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Noel Arnold

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Everything posted by Noel Arnold

  1. Noel Arnold

    ASU vs Oregon

    I can understand the rivalry between the two state college's.It is like that for all states.But what cracks me up is how a lot (not all) of Tucson people turn there nose up in the air for the professional teams.I guess the Dbacks are having a lot of spring training down there to try to get more fan's.Come on Tuscon and join the fun without being jealous.I will watch the wildcats when there doing good in the basket tournement.At least you guy's can support the professional teams. Noel
  2. Noel Arnold

    ASU vs Oregon

    Triesgo, Typical response for a Tucson person.I do not think you people even care about the suns or dbacks. Noel
  3. Noel Arnold

    meat processing

    Do it yourself.Lark is right it does not take long to pay for the hamburger grinder.You can get a 1/2 horse grinder for about $250 to $300 with all of the attachments for sausage and etc.You can spend more for the higher horse power,but The 1/2 works fine for me on elk. Noel
  4. Noel Arnold

    You saw it here first

    Tony, I wanted to come,but I got a leftover coues tag for 30b oct. hunt and that is the only weekend I have to scout.I am helping my brother on his archery elk tag this weekend. Noel
  5. Noel Arnold

    You saw it here first

    Tony, When is the article with the picture of the striper coming out.Also I forgot what magazine you told me it was going to be in.I was going to pick up a copy. Noel
  6. Noel Arnold

    You saw it here first

    Tony, That picture of your kid at puerto lobos brings back old memories.I know exactly were that was.You could drive to the beach and then 4whl to the south for miles.We used to go there in the late sixties and early seventies.Then we switched to puerto Libertad.And now for about the last 15 years we go to Santo Thomas.We love fishing for corvina.Do you remember Bill Valentine?He used to write about those areas. Noel
  7. Noel Arnold

    Choice Of Words

    I do not harvest a black widow spider when I STOMP IT WITH MY SHOE.I kill it.I respect your opinions,but I would have to agree with Tony and Bill.After Adam and Eve ate the fruit,God put these animals for us to kill and eat. Noel
  8. Noel Arnold

    Unit 18A Antelope

    Yep.The farther west you go in the state the more the drought has effected.I put in for 18a muzzleloader,and am kind of glad I did not get drawn with a lot of bonus points.
  9. Noel Arnold

    Unit 18A Antelope

    Big bucks there also.A lot of the kingman guides hunt there. Noel
  10. Noel Arnold

    Prickly Pear season

    Some of my best memories are of my Grandmas home made prickley pear syrup on pancakes made from scratch.Boil them up and strain them in cheesecloth for the needles.I forgot the recipe,but I do remember adding lemon juice. Noel
  11. Noel Arnold

    Unit 18A Antelope

    Yes it was.Keeps me busy in the off season. Noel
  12. Noel Arnold

    Unit 18A Antelope

    Truxson Flats on the east side in the thick cedars and close to the indian res. fence always holds some big bucks.They hold out a lot in the thick stuff so you have to spend some time.
  13. Noel Arnold

    Get Rid of Special Permits?

    Tony, As you know from the previous thread ,that I totally support your plan.I just do not think your going to get a lot of support from the people on this site.The reason is that in some way or another they are connected personally to these type of tag's.If you go to monstermuleys,were it is people from all of the states,then you will see that there is a lot more people that believe these tags' are hurting the world of (public) tags.And I think that if you polled every person that put in for a tag in Arizona,then you would also get the support. Noel l
  14. Noel Arnold

    Auction Hunt

    Tony, Welcome to my point of view.I have been saying for the last two years every time we have the discussion,that there has to be a better way.Of course even if we find a alternitive,some people would still want the auction tag.(Mainly the people who stand to gain financilly from these tag's) Noel
  15. Noel Arnold

    Auction Hunt

    Dave, Like I have said many times before,I have no problem with the shooter.I was just responding to your comment about not having enough money or being jealous.I do not judge the guy.I was just telling you a lot of people would not even want to hunt this way.This whole thread for me has been about whether the auction tags in all states are worth it. Noel
  16. Noel Arnold

    Auction Hunt

    Redline, You do not get it.A lot of us would not shoot a animal under these circumstances regardless of how much money we had.
  17. 19b around ashfork has a fair herd. Noel
  18. Noel Arnold

    Auction Hunt

    300wsm, All the time and effort put in to these hunts are paid to the guides by the hunter.Even when the hunter is not there they are getting paid to look.I have never bad mouthed the hunter's.(to each is own)But I do find it ammusing when people try to equate it to a regular hunt were you are competing with other hunters.It makes me laugh when I see the articles in the magazines that start off with huge public lands bull or buck. Noel
  19. Noel Arnold

    Auction Elk Tag filled ???

    Desertbull, My feeling's exactly.The all mighty score is hurting the image of hunting .I never have thought hunting was a sport .It has always been more of a family tradition.It is becoming just like football,basketball.etc.Were money is corrupting it.And to all of you that say get over it.(This is a discussion forum). Besides I have nothing better to do since not getting drawn for whitetail for the first time in 34 years.(I have always put in second choice for the oct. or nov. hunt).These hunts never filled,but they do now.Shooting my bow now. Noel
  20. Noel Arnold

    Auction Elk Tag filled ???

    Just to feed a little more gas on the fire.Now the Nevada auction elk tag was filled,and there is this huge heated debate on how one guide screwed another.So all of you auction lovers can explain to me how this helps hunting.If these animals were shot on a regular hunt ,we would never be having these issues to debate .It is all about the money
  21. Noel Arnold

    Auction Elk Tag filled ???

    I like what Missedagain said.Is this money from the auction tag really worth the bad taste in most hunters mouths.If you did a survey from every person that applys for big game,I would guess that most people are against them.A lot of the people that are on these sites are either guides or involved in the special projects.And as far as all hunters need to stick together.I think that is a grand idea,except my opinion is this type of hunting is the downfall of our future .
  22. Noel Arnold

    Auction Elk Tag filled ???

    Tony, You are right they did have the elk draw early this year.Other states have been doing this for years.If a state gets your money right after the first of the year and do not refund your money until 6 months later they are going to make money on interest.Most people(including me)do not mind this.My intent was to show that there are other way's to get the money.I am not a department basher.But I do feel that there are better way's to raise money then This. Noel.
  23. Noel Arnold

    Auction Elk Tag filled ???

    Coues7, No hard feelings at all.I never judge the shooter's that buy these tag's.I do question the top dog's of the Game departments that give out these tag's.One way the department could make more money is to have the draw in march or april.This way they could make interest on the money.We are one of the last states to have our draw. Noel
  24. Noel Arnold

    Auction Elk Tag filled ???

    Coues7, I would have to dissagree that most sportsman or outdoorsman would do the same thing under the same circumstances.Most of the people on websites like this(including me)would like the chance at shooting a trophy animal.But there are way more hunters that could care less how big there animal is.And as far as the money to support wildlife goes,I would rather they increase the tags to get the extra money.I wonder how many people who had archery bull tag's or the muzzleloader tags that were watching that bull and excited to get a crack at him.As far as being jealous (heck no),why would anybody be jealous of shooting a bull under these circumstances(auction) Noel
  25. Noel Arnold

    Auction Elk Tag filled ???

    Whether it was legal or illegal is not what makes me sad about this story.It is the breakdown of our hunting tradition were shooting the largest animal has become the only thing that matters for some people.Where is the fun of shooting a world class animal in July in close proximity to houses.And I have never had a problem with people who make there living by guiding.But I am afraid that the all mighty buck has made some ehtics go out the window.Not to bring up a dead horse again,but the auction tags are selling our game to the highest bidder. Shame on all the states who have auction tags.Let the flames begin!!! Noel(hunting for the right reason's) Arnold