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Everything posted by tomgobbler

  1. tomgobbler

    My 2014 antelope

    is that "patch" on his face that black? usually they are about 2-3 inches square.... that one looks to almost go all the way under his neck... or is it just shadows... either way nice job.
  2. tomgobbler

    Hunter safety field day wanted

    my boy needs the Hunter safety, ( field day ) and it is very tuff to find one close to the white mountains ( we are in taylor) anyone up this way certified to teach it and want to put a day together, I know a bunch of youngsters up in this area that could sure use it. thanks tommy
  3. tomgobbler

    My son with his first Turkey Experience

    it was a pleasure as always matthew, I always enjoy getting to hunt with you and steven, so glad I got to come down for a few days, and spend some time with ya. thanks for the fun, and letting me tag along with you guys! congrats again on the bird, it has a heck of a rope.
  4. tomgobbler

    Phil's April Tom

    Awesome Phil, you've spent lots of time chasing them things! and rode many miles, so happy for ya that the time spent finally paid off for you. congrats on an awesome cat.
  5. tomgobbler

    BEEFALO anyone ever eat any?

    anyone ever had any beefalo? momma is a buffalo, dad is a red herford bull, I know buffalo is good, and beef obviously is, and I'm sure the beefalo would be too, but wondering if anyone has ever had any?
  6. tomgobbler

    gobblers already gobbling

    about 2 weeks ago there was 3 different groups of toms still grouped up, yesterday there was several gobblers strutting and gobbling for a bunch of hens.... I hope this hot, dry weather doesn't get them going way to soon, as they will be all done come hunting season.
  7. tomgobbler

    gobblers already gobbling

    yes I know it is timed on the length of the day... but do you know what length that is.... ???I'm saying they SEEM to be "rutting" earlier and earlier..... which to me is making is harder and harder during hunting season.... and yes I know that when turkerys/gobblers get together they will strut and gobble for the fun of it.... I was camping in the middle of june last year and woke up to a gobbling turkey that gobbled 20 times..... but to me the actions the other day of the 2 gobblers that were gobbling and strutting were actions of gathering/rutting.... and not just "playing around" ...... an example from last spring... ON MAY 1st ( if I am remembering correctly) i saw turkey POULTS, that were i don't... know a week old... little tiny things.... so if you do the math... with a 25-30 day gestation, they HATCHED around the 1st of April.... say the hen layed 12-14 eggs 12-14 days in a row ( 1 egg each day) then she was getting bred by MARCH 15th.... and if the gobbler gathered hens for say 2 weeks before starting to bred then he was GATHERING by the first of march to have POULTS on the ground and following the hen by may 1st....... SO what length of day do you go by.... and yes i know there are a bunch of variables here my only point being that they just seem to be breeding and rutting earlier and earlier... and with our late seasons making it pretty tuff, especially in the units with split hunts, that late one can be very difficult.... and yes i know that after the hens are all bred and the gobblers find them selves alone can be the hottest (late) gobbling that there is, and that can happen any time, with any one particular gobbler, in any unit.... I'm not a novice turkey hunter, i hunted around 28 days for gobblers last spring, in 2 states, 6 units and the San Carlos, from the very first of the season to the very end of them. i wasn't posting to say that our hunts are to late or to early, or really posting for anything except to say they are getting started and I'm getting an itchy turkey finger! :) and season is to far away
  8. tomgobbler


    After months of anticipation after finding out I had drawn a broken horned oryx tag in NM, the hunt was finally on! After a 6 hour drive, we had to meet at the gate into the missile range at 10:00, then the vehicle search, paper work, meeting, does and don'ts while on the range they FINALLY turned us loose to head out about 1:00. WHAT A CLUSTER IT WAS, 90 vehicles all leaving the parking lot trying to beat everyone else "TO THERE SPOT" but the funny thing was that no one had a spot cause there was no scouting allowed... but i'm sure there was guys that had guides, or guys that had been there before, but it was pretty much a cluster.... anyway we had looked over the map and had found some areas that we figured would probably be good looking spots, and were we figured we could find them. we got to were we wanted to be, with a HUGE bottom ( about 2 miles across) at the base of some foothills, looked like it would be a spot were an oryx should hang out the glassing was tuff as with all the rain the yellow flowers were anywhere from 2' to 6' tall, and so they would completely disappear in them. Anyway about 15 minutes into glassing we glassed up a heard of about 30, about 1 1/2 miles out into the bottom and thick brush, after making a plan of attach and figuring for sure there would be a couple of broken horns in the bunch we headed out. We got to about 700 and ran out of good cover, so on our knees we went, 300 yards further and with blistered skinned up knees, and slivers all over in my palms we had crawled to around 300-350 yards of them depending on which side of the heard we could find a good bull. It just so happened that the herd bull, the guy that thought he was the tuffest was broken about half way off, he was running the other bulls off and was chasing cows pretty hard.... kind of a cross between a big herd bull elk and a rutting antelope, he was running all over the place, and I was having a hard time getting him to hold still in a clear shooting lane through the thick yellow flowers and the thick brush he kept going in and out of... at one point he was 295, but would not stop, he finally got out to 350 and 3-4 had kind of lined out like they were going to head out of the country with him in toe so I knelt up to get over the top of the flowers and brush and let one fly. And was able to get the job done. it was a pretty cool hunt with my son watching and a couple of my buddies there and my brother . he tagged out the next afternoon on a bull that was almost identical to mine except the horn was broken on the other side.
  9. tomgobbler

    3 Great Bucks

    nice bucks, Jason, looks like a great time! congrats.
  10. tomgobbler

    Opening day ram!

    very nice!!! congrats on a great ram!
  11. tomgobbler

    Running bobcats

    it IS LEGAL to run bobcats, so no you wouldn't get fined or get caught for "poaching" as long as everything else was in order.
  12. anyone have one, I need the data on 168 grain berger bullet for the 7mm RSAUM. thanks tommy
  13. tomgobbler


    the camera rule has been changed for I think 3 years they told us, ( this being the 3rd year you could bring one), Only one camera per hunter, and it was subject to being looked over ( they never did on mine) they also told us that in 2011 they had a really bad cold freeze and it froze the cores and they had a lot of broken ones after that.... I dont know just what they said...... ( they also said that about 30% of there ears froze off at that time as well, and killed a lot of calves.... looking forward to eating a steak
  14. tomgobbler


    thanks guys, yes broken horn tag, and it was Rhodes canyon range, and yes they allow cameras, but can only take pic of you and your game , no scenery or anything else.
  15. tomgobbler

    berger reloading book?

    thanks guys for all the info, I e-mailed them late last night and when I got up this morning already had a reply with that sheet e-mailed to me. thanks again tommy
  16. a couple I just finished up for some guys, the one was huge, thought you'de enjoy good luck tommy
  17. a fellow duck hunter cleared his freezer and brought me some to do up for him, just finished these 4. thought i'de share some pictures of some really pretty ducks. good luck tommy
  18. tomgobbler

    beef 200lbs

    I ran out of steaks, so I'm taking in a steer in tomorrow for butcher, I don't think my freezer will take the whole thing, so wanting to sale half of it. roughly 200 lbs of meat, cut and wrapped, for $850.00 ... this will be butchered with the hamburger in 1 lb packages, 4-5 pounds per roast, 3/4" T-bones, all round steaks tenderized, ( these make a great "chicken fried steak/swiss steak ) ..... unless you want it different then that, then I would need to know asap... thanks tommy
  19. tomgobbler

    for the duck hunters

    yes all of these were taken here.
  20. tomgobbler

    camera senerio what would you do

    so here is the deal, my brother and I put out a camera here close to home on a trick tank to see what kind of deer were hitting it as his wife has an archery tag, and we are trying to find her a decent spot to possibly set up. So was wondering what kind of bucks were coming into the tank.... the camera has been out 3 days, and our truck tracks were the only ones in there in a week or two ( rains had washed everything else out) the road dead ends and you have to walk a 1/2 mile or so.... ours was the only boot tracks in there..... so my brother calles me today, he had the day off and decided to check it although it had only been 3 days..... there was ONE set of tire tracks on ours.... he gets to the trick tank and our camera is gone , and a NEW ONE ON THE NEXT TREE OVER in a lock box is on the tree!!!! so they take our camera and put in a new one, and add a salt lick..... would you really be that stupid to take ours and leave yours???? so what would YOU DO.... ????
  21. tomgobbler

    camera senerio what would you do

    it has rained!!!!!!! their boot tracks go from there truck to my camera over to hang there camera and then back to there truck..... NO OTHER tracks.... mine and theres.... unless a crow flew in and took it or something else with wings.... so no I did NOT see them actually do it....
  22. tomgobbler

    Desert Bighorn Tag

    Robbie, conrats, on the tag!! which one of the two monsters have you decided on taking? I hope to be there with matthew and the boys when you decide which one you want, and see him take a dirt nap, and finally get to see him up close, at least closer then the 40 yards I crawled up to him a coupe years ago, if it is that one your after good luck tommy
  23. tomgobbler

    2 Sheep Hunts Videos

    great footage and rams Jason.
  24. tomgobbler

    Mt lion meat?

    not to mention it is ILLEGAL TO WASTE big game and a lion IS big game.
  25. tomgobbler

    Score this buck!!!

    if you call his ears 6" then he is barely twice his ears, plus a little curl but not a deep heart curl, and cutters are nice put not huge, mass is good even above the prong, and with no addition points for width, even as cool as he looks, ide say he is short and would be around 78-82