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Everything posted by Couzer

  1. Couzer

    When A Rifle Hunter Goes Archery Hunting

    Great job Casey!!! And good shooting!!!!
  2. Couzer

    Gone 🦃

  3. Couzer

    First Archey Bull

    Great bull!!!!
  4. Couzer

    Trail Camera Question

    Agree, thanks
  5. Couzer

    Trail Camera Question

    Agreed, I just didn’t know if there was a length time associated with the law. But I see nothing like you stated Creed. Thanks for the clarification.
  6. Couzer

    Trail Camera Question

    Thanks for the information! Looks like there is no time associated with his response. That being said sounds like a lifetime ban for that area. Again appreciate the response
  7. Couzer

    Trail Camera Question

    Totally agree, I just didn’t know if there was a statute of limitations on a period of time. Appreciate all the responses. I’m going to send a email to G&F
  8. Couzer

    Trail Camera Question

    I’ve seen a few on tanks, but it’s considerably a lot less. Nothing damage
  9. Couzer

    Trail Camera Question

    Sounds like the response I was expecting. Appreciate the response
  10. Couzer

    Trail Camera Question

    No bites? Must be a good question
  11. Couzer

    Food vacuum sealer or the like

    I have a LEM I was going to put up for sale, it’s their bigger model MAXVAC. $100
  12. Couzer

    Savage Model 24 combo gun in 22mag/20 gauge

  13. Couzer

    ISO Shotgun Gunsmith

    Following, I have a .410 I need to do the same.
  14. Couzer

    Tag question

    I only had the hunters Ed point, all good. I agree though if i didn’t have point guard with alot of points that would have been a bummer
  15. Couzer

    Let's tell old hunting stories

    I agree, I have had a few almost jump into my lap when calling for bear. I leave them alone, they do a good job prancing around being live decoys.
  16. Couzer

    Let's tell old hunting stories

    I know some of you probably already heard this story, but here it is again. A while back I decided to try to go do some calling for bears up in unit 1. I really couldn’t find anyone to go with me so I ended up going by myself, I really dislike going by myself. I ended up making 3-4 stands calling for around 45-60 minutes starting from Escudilla to Mt Baldy. I drove my quad around and hiked a lot of miles that day. I headed back to the house around 3pm to grab a bite to eat after all the unsuccessful attempts and getting discouraged. I decided to give it one last go, so I remember a aspen grove up on top that was close enough to a road that headed down a thick canyon. I arrived at this spot around 4:30-5pm hike over to the boulders that over looked a small Meadow of about 2 feet of grass with aspens around it. I sat on the ground having a boulder to my back I felt pretty safe nothing could jump out from behind me without me seeing it first. I got my favorite reed call out and started calling for about 10-15 minutes noticing my left leg was going numb from the lack of blood flow. Getting a little nervous I paused the calling and attempted to move my left leg around to get some blood circulation into it. As I tried to move my leg something came in and latched on to the end of my boot. I screamed like a little girl feeling helpless. I couldn’t figure out what the H#%L it was. I took my right boot and kicked as hard as I could and it finally let go and backed off making a terrible noise. It started coming back towards me so I pulled my S&W 357 from my shoulder holster and fired once at it. It was gone, not knowing where it went I started to make sure I didn’t shoot my leg. Luckily my legs were intact as I missed them. I stood up trying to realize what just happened and getting the feeling back into leg I couldn’t figure out what it was. I had phone service so i called the wife and told her I just got attacked by something and that I was ok. Chatting with the wife I came to the realization it was a badger after she was trying to guess what it was. Wife asked if I shot it and I told her I didn’t know. After getting off the phone with her I walked down about 5-10 yards where I found a big ol stinky male badger piled up next to a bush. One hole from the 357 entering its neck and bullet lodged in its back leg, at point blank range it incredibly did not pass through. It’s nut sack was bigger than a baseball, and had a bald spot on them from dragging them around, it WAS the king of the mountain.
  17. Couzer

    Tag question

    Getting ready for the up coming hunts I had put in for Fall Turkey and was drawn. Not even thinking about it I killed my Goulds last spring, been a long time since I put in for the regular fall hunt. I realized shorty after getting the tag and turned it back in. Just donating money to AZGFD.
  18. Couzer

    Spring Bear 2023?

    Agreed! The anti’s got there way with lion hunting and have it closed for 3 months
  19. Couzer

    Spring Bear 2023?

    Total bummer, so I have 15 points for bear??? Will I ever get to use them?
  20. This is a game changer for me, tried it with elk and it was awesome. Thought I would share.
  21. Eu vivi em Curitiba, e você? Eu sinto falta da Churrasqueira’s