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Everything posted by Heather

  1. Heather

    Lion or Large Bobcat

    No. Our yard is travertine and synthetic putting green. I checked. I did, however, see some tracks at the trails at FINS the week prior that looked like possible lion tracks. I need to start taking pictures of these things. Attached is a picture of a bobcat in my yard and the cat I saw Monday didn’t look like it / it had no markings on its coat.
  2. Heather

    Lion or Large Bobcat

    I came across this thread after doing a search about mountain lions in Goodyear Estrella. I couldn’t see the image that was shared. I’ve had a few bobcats in my backyard, but I’m about pretty sure the cat in my yard this week was a mountain lion (with prey). It just walked through the yard at 0615hrs, scaled the wall and went in another person’s yard. It was solid tan/rust and had a tail. I reported it to AZGFD but no one followed up. Just curious if anyone else has seen a mountain lion in Estrella. Obviously it’s a totally different type of cat to encounter.