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Everything posted by mr.smith

  1. mr.smith

    credit card hits

    Turkey and Pig for the wife and I! Woo Hoo!
  2. mr.smith


    I'm bummed about it too but the more I think about it the more this looks just like GWB's second term. I suspect (hope) the midterm yields the same result. GOP will take over the senate and will control the congress. Leaving Oh-bummer without any support. The next president (a conservative) will have a super majority for the first two years and be able to do a little restoration.
  3. mr.smith

    2012 Arizona Desert Bear

    Great looking bear Jake! Congrats
  4. mr.smith

    Trail cam pics

    OK, maybe I'm wrong... Still way cool pics Lance. It will be neat to see if it comes back again.
  5. mr.smith

    Trail cam pics

    Yep, pretty sure it is an ocelot. Too small to be a jag and the spots are wrong. Way cool Lance
  6. mr.smith

    What the heck..??

    What the heck is wrong with people? A buddy has an archery bull tag in 6A. Abut a week before season we set up a blind on a tank way back in there accessible via a very nasty road. Thursday we go in to check our setup and see atv tracks all the way to the blind and do not see the blind initially. We cabled it to a tree with a thick 30ft cable. Well it looks like some jerk tried to steal the blind by pulling the poles out to get around the cable but when they didn't pull out he collapsed it and threw it in the pond and then threw a bunch of big rocks on top of it. There was no fresh sign around the tank so we just retrieved the blind and went elsewhere. I still can't believe someone would do that. It is ridiculous. Otherwise we had a pretty good opening weekend interacting with over 30 bulls. Just didn't come together for us. Back at it in a couple days.
  7. Some of it may be poorly worded when taken out of context but it sure enough is the truth. 47% of Americans do not pay income tax. Most of those 47% do receive tax refunds each year through tax credits. Thus they are dependent on the government for part of their annual income. Mitt is spot on and the truth hurts.
  8. mr.smith

    Back from 6B

    Good luck Arthur!
  9. mr.smith

    Dermestids and skulls

    I know where there is a rotting lion kill covered in dermestid beetles. PM me if you want to know where to find them. I got the lion on cam with her cub. Didn't capture the kill. Found it when I checked the cam.
  10. mr.smith

    Free Havalon knives from Eastmans...

    I went to subscribe and it turns out they want $25 for the subscription and $10 for shipping.
  11. mr.smith

    2012 Utah Typical

    Great buck Houston. Congrats! Did you have the lucky deer-hawk too?
  12. mr.smith

    busted up ram

    Sinusitis as a result of bot fly infection. Causes sloughing of horns.
  13. mr.smith

    Thoughts on Baiting

    I'm not entirely sure but, doesn't that decrease in sales correspond with the nearly doubling in price of tags following the USO fiasco? Perhaps rather than limiting hunters but outlawing methods (driving more hunters away) they could decrease the cost of tags. Sometimes a lower price increases sales enough. I know I felt a little 'priced out' when the costs doubled.
  14. mr.smith

    Chick Filet

    Honestly, why does anybody even care about gay marriage? I could care less what two consenting adults do in their private lives. Does not affect me one bit. "But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods or no God. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg. -Thomas Jefferson, Notes on Virginia, 1782" I see all of this discussion by politicians about gay marriage as a distraction from the fact that they are not doing their proper jobs. Don't look at the fact that a budget hasn't been passed in three years. Instead politician R/D is mentioning how they condemn/condone the activities of gays. If it isn't in the constitution it isn't the federal governments business. Last time I checked the constitution said nothing about marriage or gays.
  15. mr.smith

    Guess the Score of this Nontypical buck

    I'll guess high and say 126. Lot's of mass there.
  16. mr.smith

    Women's hand gun for protection

    My wife shoots a Springfield XD9 in the subcompact model. It's pretty small. So is she and she handles it well.
  17. mr.smith

    Unit 33 Mule Deer ?

    Lower success rates mean more hunters required to meet managment goals means more tags sold means more hunter opportunity. It's a win win for AZGFD.
  18. mr.smith

    unit #31 & #32 .....any info, would help!

    Join the sheep society and go to the banquet. Odds are last years tag holder will find you. I haven't had a sheep tag but I've helped on three hunts and it is definitely addictive.
  19. mr.smith

    Bartlett Flatheads

    Flatheads are predators. Fish where the bluegill and baby cap are. Shallow(<10 ft) sand is what I target. Chum lightly with corn to draw in the carp and gills.
  20. mr.smith

    Why am I posting this pic?

    I found it. I initially thought it was a deer between the lay downs but I couldn't convince myself it was really a deer so I looked harder and found the coyote in the tree.
  21. mr.smith

    Why am I posting this pic?

    I found something but it does not look like a deer.
  22. mr.smith

    Sunflower Fire...how it started

    Thats awesome that you caught them. I hope you got/get a reward
  23. mr.smith

    Archery Range in Flagstaff?

    Thanks Doug!
  24. Fairly new to Flagstaff. Where do you guys shoot? Down in PHX I would go to Ben Avery or Usery. I love walking the course, beats a straight range. Any info is appreciated. Thanks!
  25. mr.smith

    Jose Wejebe died in plane crash

    Very sad indeed. I really liked that guy.