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Everything posted by SirRoyal

  1. SirRoyal


    So did your buy a lottery ticket too!
  2. SirRoyal

    Shame on you

    Wow! Friend Tradbowhunter next time you come over our fence to beat and bully on us. You better bring reinforcements! I mean refreshments so we can all eat drink and be merry for tommorrow we're comin to your house!
  3. SirRoyal

    Shame on you

    Interesting I have hunted New Mexico alot! I see more New Mexican drunk drivers and thier beer cans along major forest service roads and highways than any other place I've hunted. Once late at nite came around abend and right in the middle of a forest service road is a upside down blazer I see a little new mexican and his buddy crawl out the window. They were so drunk nothing could have hurt them. I took them back to their camp for help! As far as 4 wheelers I'm with you on that I hate seeing them off-road where they are not supposed to be. People who do that are slob hunters period! They are ruining it for the good guys that handle a 4-wheeeler properly and according to the law! There are slob hunters that live in every state but that does not make everybody but you one!
  4. SirRoyal

    Bike Seat Buck

    Wow, these kids now days are good, Dad must have taught them real good ! Huge Congrats to your son, Pine Donkey. His hard hunt paid off, but then again when your 17 maybe it wasn't so hard to hike in 3 1/2 miles loaded down big time.
  5. Wow! What a awesome great gorgeous Ram. Huge Congrats on a once in a AZ lifetime experience!
  6. SirRoyal

    Unit 23 New Mexico Muley

    Great pictures and an Awesome buck!
  7. SirRoyal

    San Francisco River Hunt

    What a great story and great pictures ! Beautiful Ram Huge Congrats!!!!! Gives me faith that I too will capture that ever elusive Rocky Mountain Sheep tag in the near future!
  8. SirRoyal

    First Deer

    Great job and with a bow ! Congradulations!!!!
  9. SirRoyal

    HB 2072 Sale of big game tags

    I agree that the bill was handled very poorly from both the Rep and AZSFW but we've all made poor decisions in both our work and personal lives. I think the good he has done far outweighs this one mistake and should not be a death sentence to his career. He pulled the bill immediately so that should have some consideration too. We don't know what kind of BS line he was fed from the originators of the idea either. We certainly need to be careful because he could be replaced by someone in the Sierra Club or PETA. Poor decisions that effect OTHERS in a negative way are based on a irresponsible selfish mind-set that has only one goal and that is to satisfy ones own selfish interest. He was bought thats my final conclusion! Its kinda like the always honest bank teller and his cohorts who helped him devise a scheme to steal the money at the bank. So the teller steals it and then gets remorse and returns it hopefully before anybody finds out! IS HE STILL GUILTY?
  10. SirRoyal

    Oct hunt success!

    Huge Congradulations! Great story with great visuals!
  11. I was in unit 8 scouting with my wife and kids . We were driving on a main road when we came around a bend which had a dirt water tank on the outside edge. I hollered at the girls dont look,well that was the wrong thing to say! Here's the visual. There was a guy near the waters edge tripping all over himself running away as hard as he could go to get over the top of the dirt dam with his pants down around his ankles and a full moon shining with a flying stream of white toilet paper following. We then looked and seen his wife and kids screaming at him from across the pond I'm sure hollering GET OUTTA THERE someone's coming!
  12. SirRoyal

    HB 2072 Sale of big game tags

    What is this a COMING OUT OF THE CLOSET bill from Rep Wierds If he has done so much for the sport then maybe he's been around to long and its time for the pasture, or he has been bought or its mid-life crisis anyway you see it his days are over!!!!!!!!
  13. Sorry I couldn't resist with a forum titled Other Big Game. GO TEEEEEEEEEEEBOOOOOOOOOOOOW!
  14. SirRoyal

    Bow Brand Names

    Wesley, you are killing me, I thought I taught you better than that . Duh remember its the guy behind the bow that matters not the bow ,ding ding
  15. SirRoyal

    First Badger

    Wow that snake in the tree is really awesome. Congrats on the badger!
  16. SirRoyal

    1966 Unit 3B Hunt

    What a great photo! Thank you for sharing!!!
  17. SirRoyal

    Successful Late Bull hunt

    Well the Good Lord blessed us with a great hunt . We found this huge bull and this 13 year old girl shot it! Her dad was very happy. He had shot his bull the day before. Elisabeth making us hot food on top of the mtn after she killed her bull! This is the rear right hoof of that big bull!
  18. Headed for my hunting area Wenesday the 19th . Arrived in Tucson at 2:00 am stayed at a buddies house. 4:00 am Thursday Buddy shows me how to access unit. One day to scout find several bucks one close to 100" Man, its HOT! Opening morning Friday NO buck only does and pigs Hmmm whats up with that! Man its HOT HOT! Saturday buddy goes with me to big buck spot , does only Hmmm knew it woudnt be easy! HOT,HOT,HOT!!!! Sunday buddy and I exhausted rest alot in the shade in draw waiting for it to cool down .HOT HOT HOT HOT!! Get a call business pressure at home I have to get home asap/ I need just one more day! Monday buddy goes back to work! Another buddy had called said he and his dad wanted to take me out. I helped them on thier archey elk hunt. Then another buddy called and told us thee spot to go to! Things are looking up! 1st light we spot several bucks , Decide to shoot the biggest of the small coues. Hike 1/2 mile or so with Firefighter buddy , Success, shot at 273 yards dropped the buck , Buddy guts and throws buck on back hikes out of the hole without stopping,Hmmm I should be a firefighter or 20 years younger) Thank the Lord for good buddys, Finally What I had been given to help alot of people hunt I was on the recieving end what a blessing !! Thank you to all my friends for a great hunt!!!
  19. SirRoyal

    whats the deal with locating elk in unit 6a

    The elk are still there. Just have to work harder. Yes herds are down 40% but keep searching. Here is a bull we took last friday.
  20. SirRoyal

    Duwane Adams' early Kaibab 2011

    Wow , Duwane and his guys know thier stuff when it comes to the Kiabab!
  21. SirRoyal

    Buck from last weekend

    Good for your son it always comes back to you! Great buck his buddy got , Maybe your son should take me
  22. SirRoyal

    quality binos -opinions needed plz

    I have seen guys that are well heeled with the top of the line binos that are really useless to them , they dont know how to use them. Ive seen others that had lesser quality binos but knew how to use them! Now if you get someone that has the best and knows how to use them watch out he is deadly scary what he can find. So buy the very best you can afford and learn how to use them!!! Patience is your best friend when you glass.
  23. SirRoyal

    coues picts

    Josiah: Focus the lens to the camera phone not ur eye!
  24. SirRoyal

    !!! 10 year old LOST GUN !!!

    I was in New Mexico one time and left my GPS on the roof of my truck. I drove a little ways on down the road and it must have fallen off. I did not realize it yet. So I went out hunting and glassing and later watched a guy stop near my truck and get something . I clued in real quick what happened. He found my GPS! Later in the morning , I drove around till I found the vehicle at thier camping spot. I was to mad to stop so I went and met up with my uncle and he tried to calm me down. He said I will go get it for you . WEll they gave it to him when he told them there was a raving 300 lb gorilla just down the road screamin for blood! I'm actually a nice guy, When I'm sleeping hehe!!
  25. SirRoyal

    !!! 10 year old LOST GUN !!!

    Ouch that hurts !!! Sure hope someone turns it in .