacture reloads for you. They will fit your rifle, and will be accurate.
  7. Trial and error bro. Buy 3 or 4 different brands and see what shoots best. Or try reloading, if you're serious about accuracy.
  8. ac guy

    First Post

    I keep going to new web sites to get away from you, and somehow you find me. Do I need a restraining order/ Please, no one bring up global warming, I beg of you, don't.
  9. ac guy

    AZ Unit 24A

    Try the area within the unit boundries, should find some WT there.
  10. ac guy

    Bullet Question

    Thank you to you also, Always nice to get more resources to determine ballistics. We can fine tune accuracy all year, but actually figuring out bullet performance happens with one or two bullets a year. any input on the subject is well appreciated. I don't have the time or resources to build a Peltz buffalo.
  11. ac guy

    Bullet Question

    Not starting anything. I go by what I read and calculate from manuals. Experiences from actual hunters is where you learn the most. Thank you for your insight.
  12. ac guy

    Bullet Question

    I haven't heard of problems with Nosler in 125gr for deer. What type did you have trouble with?
  13. ac guy

    Bullet Question

    I meant no harm by it, just misunderstood your intentions. Hard to judge one's demeanor on the internet.
  14. ac guy

    Bullet Question

    That's interesting. Wonder why it tore up more meat? I really like the accubonds as well. Took a deer on Thursday with one. Performed very well. Used a 150gr with 58.6 gr of reloader 19. Haven't run it through a chronograph,should be getting around 2850fps, give or take, but I get 3/4 groups at 100yds. That's in a very solid rest of course.
  15. ac guy

    Fire Burning in unit #32 ???

    Of course it is. How convenient. Gotta love the media.
  16. ac guy

    Bullet Question

    KP you are a wise man, but I have to disagree on this topic. 125 gr is a potent bullet, and in the grand scheme of things, a mule deer isn't that tough of an animal. many people use 140gr .270 on bull elk with no problem, 125gr .30 on a 250lb animal is money in the bank. I have seen many eastern WT taken with 90gr .243 and even .223. I think we tend to underestimate the power of projectiles. heck, our boys in uniform take down bad guys all day long with 56gr 5.56 FMJ
  17. ac guy

    Bullet Question

    Absolutely. I was going to make the switch myself, but couldn't find accu-bonds in 125gr. As you probably know, you are around 2600-2800 fps with your 150gr. You can push the right 125gr with the right powder to 3200 fps. The extra velocity will give you a flatter trajectory as well as reduced recoil, which in my single shot 06 would be welcome (never imagined a 10lb gun could kick like a mule). 125 is also good for yotes, both deer species, and lopes. I'll catch some for this, but technically, you could also take elk with it with proper shot placement. Best bet is to try it out at the range, and come up with some conclusions of your own, that's the fun part
  18. ac guy

    early success

    That's the truth. The moon was so bright, it was like trying to sleep during daylight. Actually woke me up a few times, but it was far too nice of weather at night to sleep in a tent.
  19. Is it just me, or does it seem like there has been a bunch of successful hunts in this early season? Haven't heard much from those who haven't tagged, although hunting isn't over yet and some are still out.
  20. ac guy

    Opening Day Success

    Great buck and story. FYI, a 8-10 MPH wind will typically only give you about a 1 1/2 inch push at 250yds. Probably off from the deers movement. If you hadn't practiced so much, you probably would have been of much more. Nice to have hard work pay off!
  21. ac guy


    After reading your story, I wasn't expecting to see that. What a great deer!
  22. ac guy

    another opening day buck

    Super buck! 450 yds, what caliber was used?
  23. ac guy

    Opening Morning Buck!!

    Yes, I got one, sorry no pics. Forgot camera at home.
  24. ac guy

    sure rub it in

    What's a pioneer license? Does that mean you're really old or something?