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Posts posted by RAM

  1. I may be showing my ignorance publicly, however I have a question that some of you may be able to answer.


    Lets saw you enter yourself into the draw with lets say (6 bonus points), not enought for max points but your getting close. Then lets say for that particular unit you need 9 points to qualify for max points. I know 20% of all tags go to the max point holders so this is my question.


    After the max point holders aquire the 20% of tags, does G&F still look at my application as if I have 6 bonus points? Or does my points only matter towards the max point count and my application now is looked at as if I only have one point? I have several friends who believe this, that if you arn't drawn with max points then you and everyone else for that unit is re-entered into the draw and all competing with one point a piece. Thoughts?


