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Posts posted by justinspe25

  1. We were hunting this one spot all day and finally Ron decides to take one more look at this little draw. A couple mins into glassing the draw Ron spots a deer coming out to feed in the last light of the day. The deer reached up on his back legs for some berries in this tree and when he came down the sun hit his antlers. I said ITS A BUCK shot him! Ron didn't even have his rifle ready. I calmed down ranged him and he was like 330 yards away. Ron fires and shot high and the buck is startled now but doesn't take off. Ron shoots again and this time he takes off and goes behind some bushes of course. Well we head off over there to see if we can find him and we get a ways over and Ron looks up and there he is staring at us at 189 yards. Ron settles in on him and fires, this time he run up hill 15 yards and drops. Ron got his 2nd buck!








    The drag out while I take pictures. The Jeep is on the top of the next ridge.



    The Jeep is over there somewhere.



  2. It was a tough hunt for my brother in-law and I but we hung in there till the last minute and we both tagged our deer. The interesting thing about this story is we hunted all kinds of different spots and we killed our deer in the same area two days apart and I killed my buck from last year on this same hill this guy was on.


    Early in the season we were seeing some does here and there and then on Monday my bro in-law spotted a forkie at about 4:30pm and took him.


    So Thursday comes around and I can only hunt until 12 cause i got to get back to camp and load stuff up to go home. We went back to the spot Ron (bro in-law) killed his buck and decided to glass for an hour and move on to another spot. Luckily I spot two doe booking it up the far side of the hill i was looking at. I called Ron over and we are both watching the does and Ron says I got a buck! We see two bucks running together at the top of the hill. They started sparring a little and then started making their way over toward us. We get a good look at the bucks at this point and one was really nice, but still too far away. We move closer around the face of the hill we were on and unfortunately the big buck beds down. His little buddy is still hanging out so I decided it was now or next year. I ranged him and he was standing broad side at 380 yards. I squeezed one off and Ron says he is down! I was pumped that I hit him good and then I remembered how much work it was going to be to get him out of there.


    Here is my 2nd deer ever last day buck! I had a great time.




    It was alot of work for a spike but it was a good time. This is after we got out of the the canyon behind us.




    He had a little eye guard on his left side that was busted off.




    Maybe next year I will find his big brother, he was sweet lookin buck.



  3. A few years ago I was hunting coues and standing on the edge of this narrow, brushy cut. I didn't know where my bro inlaw was so i let out a quiet whistle. After i found him we were standing there like idiots talking and I see a buck running up the ridge on the same side as us. I guess it wasn't a very quiet whistle.
