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Everything posted by Siwash

  1. Siwash


    pm sent
  2. Siwash

    Time to cross UPS off the list

    I shipped an Encore barrel to AK last week via a UPS store. Other than being expensive it was a pretty easy transaction, I told the dude what it was and he said “let’s call it a metal rod.”
  3. Siwash

    Saltwater 2020

    Watch the Aztec for 1.75 day trips in October/November if you want a shot at a big bluefin.
  4. Siwash

    Saltwater 2020

    Had an awesome 2 day on the Apollo, dorado and YFT limits in one of the best wide open bites I have seen. A few nice tuna over 40# but most were 15-20# #2 hooks and 20# flouro was the ticket. We fished the tuna pens in MX waters.
  5. Siwash

    .270 - Tucson

    spoken for.
  6. Siwash

    .270 - Tucson

    OK, its seen a lot of field use and I should’ve posted but didn’t yet, I want would want $ 350 for it if it doesn’t sell as a package
  7. Siwash

    Saltwater 2020

    Several years ago trolling for sailfish in the Sea of Cortez we kept getting our ballyhoo baits nabbed and lines cut by something...we threw out a Maruader with wire leader...then someone got up in the crow’s nest and confirmed it was sharks not Wahoo molesting the troll:)
  8. Siwash

    Spicy Bluefin Poke Bowl

    We include French’s fried onions on ours for some crunchy contrast (not pictured)
  9. Siwash

    saltwater braid questions

    If you are chucking jigs 80# spectra with 50# mono top shot should work...maybe go bigger at Guadalupe or Alijos...if you have a week to fish;) It’s tough for flyline baits to tow heavy mono tho, I would go with 50# braid and 30# test with a rod that can lift and load at 8-10# of drag and a two speed to winch any fiesty YT that try to go deep and break you off on the rocky bottom. I run PowerPro braid with no complaints but I am far from a pro, lucky to fish 7-10 days a year. I like to run braid to mono for stretch to flouro. Avoid the green braid if you can, It is very difficult to see at dawn and late in the day.
  10. Siwash

    Saltwater 2020

    I also use the boom snip, I find the pliers stay in the box now.
  11. Siwash

    Saltwater 2020

    BFT limits on a Red Rooster 3 day and a ton of quality YT. Fished near Tanner Bank and Cortes.
  12. My father is almost 71 years old and will be retiring next month. He has expressed an interest in welding and I'd like to get him a basic welder so he can tinker around with it, and not drive my mother and the rest of our family crazy with all of his free time. When he was younger he was a pretty legit mason for a hobby, but lugging around bricks and 80# sacks of concrete are no longer enjoyable for him. He won't need anything industrial or be welding together trailer frames, etc. I doubt he would do more than tack together old pieces of steel for yard art, at least initially. 120V will be fine and something light/portable would be good as they have a summer place up north and I suspect he will want to shuttle it back and forth. I'm looking at these models, if anyone has any experience or knows of a better "starter" set up please let me know. Also, aside from what these models provide, what else is needed? A helmet and some gloves? https://www.weldingsuppliesfromioc.com/lincoln-power-mig-140c-mig-welder-pkg-k2471-2 https://www.weldingsuppliesfromioc.com/miller-millermatic-141-mig-welder-907612 https://www.tractorsupply.com/tsc/product/hobart-handler-140-mig-wire-welder Thanks for looking.
  13. Glass North faces in the shade when it is hot. If you are still hunting the last few days when the moon is full don’t slip on deer midday stretch and feeding activities and expect limited morning windows with deer on their feet. As others have said, in October bucks are batched up in groups and less pressured than the 2nd/3rd hunts, usually.
  14. posting this for my neighbor, he is a disabled vet and cannot complete the restoration: https://tucson.craigslist.org/cto/d/tucson-1950-chevy-3800-pickup/7166377625.html
  15. Siwash

    Lee's Ferry Walk In Question

    re: the Paria walk-in, it’s usually legit. Be very careful if you cross what looks like packed sand where the Paria dumps in, it can turn into quicksand mud very quickly. I went thigh deep in the mud once in the winter and had to have my buddy pull me out. I’m not sure I would’ve gotten out by myself. Also in that stretch in my experience there are as many fish within 10 feet of the bank is there are if you wade out 15 to 20 yards. Fish that hard before you make your way into the wider, deeper runs.
  16. Siwash

    Saltwater 2020

    Yep, open party And to your point the trip was meals included and like any good angler I’m at the rail at 5 AM in the dark. We didn’t get dinner on both days until after 830pm which is not cool if you’re up fishing before dawn. The chow was acceptable but not good, And it’s not like the cook was busy helping people during a wide-open bite. He mostly sat and played solitaire by himself in the Galley from 530 until eight.
  17. Siwash

    Saltwater 2020

    Chuck. I believe his son was running the Legend Sunday...they put 20 or so BFT on a day trip on Sunday and called our boat in on it at the tail end, we got a similar call from the Glory Hole too that day...I am not saying the capt didnt try hard I am saying his crew did not work together well on this trip. BFT can be finicky, suffered similar fates on more than one trip over the years, but we were on schools all day, particularly Saturday, and a lack of quality bait (which mysteriously became awesome Sunday, they decided to break out the good stuff, WTF?) coupled with deckhands that didnt chum to keep the school engaged made a tough bite even tougher. Fishing is fishing and I have done it a lot from MX to AK with good success but along the way I’ve had plenty of days with nothing to show for it but a sore back and when I was younger a wicked hangover...low counts on the Excalibur aside the overall experience was really poor last weekend and I will probably never get back on the boat as a result of it, which is a shame because the boat rides well and at its price point it has decent bunks, several state rooms and the heads are pretty nice, No marble sack for your nuts required.
  18. Siwash

    Saltwater 2020

    Yes, the counts from the trip a few days earlier were solid...but another angler on the boat said he fished it in June and outside of the captain the entire crew was new...more than one person broached their frustrations directly to the captain on the trip. It was a was bad. For example: multiple times multiple anglers had to ask the deckhands to refill the bait tanks on stops...routinely there were 2-3 dead baits floating in the tanks the deckhands never chummed bait on boiling fish...and the captain drove OVER breezers, pushing them down... we moved around a lot...the capt gave like 30 seconds notice and we were all fishing deep and several people on several stops got tangled when we motored and they had lines 100+ yards out. If you are new to SoCal fishing and see stuff like that speak up, its not normal and it will kill the trip. Hope the other guys on the boat fare better this week.
  19. Siwash

    Saltwater 2020

    Had a less than stellar 2.5 day last weekend out of HM on a relatively new boat, the Excaliber. Capt has been around forever and it had OK reviews on Bloody Decks, but things were off from top to bottom. Disorganized crew that didn’t seem to care and it showed in the counts, 12 BFT and a few YT for 27 anglers on two full days of fishing. I was one of the lucky ones, but I won’t fish the boat again...the operation was sloppy.
  20. Siwash

    Poor man's Alaska fishing trip?

    Sure, but if you are gonna fish the saltwater you will want a hotel room for those days, crawling into a tent after 8-12 hours on a boat is tough.
  21. Siwash

    Poor man's Alaska fishing trip?

    My wife and I just cancelled a week long trip to AK. We got out tickets roundtrip from Tucson to Fairbanks for $703 total for two, and they were good flights both ways. We have friends in Fairbanks and I was gonna fish Minto Flats for pike and sheefish then my wife and I planned on driving to Valdez and doing a halibut 6 pack charter one day, $400 each, and a silver salmon 6 pack charter another, $250 each. Our total budget for the trip including airfare was 3K...but we have places to stay for free and a truck to borrow so that helped with keeping costs low. Now is a great time to get cheap flights but they do require travelers to do a series of CoViD tests: https://covid19.alaska.gov/travelers/ If you do go make sure you have legit rain gear, all rubber bibs, etc. You will get wet if you fish in AK;)
  22. Siwash

    got one

    Been there done that, hacksaw is better than a sawzall...by the time I got done prettying up the old Wards 5100 I cut up I had way more of my time than the $150 a new barrel will cost when they are in stock.
  23. Siwash

    got one

  24. Siwash


    Thanks for the great deal and expert broadhead shipping technique. Free bump!