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About JT1011

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  1. JT1011

    Barrel length

    I appreciate the insight and response. I might go with a 20in. I can imagine the muzzle blast is intense with the shorter 16in barrel. I have no other reason than weight and comp carry for longer hikes in step elevation. Plus I cant stand when you get thrown back from getting your barrel caught on a branch when you are moving through the woods lol.
  2. JT1011

    Deer Hunting in January

    CatfishKev - Agreed. My son is almost ten with a 14 yr old's composure. He wants to learn and I know i can keep him quiet. I reside in Yuma. From what i gather, Cibola lake north of Martinez lake might be fruitful. Or east of the small town of Cibola, I know there is game in there. Ive seen huge Big horned sheep and donkeys, Its thick brush but also a good watering hole. Edge- Yessir, I look at it every day. PRDATR- I agree. I think the rut is a good time for the youth to learn about hunting. Its the mostly lively time in nature lol.
  3. I am seeking advice for archery hunting in January. I am new to bow hunting and would like to take my 9 yr old son and older son hunting this month to learn how to stalk. However, I don't know what unit and where to focus my attention. I have never been hunting in January. Any advice would be helpful. Thanks in advance.
  4. Hello ya'll- I am seeking information on barrel length suggestions for a 308. I know most game is taken within 150 yards, and i am leaning to a 16/18 in barrel length because of that. I plan on sighting it for 200 yards. Any suggestions would help in my decision. Another question: What am i looking for in barrel twist? I understand that this is important to perform as a longer barrel, is that correct?