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Everything posted by azbow

  1. azbow

    Nice article on waxing your string

    I like the tip about how to clean the string before adding more wax.
  2. That was neat when the Tom puffed up even bigger when he walked up to the decoy. Enjoyed watching the hunt, Very Nice!
  3. azbow

    longbeard today

    Pretty crazy story, to bad that bird committed suicide instead of going home with you.
  4. azbow

    Custom 10/22 ruger 22 cal

    Hey Kenny, I am meeting you this weekend to buy it as We talked about on the phone. Jim
  5. azbow

    Opening Day Goulds

    Nicely done. Is it common to find Goulds that low?
  6. azbow

    Tessa's opening day Turkey success

    Great picture!! Congrats Tessa and dad !
  7. azbow

    Need a taxidermist for my Goulds!

    Way to get it done quick on the Goulds, Don. After waiting all those years for a tag, you didn't waste any time on getting a big one. With 18 pts, I hope to get one someday. Bet you aren't doing much this morning at SC, it's really windy and raining here in Oracle. Should be good tomorrow!!
  8. azbow

    WTB Accurate 1680 Powder

    PM sent
  9. azbow

    WTB Accurate 1680 Powder

    Where are you guys located?
  10. azbow


    Great scope for carrying, mine goes everywhere!
  11. azbow

    In Search of a Camo ASU Hat

    Sent you a PM since I don't know how to post from my phone
  12. azbow


    Took 2 Thunderheads through the heart... guess that he was a tough one. Looks like he was covered in scars. Nice shooting and way to get it done again Lance.
  13. azbow

    Bullets question

    Casey, where do you get those? Havn't seen them available for 8 months.
  14. azbow

    Latest Project

    Oh yeah, great work on those boxes!
  15. azbow

    Latest Project

    Thanks for posting the tune! Really touched me as my Dad passed last year on this date. He was a master carpenter also, but didn't make his own box. Been thinking about him and missing him a lot, especially today.
  16. azbow

    RIP marvin.........

    It was posted in the Elk forum. Sad story
  17. What happens to the pics in old posts?
  18. azbow


    Rescued one out of the road last spring. Well just parked near it and slowed traffic so it wouldn't get smashed until it slowly made it's way over to the side.Thought that it was really slow and sluggish until I got to close to it while taking pics. It spun around with it's mouth open, hissing at me, so fast that it was a blur.
  19. azbow

    Pope and Young Bucks

    Wow! Great buck!
  20. S4 universal adapter for cell phones. I used it a few times and worked great with my iPhone 5 and Swaro spotting scope. Very adjustable. Moved up to a big iPhone 6 plus and won't work with it. $35
  21. Bushnell Lytespeed 400 rangefinder. Big and bulky but not to heavy. Works good and has all the original paperwork, box and case. Has black numbers not red led so a little tough to read sometimes. $30 Simmons 4x32 scope $20
  22. azbow

    10x42 el range or 10x42 slc and Leica 1600

    I had the older style Leica 10x42 range finder binos and really liked them. They were as clear and sharp as the Swaros that I have and after using them with the rang finder built in, never used the Swaros again. Just recently I switched to the new Leica 10x42 HD B. They are pretty amazing with 10-2,000 yd range finder with angle compensating, temp and barometric info built in. It has features to figure out your gun's ballistics also. The range finder works very quickly when you push the button and ranges out to 2,000 easily. Check them out before you buy anything because they are pretty awesome.